My sister and I are 23 years apart in age. She was already married, had kids, and lived 3000 miles away while I was growing up. I always wondered what it would have been like to have a sister to grow up with. Sisters just seem so close. I think it is awesome that my girls have each other. I always wondered what my nieces could possibly have to talk about when they were supposed to be going to bed but instead lay giggling for hours at night. I hope that my girls will have that. Evelyn already tries to play "mommy" with Elaina. If Elaina has anything except a baby toy in her hands, Evelyn quickly rips it away even if I say "no it's ok if she plays with that." Elaina is not so mild mannered and will shriek when her rights have been violated. She lets her sister know in no uncertain terms that her toy has been taken away and she is not happy about it. I wonder what will happen as they grow. I hope they learn to work it out and be patient with one another. I hope they are best friends. I hope they think the other is the most awesome person in the whole world.
12 hours ago
Cute pictures! Having sisters are the best! I'm close to both even though they are 5 and 8 years younger than me. You do have an awesome sister though... I love her to pieces, but so weird that she was gone when you were born! hehe
You are right Katie, I do have an awesome sister. I always felt jipped that she lived so far away and I hardly ever got to see her and still don't really. We've never lived even close to each other.
SO ADORABLE!!!!! they are the cutest sisters! I always wanted to experience having a sister close in age too, never knew what the hype was about, but always wished...
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