Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Superman!!

This post is to brag about my hubbie. I don't like to embarrass him on our blog or on the internet but he deserves a little praise and recognition. Ever since we have dated he has loved superman and expressed to me that he is amazing and just like superman and will never die. I have slowly come to realize that he is like superman and is completely amazing. Last night after I got home from work about 7:30 there was a beautiful card and these beautiful flowers waiting for me on the piano. He also gave me a congratulations card for my new job. Dave is an amazing husband who is so thoughtful and kind. So everyone who reads this, tell him he is amazing!! I love you sweetie and thank you for all the support this last year and the last three and half months of unemployment!!

Dave's hair was so long he made a superman curl, isn't he the spit image of superman?

The beautiful flowers dave bought me, he said "I even arranged them myself" with a big smile!


Ford Fam said...

What a good hubby!

T Fowler said...

What a lucky girl you are! Dave is great and we are so happy to have him in our family.

Grandmakicki said...

I am glad that Dave gave you flowers. He is a special superman.