Friday, March 25, 2011

8 month

Marcus is 8 months old and is SO much fun!! Dave and I love each new stage and can't wait for the next. Marcus is constantly making Dave and I smile and laugh. We have never seen a happier baby, and never thought being parents would be so easy (we are praying it continues throughout his life).
  • He has not broken through with any teeth yet and we are not too anxious for that because we know it will be painful for him. 
  • He wants to crawl and usually gets his little bum in the air but can't quite push his arms up. 
  • He is quickly learning "goodbye" and "hello" and gets a big grin when we say either to him. 
  • He loves to sleep on his tummy and will sleep all the way through the night, sometimes without his binky. (again, Dave and I hope this continues). 
  • He absolutely loves to sit up and play with his toys
  • He got his second flu shot this month and didn't even cry, I thought for a second that the nurse hadn't given it to him (I don't watch I just cuddle my little guy) but she said the put it in and he didn't even blink
  • He loves to suck in his lower lip, he looks adorable, we call him our muppet marcus
  • He smiles and giggles when we play patty cake
  • He is getting used to the little puffs and loves his banana mum mum
  • He is fascinated with Toby and we now have to be careful that Marcus doesn't hurt Toby, he wants to grab his toys and play with Toby so bad
  • He loves to chew on the books but not so much read them yet
  • He has the chubbiest thunder thighs and cute little cheeks
  • He has started to talk or babble and especially loves to talk with his daddy, it's adorable to hear them scream at each other
  • One of the best things of this stage of Marcus is that he LOVES to cuddle, he will put his head on your shoulder and cuddle up so tight, it melts our hearts

I put this one in for the face that Dave is making :)

Do you think he likes his sippy cup?

When we first gave him a bath he would love to chew on his rubber duckies and now they are one of his favorite toys, he did this when Dave was feeding him dinner one night

How can you resist that cute face and that hair?

There's the baby mum mum
Who likes all the attention in the house, it's not Marcus

Here are some of his favorite toys to play with

Our little hoodlum

Just in case he becomes a football star :)
One day I got out some kitchen utensils for him to play with, he loved them!!

I think he is going to be a great cup drinker

He loves to grab at the garbage can when he gets his walker over there, I love the annoyed look on Toby's face!

Bath time, he loves to play peek-a-boo

He has crazy hair, no matter how much we try and contain it.

One day I just let him go at his peas, he had so much fun, look at that grin

Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

We had a really fun St. Patrick's Day. Marcus wore this cute little "Kiss me I"m Irish" shirt which was the very first baby thing I bought after I found out I was pregnant. I went in to Babies R' Us and spent an hour just looking around at all the baby stuff and got so excited. When I saw this shirt I knew we had to have it seeing as the Kelly family is Irish. Dave takes great pride that he is Irish. I was so excited for him to wear it and he looked adorable. We spent the day making playing, making sugar cookies and then had a yummy brinner for dinner. We made rainbow waffles!! Happy St. Patrick's Day


Monday, March 14, 2011

Kelly Family winter happenings

Here in bullet points is what we have been up to the last few months:

  • Here we thought Marcus would love little puffs to eat, this picture explains his reaction (I crack up every time I see it because of his cry and the puff sticking to his mouth)

  • Finishing off rooms that needed those last few things fixed, basically stuff we didn't want to do before that we are doing now so that when it is spring we won't have to stay inside and do it.
  • We took Marcus to his first movie, he slept through "Gnomeo and Juliet" except for the last 10 minutes, what a champ!!
  • Enjoying our "groupons", "city deals", etc that we got for Christmas - I got an amazing foot massage that I should have done when I was pregnant
  • Found out about a fabulous thing called "Bountiful Basket" check them out here, it has been a life saver on our food budget and we get fruits and vegetables that I would have never bought, check them out
  • Patiently waiting for Spring so we can get our sprinkler system in and our yard finished, we can't wait!!

That's it in a nutshell. Nothing too exciting.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sitting up milestone

Marcus is sitting up! I knew he would love to be sitting up because he LOVES playing with his toys and entertaining himself. He will sit there and play all day long if I let him. It took him a little while to figure out how to sit up on his own but this week he finally mastered it. We have a few tip overs here and there but otherwise he is loving being able to do more things. Next on to crawling :) I don't know if Dave and I are ready for this milestone or not.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7 month

Marcus is 7 months old!!  Dave and I love Marcus more every day because of how interactive he is becoming towards us. He gets cuter every day, if that is even possible. His eye lashes have grown and they are now curling, just like his daddy's. Evey day Marcus melts our hearts and makes us smile and laugh. Here are some highlights from the month:

  • We introduced the sippy cup because Marcus was getting constipated because of the apple sauce we were feeding him. We started feeding him apricot nectar and he LOVES the sippy cup. He's really messy with it but also loves the nectar.
  • He is still rolling everywhere and sitting up for a few minutes at a time, we are working on getting him to support himself sitting but he gets tired and likes to be on his back
  • We finally stopped swaddling him after realizing he is mr houdini and just got out of it every time, no matter how tight. The transition to a sleepsack went really well, and he loves the freedom to roll around in his crib and be able to take his binky in and out of his mouth.
  • He is sleeping through the night from 8pm-6am!!
  • Marcus is mesmerized by other kids. At church he loves to stare at the kids and see what they are doing. He is so inquisitive and curious about other people. It's so fun to watch him being so curious.
  • His favorite song is "The wheels on the bus", he gets a big grin on his face every time we sing it with him.
  • He didn't cry at all when I took him to our pediatrician to get the second flu shot, I was shocked!!
  • He is a champion eater and will eat anything we make for him. His favorites are: bananas, carrots and plums.
  • His hair is out of control and growing longer on the sides than on top, we want to give him a haircut but feel he is a little young.
  • Marcus loves bathtime and chewing on the rubber duckies, they have now become one of his favorite toys.
  • We feel so lucky to have such an easy going little boy. He adapts to anything and is so easy to take care of. He loves life and I love to see his big smile and kicking legs and arms each morning when he wakes up. We love you Marcus!!!

Having fun with daddy

He has his daddy's cheesy grin, I love it!

He loves to chew on the washrag when we try to wash his face after he eats

Marcus is so lucky to get fed by his mom and his dad. He adapts so well to nursing but also eating out of a bottle. Since he was born, Dave wanted to help out with feeding him and spending more time with him. So Dave feeds him a bottle at night with pumped milk. Dave and Marcus love this time together and Dave really looks forward to it. I love that Dave wants to be so involved with Marcus's care.

As you can see Toby loves to be a part of everything.

Look at that cute face, he loves rolling around in his pajamas in the morning.

He loves his stack toys, especially the stand

Whenever we give him his rubber duck toys he always sticks the head in his mouth and just leaves it there while we bathe him, so cute!!
Again, Toby always has to be involved

Marcus is noticing Toby more and more each day and Toby is also interested in Marcus but mainly gets jealous of him

I just wanted to show the swaddle blanket we used that was a life saver to allow marcus to sleep well. I know it looks like a straight jacket for babies but once he was swaddled he would fall right asleep.

Dave can get him to laugh more than anybody, I love to see the two play together

Marcus still loves his exercauser and now bounces all the time in it.

Mommy wanted a picture with marcus, he just wants the camera

I love this little guy so much!!

Marcus's new Easter church outfit (a little early but he didn't fit in to his other one so we had to get him a new one) doesn't he look so handsome!!