Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drew at the Zoo!

Our Luna Moms Group had a playdate at The Fort Worth Zoo yesterday. Drew had never been to the zoo before, and the last time I went was way before Drew was ever born. So, I was obviously excited about our upcoming experience! It was better than I ever imagined, thanks to Drew being SO good in his stroller. Also, a BIG "Thanks!" goes to my mom for helping us out since I'm not supposed to be walking that much, especially while pushing a stroller. I didn't take my good camera, but I did the best I could with the one I had.

Click here to view these pictures larger

Monday, April 26, 2010

Project Furniture - Completed

Bryan and my dad rented a U-Haul today so they could pick up the nursery furniture. I am so happy with how it turned out! There's still a lot to do, but we're off to a good start!

Drew wanted to help!

The crib/bedding...we still need a mattress.

Various views of the room.

The mobile. I need to get a better picture of this. The animals are so cute!

His winter outfit is already in his armoire!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Project Paint - Completed

Saturday morning Bryan woke up early to paint James' room. I've been really stressed out about the lack of progress in that room, but this weekend I'm feeling much better! Bryan and I finished painting today, and although there were a few glitches, we made it work. We are going tomorrow evening to pick up the furniture, and I can't wait to see what it looks like in the room!

The freshly painted nursery with the lone chair.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well, while my family was over last night, my brother and Bryan taped up the nursery so painting could begin! Bryan began painting early this morning, and will hopefully be finished by Sunday evening...we have a busy weekend!

We officially have paint on the wall!

Another view...there's also a sneak peek of the bedding!

This is just how he wanted to spend his Saturday morning!

Happy Birthday, Nonnie!

This week has been a week full of birthdays! Anissa turned 1 on Tuesday, and my mom turned [insert age here] yesterday! Last night we celebrated my mom's birthday by having a cookout at our house. We actually got to enjoy the backyard for the first time in a VERY long time! We cooked out hamburgers and had red velvet cake & ice cream for dessert. The night was filled with laughs and a great time with family. Mom even scored some really great gifts (lunch tote from AJ's family - shayla made it!, Vera Bradley travel case, and money to add a new storywheel to her necklace). Happy birthday, Mom! I hope you had as great a time as we did!

The birthday girls

Drew and his juice box - this was a first!

Poppa being silly.

Karis...I actually got her to look at the camera! No smile, but that's okay :)

Mercedes and her chips :)

The grillmaster.

Who knows what AJ is doing.

Here comes the cake!

Happy birthday to you!

Nonnie and her cake.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Anissa!!

Our youngest niece Anissa turned the big O-N-E yesterday! Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know!!!

Excited about her first baby doll. It is SO cute and even has Anissa's name on it!

Such a cute cake topper.

The cake. It was YUMMY too.

Sweet sisters with mommy.

The party is over, and Anissa is loving her new chair and doll.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Pictures of James (28 weeks, 6 days)

Here are the rest of the sono pictures we got on Tuesday. Enjoy!

I Just THOUGHT It Was A Good Deal

While shopping at Target this week, I came upon one of their great clearance items...Gerber All-in-One Waterproof Training Pants. Even though we're not potty training just yet, I thought I'd go ahead and get the deal so we have them for the summer when we DO start. Luckily I only washed one pair! And I swear I followed instructions. I know Target doesn't take back the clearance items (at least I don't think they do), but REALLY!?! I'm sure gonna try to get my money back tomorrow. If they won't do it, I'm calling Gerber!

Before - nice and smooth

After - ripped to shreds

Gettin' a Little Crafty

Since I'm nesting, and I can't do anything with the nursery right now (don't get me started), I've decided to start planning Drew's 2nd birthday party for next month! I actually started planning it about a month ago, but now that we're exactly a month away, I thought I'd better test some of my ideas to make sure they work. So, here's a sneak peek at just one element of his party. Thanks to my friend Tiffany for the idea!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby James Update!

I went for my follow-up and sonogram today! We definitely have a big boy growing in my tummy! I am currently 28 weeks & 6 days pregnant, and James is measuring 30 weeks & 3 days. He weighs approximately 3.75 pounds...average for 29 weeks is 2.5 pounds. He is healthy, though, so we have nothing to worry about! I'm just going to be uncomfortably big for the next 2 months!! Here is a sweet picture of his profile. I'll try to scan and post the rest later.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Murphy's Week (or 2)

So, Murphy has attacked us! The past couple of weeks have been consumed with one problem after another:

1. We had a very windy day a couple of weeks ago, and it ended up blowing part of our fence down! The fence is technically our backyard neighbors' but they sure haven't done anything about it! So, right now, we have it propped up so their Golden Retriever can't get into our backyard...Coco still visits their dog though :).

2. As some of you may recall, we had our master shower torn out and rebuilt right after Drew was born. This fall we noticed it leaking so Bryan calked it. Well, at about the same time as the wind storm, he noticed a pretty good size crack in the shower! Luckily we talked to a professional, and he thinks the crack can be calked and everything will be okay. We will just wait and see!

3. Good Friday ended up not being so good for Drew. He started running a fever that Thursday, and by Friday it was up to 104.4. We of course took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with ANOTHER ear infection (and he has tubes)! The doctor prescribed him 2 antibiotics, and we go back to the ENT this week for a checkup. I'm hoping everything is cleared up!!

4. Last Monday Coco wasn't himself. He just laid around, and when I let him out to go potty, he had a lot of problems. He also started shaking and throwing up. Knowing this was not normal by any means, I called our vet and they sent us to the emergency animal hospital...our regular vet was booked for the day and they didn't want to risk us waiting until the next day. We took him to the hospital, and they ended up diagnosing him with bladder stones, a kidney stone, kidney infection, and urinary tract infection. The infection was so bad that it was causing Coco to feel really really bad. They kept him overnight hooked up to IVs, but he still wouldn't get up or eat after 24 hours. They finally sent him home Tuesday hoping he would perk up and eat in our presence. Well, that didn't work either. He was up every 45 minutes during the night trying to go potty...with no luck. I called our regular vet the next day hoping they could get him in since the emergency hospital was SUPER expensive, and they did! They ended up keeping him overnight and changed his antibiotics. By Thursday, he was eating a little bit so they scheduled him for surgery. He ended up having three bladder stones removed, and he got to come home on Friday. Even though he's on 3 different medications, he is gettin better every day! He still can't jump up on the couch or off of our bed, but he is eating nonstop and has no problems going potty! He's also running around and is back to his cranky self when it comes to Drew being around (ugh). We go back next week for his checkup, and that's when we'll find out what kind of stones he had and whether or not we have to change his diet. I won't tell you the cost of this horrible Coco week, but let's just say, according to Bryan, it would cover every dog we would ever want in the future...and it cost more than it will to deliver James.

5. Lastly, I ended up going to the hospital yesterday! We were sitting in church, and I started having contractions that were back to back and just wouldn't stop. I have had Braxton-Hicks contractions since about 17 weeks, but I'll usually only have 1 or 2 per hour. Yesterday, I had about 20 in 1 hour. SO, Bryan took me to the hospital, and I was monitored for about 5 or 6 hours. They gave me 3 injections to try to stop the contractions, and they pumped me full of fluids hoping that would help in case I was dehydrated. If the contractions went away, it was only for about 30 minutes. Then they would come back stronger than before. All of my tests for pre-term labor came back negative, so I was discharged with a prescription just in case I had problems at home. I'm supposed to watch my activity - no exercise, minimal walking, and no heavy lifting. How long? I won't find out until tomorrow. I go to my regular OB for a follow-up and sonogram, so hopefully he'll give me more information then.

SO, as you can see, we've been hit by Murphy's horrible law. The good news is Coco & Drew are better, the shower seems to be easy to fix, and the fence is not our responsibility. As for my pregnancy, I will keep you all updated as I get more information!

I hope all of you have had a better couple of weeks than us!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Welcome, Third Trimester!

Today marks my first day in the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy! I feel like I should have this baby any day, though. I went to the doctor yesterday for my checkup (I'm going every other week now), and I am still measuring 8-9 weeks!! I'm measuring at 36 or 37 weeks, and I'm only 28 weeks along!! I have another sonogram on the 19th, so we'll be able to see if the baby is big, or if it's just me!

How far along? 28 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: Better than it was. Not as much pain! It's definitley getting harder to sit up and get out of bed!

Best moment this week: Despite my rapid weight gain over the last trimester, the doctor said my diet sounds fine...not the most healthy, but not much I should change.

Movement: Some kicks, but mostly sticking elbows/knees out. He is also doing somersaults in there.

Food cravings: Sweets!

Gender: IT'S A BOY! James Christian Davenport

Labor Signs: still just braxton hicks.

Belly Button in or out? Flat with a slight bulge at the top.

What I miss: Not having constant back pain.Being able to get out of bed easily and not go to the bathroom 4-5 times during the night.

What I am looking forward to: Our sonogram & scheduling the c-section.

Weekly Wisdom: Drink more water!

Milestones: Officially in the 3rd trimester!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just Another Tuesday

I don't think I've ever gotten a picture of Drew right before we leave for "school". Today he looked too handsome to pass up the picture opportunity. Here he is, cheezy grin and all!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

This Easter weekend was much like last year's. Bryan, myself, and Drew had planned on going to the Cross Service at our church on Good Friday, but we had to cancel at the last minute. Last year it was due to Bryan's mom being in a pretty bad car accident, and this year it was due to our baby boy Drew running a 104.4 fever (due to ANOTHER ear infection). Luckily, our church just recently started streaming all services live online so my mom, Bryan, and I got to watch the service from home. It probably didn't have the same impact it would have in person, but it was worth it.

Today, Easter Sunday, our little family along with Nonnie/Poppa and Kaki, skipped Sunday School but made it to our regular Sunday morning service. The message on Good Friday was all about Christ's death, and today's was all about His resurrection and the power of His life.

After the wonderful service, we all made our way to Raven's Grille at Texas Star Golf Club. We go there about once a year as a big family because they have an all-you-can-eat buffet/brunch for special occasions. Of course, Easter is DEFINITELY a special occasion. Drew did really good there, and ate a TON of fruit and flirted with the cute waitress. When it came time to see the Easter bunny, he wasn't all that excited. He stayed right next to me, and every once in a while he'd laugh at the bunny. However, once the bunny reached out his hand for Drew to give him a high 5, Drew wanted NOTHING to do with him. No tears, but there was definitely a death grip on my leg. I'm so bummed none of us had our cameras there for that...maybe next year. I did, however, get a picture of Drew being his silly self. Nonnie showed him that he can see his reflection in a spoon, so all through lunch when someone asked him, "Where's Drew?", he'd scrunch up his face and put the spoon right in front of his nose. It was hilarious.

We made it back to our house after lunch for a quick egg hunt just for Drew. He had one last year inside Nonnie & Poppa's house, but this year was outside and he actually hunted for the eggs! It was so fun!!!

Lastly, we got pictures of our little man with everyone before they had to leave.
We tried to get one of him kissing James (my belly), but he though he had to pull up my dress to do it. That was NOT going to work...especially since we were in the front yard for all the neighbors to see!

Drew, Mama, & Daddy

Drew with Nonnie & Poppa

And this made me cry.

Drew & Kaki

Drew & his daddy.

Tonight we are heading to my brother's house for dinner and a flashlight Easter egg hunt. I will post pics as soon as I can!

We hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Easter!

He is risen! He is risen, indeed!!