Friday, July 17, 2009


So I was browsing the Internet this morning trying to get ideas for Drew's halloween costume, and I came across the most inappropriate child costume I've ever seen. I know I'm pretty conservative when it comes to Halloween, but I think anyone who has kids would think this is horrific. On, I found a HANNIBAL LECTER child costume. REALLY?!? I'd be really surprised if anyone young enough to wear size 10-12 costumes knows who Hannibal Lecter is. I sure hope none of my friends/family ever let their kid(s) dress up as that psycho.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Puppy Dog Eyes

Sometimes it's hard to discipline Drew. Just look at those eyes. Could you resist them??


Is our little boy SERIOUSLY getting this big?? Yesterday, he learned to get OFF of his horse by himself and get ON his truck with no help! He's growing up WAY too fast!

Riding his horsie. I didn't get a picture of him getting off because it was kind of a rocky dismount.

So proud that he climbed on by himself!

More Loves for Patches

Drew has gotten to REALLY love Patches. When he wakes up from his naps, he usually goes straight for his teddy bear. I tell him to love him, and this is what he does.

Step 1: Find Patches

Step 2: Give Patches the sweetest look ever.

Step 3: Hug Patches really really tight.

The McKees

My childhood friend Allison was in town with her 6 1/2 month old son, and we got to meet them at their lakehouse for some lunch and playtime. Allison lives in California, so we RARELY get to see her. Now that she's a stay-at-home mommy (yay!), she will hopefully be coming in town more.

Look at Bryce's BIG blue eyes! Such a handsome little boy.

Bryce tested out Drew's booster seat and loved it. I think his mommy will have to get him one soon!

Drew had to show him how to play with it.

Drew LOVED playing with the dominoes.

Allison & Bryce, Me & Drew

1 Minute

If you've read my previous post about how fast Drew can mess up his room, consider this a continuation. I recently took a picture of Drew investigating his bookcase that had just been cleaned up that morning. Exactly a minute later, it was destroyed.

July 7, 2009 - photo taken at 4:32pm CST.

July 7, 2009 - photo taken at 4:33pm CST - EXACTLY 1 minute later.

What a Difference a Year Makes

We took the same type of picture this year on the 4th of July as we did last year. Look at the difference!!

July 4, 2008 - 7 weeks old

July 4, 2009 - 13 1/2 months old (Please ignore the drugged look in the second picture.)

Fourth of July, 2009

This year we had a pretty laid back Fourth of July. We had our parents and neighbors over for some swimming, and then we (Bryan) cooked out fajitas and made sopapilla cheesecake (yummy) for dinner. After dinner we headed over to watch the Grapevine fireworks. However, we got there SO early that we all got too hot and tired to wait for them to start. So, we left before they even started. Drew's too young to remember anyway, right? Even though we missed the fireworks, we still had a wonderful day with family and friends.

Mamma & Drew playing in the water.

Poppa is teaching Drew how to kick. He finally had one leg going by himself by the end of the night.

Poppa and Drew swingin'. I don't think Drew enjoyed this at all! :)

More smiles from the swing.

Being silly with Daddy's hat.

Have the fireworks started yet?

We're pooped. Time to head home!

Crazy About Cadence

We had our church friends, Justin, Courtney, and Cadence, over on July 3rd for some pool time and burgers. Cadence and Drew are just 1 month and 1 day apart, so I was anxious to see how they would interact without any other kids around. It turns out that they LOVE to share!! Who would've thunk? They shared every toy they played with - even in the bathtub. Yes, we have blackmail pictures for their highschool days. Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time and couldn't have asked for a better family to spend the evening with.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Three Toddlers and a Baby

...and the baby isn't Drew anymore [insert sad sigh here].

Thursdays are usually playdates with SMAK (short for Aunt Shayla, Mercedes, Anissa, and Karis).

The past two times, they have all come to our house for the day so their car can get repaired. This past time, it was so neat to see the 'three toddlers' standing in a circle playing, sitting on the floor reading together, or sitting at the piano making music together...yes, all three of these things happened in one day. ALSO, baby Anissa has developed so much since I saw her last! She smiles and talks all of the time, and she's got the strongest neck ever! I can't wait for her to show us even more of her personality. I'm SO glad that we live so close to family so the kids can grow up together. I couldn't ask for anything more (except maybe for cousins Kate and Garrett to move closer - they live in Lubbock). Here are a few highlights from our latest SMAK playdate.

Baby Anissa being such a sweety.

They're just growing up too fast!

Oops. Drew spotted the camera.

Reading time.

Karis was really enjoying reading to Drew...and Drew liked it as well.

Music time.

Mercedes - She may take after her daddy...he was a great pianist at one time.

Maybe they're collaborating on a new piece.



I don't know about yall, but when Bryan and I were growing up, we loved our Gloworms. When we found out we were pregnant, I told Bryan that our child would HAVE to have a Gloworm. So, for Christmas, Santa Claus surprised Drew with his first Gloworm. He wasn't really interested in it at the time, but his interest has definitely grown over the past couple of months. A couple weeks ago, he finally learned that the belly is magic! Just press it, and Gloworm sings while the face lights up. Now we keep it in his crib at all times. Drew is usually playing with it right when he goes to bed and right when he wakes up. It's so sweet to watch him with it.

Goin' to bed with Gloworm.


More Room to Play!

I recently cleaned out Drew's closet, and it created another playspot for the little guy. When his swing isn't stored in there, Drew LOVES to go into his closet and explore everything. (No, he doesn't use his swing still. My 3-month old niece Anissa uses it when she's over here.)

Taking After Mamma

Drew sure knows how to mess up his room FAST. He definitely takes after me (his mamma)...messes it up fast, but then it takes forever to get it clean. Since Drew doesn't clean yet, it actually takes ME forever to get it cleaned up. I usually leave it messy for a few days because why would I clean it up if he is just going to mess it up the next minute!?! Anyway, here are a couple of shots of his room on any given day WE will learn to clean up after ourselves.

Swimming with Daddy

Our little family went to the neighborhood pool recently, and Drew got to spend some quality swim time with his daddy. Bryan took him under the waterfall, which I wasn't sure Drew would enjoy, but he did! I thought we'd be going to the pool a lot more this summer, but unfortunately we just haven't made it out there much. Maybe now that I know Drew enjoys it out there, we'll be making a few more trips.

All geared up, and ready to go!

Mamma pulling Drew in the wagon...we get our exercise by walking 3/4 of a mile to and from the pool (yes, 3/4 of a mile EACH WAY). It gets WAY hot!

Drew likes to chew on his sunglasses while chillin' in the wagon.

Half-way there!

Daddy and Drew after their initial dip in the pool.

Experiencing the waterfall for the first time.

REALLY experiencing the waterfall. He actually liked going under it!