Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Peas - Yummm!

Drew tried peas tonight, and he absolutely loved them. I don't have any pictures because Bryan wasn't home from work yet, and he's usually the dinner time photographer. We may get pictures tomorrow evening, but they won't be anything too special since he doesn't make funny faces while eating peas. Tonight, I didn't even have the spoon ready to feed Drew and he was already looking at me with his mouth wide open ready for the next bite. It was pretty funny. Next on the list is carrots.

He's a little HALF Bear too!

Some of yall (Mom and LL) have made comments about us having no pictures of Drew in his Baylor gear on the blog. Well, thanks to Nonnie (my mom), we have pictures! My mom and dad took Drew to his first Baylor football game while we were in Spain, and he was apparently a hit with the cheerleaders.

Ladies' Man

Drew with our friend Katie. Drew was watching the fireworks that go off when Baylor scores. Sic 'Em Bears!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun at the Park

We took Drew to our neighborhood park for the first time this afternoon. Last time I was over there I tried him in the swing, but he was way too little. Today he fit!!

Drew got to swing with Mommy and go down the slide with Daddy. I think he liked swinging a little better, but I'm sure the slide will become his favorite in no time.

We're about to swing!

This is Near!

This is Far!

We're about to slide!

We're gettin' ready!

Here we go!


That was silly.

Now it's time for the DOUBLE slide!

Our Little HALF Aggie

We went to Bryan's company picnic yesterday, and of course he wanted Drew to wear his Aggie gear since it was gameday. Unfortunately, there was a Longhorn baby there wearing his little jersey. We got some really cute pictures though.

Bryan and Drew in their gameday gear.

Travis & Aiden (the little Longhorn) and Bryan and Drew (the little Aggie). It's a good thing Texas wasn't playing A&M...that could have gotten ugly.

Green Beans - Yuck!

Drew tried green beans for the first time Friday night, and he definitely was not a fan. He did better tonight, but he still made some pretty awful faces. He starts on peas Thursday, and I really hope he likes those better.

Come on Mom! I'm ready!

Here it comes!


The Purple Dinosaur

Our newest thing is to let Drew watch cartoons in the morning while I'm eating breakfast and getting his breakfast ready. The other day he was playing and playing, and then Barney came on and he froze. He stared at that television from start to end, and he's loved the show ever since.

Notice his hands are frozen in the position they were in when he was playing before the show started. He stayed like this for the entire show.

Proof that he was really watching Barney - our friend Brian should be proud :)

Sweet Dreams

Drew has started falling asleep on us (literally) around 8:00 or so in the evenings. He doesn't take his last bottle until around 9:00, so this is how he sleeps until then.

Drew is Finally Rolling Over!

When we were in Schulenberg last weekend, Drew decided to FINALLY roll over! He's not a fan of tummy time, so it's taking him a while to accomplish the task. Anyway, one morning I put him on his tummy on the hotel bed, and over he went! He did it twice in a row, but wouldn't do it any more after that. Throughout the weekend, we tried to get him to do it again, and he did about 2 times more on the floor.

When we finally got back home, he wouldn't do it. He would try and try but he couldn't get his arm under him. The past few days we've been working with him, and he's being more consistent. He still gets stuck on occasion, but he's improving. Here are a few pictures of him doing his trick.

Here I go!

Ta Da!

I'm trying so hard, but I just can't get it!

Schulenberg, Texas

My parents, Bryan, Drew, and I went to Schulenberg, TX last weekend for my cousin's wedding. Congratulations Paul! It's a quaint little Czech town with some good kolaches! Anyway, this was Drew's very first wedding to attend, so he had to look his best of course! He had his cords and loafers on, and I personally think he was the best lookin' little guy there.

Me, Drew, Bryan, and my mom at the wedding reception.

Poppa and Drew watching the first dance.

Drew's Puppy

Other than Coco and Yukon, Drew has a puppy that he's just fallen in love with. It's about as big as he is, but he sure does enjoy playing with it and TRYING to get it in his mouth (EVERYTHING migrates to his mouth these days). Here he is sitting in his little chair playing with his favorite puppy.

This one cracks me up. It looks like he's just done something he's not supposed to.

Monday, September 22, 2008

4 Months Old!

Drew turned 4 months on September 16. He also got to visit the doc that day to get some more shots. He did well until the shots, but he stopped crying shortly after. I had to take him to the doc by myself, and I'm thinking that's not going to happen anymore...at least not for the ones where he gets shots. It's hard being alone with a screaming baby PLUS trying to hear the doctor give you instructions PLUS dressing the baby while he's screaming. All in all everything went well. He's liking his rice cereal, and he started oatmeal this morning. He wasn't a big fan, but I'm sure he'll get more used to it. It's definitely a different texture than rice.

4 Month Stats:

Weight: 13 lbs. 4.5 oz. - 25th percentile
Height: 24 1/4 inches - 25th percentile

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drew's New Toy

When we were in Lubbock a few weeks ago, Bryan's sister had borrowed a Fisher-Price Jumparoo from a friend for Drew to use. He absolutely loved it, so the first thing we did when we got home was order him one of his own. We received it Sunday, and Drew has been jumping like crazy since.

Pictures from Spain

Well, here are our pictures from our Spain trip. We were there September 7-13, and it was a great experience. We stayed in Madrid and visited places such as Seville, The Valley of the Fallen, Escoreal, Prado Museum, The Royal Palace, and others. My photos aren't captioned yet simply because I can't remember what a lot of the places are. I'm going to have to get our book out and caption them when I have more time (aka no baby around).

I'm about to go stay at Nonnie & Poppa's house for the week!!

A family picture before Mommy & Daddy leave the country.

Mommy & Daddy's pictures of Spain.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We're Back!

Bryan and I got back from Spain last night, and Drew & my parents met us at the airport. It was SO good to see our little boy after a week of missing him so much.

We took tons of pictures in Spain, and my parents took lots of pictures of Drew while we were gone. I'll be posting all of those pictures in the next few days. I just need to figure out how I'm going to do it with SO many pics.

Until then, yall have a good one!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're in Spain!

Bryan and I are currently in Spain, so the blog won't be updated for another week or so. Drew is staying with my parents right now, and it's SUPER hard to go to bed at night without kissing those cheeks of his and telling him how much Daddy and I love him. Luckily my mom has been sending us pictures and videos of him from the past couple of days, and it's helping me cope much better. I know he's in good hands, but I just feel like part of me is missing right now. I can't wait to get back on Saturday and see our little guy. Only about 4 days left!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Regular Occurrence

Drew has been falling asleep on us around 8:00 lately. Tonight he fell asleep playing again - TWICE within an hour.


Drew started on Rice cereal last night. He wasn't too thrilled about the new taste & texture. He screamed and screamed for the first few minutes. Then he calmed down for about 10 minutes - just long enough to get a few spoonfuls in his mouth. He did good taking it - he didn't spit too much back out.

I'm ready!!!

Not too bad...

Tonight he screamed and screamed every time he took a bite. He lasted about 15 minutes this time, so I think he got a little more than last night. I'm hoping the screaming will stop after a few more days. Let me know if any of yall have had this same problem and what you did to stop it!

Weekend in Shallowater, Texas

We spent Labor Day weekend in Shallowater, TX visiting Bryan's sister & family. Drew and his cousins, Kate & Garrett, hit it off immediately. They hadn't seen Drew since he was 1 week old, so it was Drew's first time to really interact with the kids. We can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas!!

Another Way Daddy Likes to Annoy Mommy

He makes Drew wear his toys.

Meet Patches

This is Patches.

I made Patches at Build-a-Bear before Drew was born hoping that one day he would love and cuddle with him.

It looks like my wish has come true.

Male Model

Drew was modeling this cute outfit for us last week.

This is his serious pose:

This is his playful pose: