Showing posts with label Chibi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chibi. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A little Chibi before the show...

I was chatting with my friend John from Soda Pop Miniatures a few weeks back, and the conversation turned to AdeptiCon. John pointed out the Crystal Brush had a Chibi category this year. I thought it was only right that I painted up a model from Soda Pop's Super Dungeon Explore board Game to enter. After looking through the box I settled on this dynamic barbarian leaping forward with her enormous axe.

I must say that the Chibi genre isn't really my thing, so it was interesting to see what I needed to adjust in my painting approach to achieve a reasonably "proper" look. I harbor absolutely no illusions, this isn't my best work and I'm sure she'll really just be filling out the cabinet. I'm quite curious to see what my friend Drew Drescher brings along for this category. His painting is great and he loves his Chibi : )

Twenty-four long hours until I board my flight to AdeptiCon : )
