Brandon of Siris provides a variant of the various 100 Books memes that have wandered the blogsphere recently.
The basic idea was this: a list of a hundred books, each providing a relatively accessible portal to philosophy, likely to have something of interest to a very wide range of people, in order to encourage a wider reading in philosophy, and perhaps an interest in philosophy among those who might be turned off by anything too academic. So that constrained the list to philosophical works available in English, not too difficult to find (at least with a good library), not too overwhelming (e.g., not too long or too jargonish), potentially enjoyable to all sorts of people; there was also the constraint, considerably more limiting, that only books I'd read in some version or translation or other could be included, since only if I had read the book at least once, at some point, could I be sure it was a reasonable candidate for the list. I also tried to limit relatively recent philosophical work in order to compensate for the bias of recency. Also, with a few very readable exceptions, I have bypassed standard college course fare. The result was as follows, in no particular order. (I have linked to those available online in some form. Needless to say, and although some of the editions are quite good, this does not always or even usually indicate that this is the best edition available. The rest should be accessible through a descent university library or good bookstore. Also, it should go without saying, but might not, that inclusion on the list, while it shows that I think the work interesting, does not show that I necessarily agree with it in any way.) I have a defense of each one's deserving a place on this list, if you have any questions about a particular entry. Did I miss any good ones? Which ones have you read? If you were going to make your own list, what would be on it?
You can see why I find this irresistable...
Here's the list. I've bolded the one's that I've read:
1. Voltaire, Candide2. Dante, Divine Comedy3. Plato, Apology4. Xenophon,
Apology5. Berkeley,
Alciphron6. Aquinas,
Collationes super Credo in Deum7. Astell, A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Part II
8. Scotus,
A Treatise on God as First Principle9. Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy10. Descartes, Discourse on Method11. Hume,
"Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences"12. O. K. Bouwsma,
"Descartes' Evil Genius"13. Gilson, Forms and Substances in the Arts
14. Bonaventure,
Itinerarium Mentis ad Deum15. Chuang Tzu (Zhuangzi; attr.),
Zhuangzi16. Fa-tsang, Treatise on the Golden Lion
17. Xuedoe/Yuanwu,
The Blue Cliff Record18. Sartre, No Exit19. Chesterton,
Manalive20. Shaw,
Saint Joan21. Anscombe, "Modern Moral Philosophy"
22. Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers
23. Darwin,
The Descent of Man24. Kingsley,
Hypatia25. James,
"The Will to Believe"26. Carroll,
"What the Tortoise Said to Achilles"27. Whewell,
On the Principles of English University Education28. Faraday,
The Chemical History of a Candle29. Masham,
Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Virtuous Christian Life30. Whitehead, Science and the Modern World
31. Lull, Book of the Gentile
32. Ibn Tufayl, Hayy ibn Yaqzan
33. Lucretius, On the Nature of Things34. Butler,
Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel35. Epictetus,
Enchiridion36. Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations37. Johnson,
The History of Rasselas38. More, Utopia39. Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces
40. Bacon, Essays [I've read some, anyway]
41. Justin Martyr,
First Apology42. Minucius Felix,
Octavius43. O'Brien, The Third Policeman
44. ***,
IV Maccabees45. Langland, Piers Plowman46. Lewis, Abolition of Man47. ***,
Cleanness48. Mill,
Utilitarianism49. Anselm,
On Freedom of Choice (PDF)
50. Abelard, Historia Calamitatum51. Ambrose,
On the Duties of the Clergy52. Kant,
"Perpetual Peace"53. Cicero, De Officiis54. Pascal, Pensées [I've read some not all]
55. Sun Tzu,
The Art of War56. Clausewitz,
On War57. Shelley,
"Queen Mab"58. Pope,
An Essay on Man59. Spinoza,
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus60. Beattie,
An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth61. Montaigne, Apology for Raymond Sebond
62. Casanova,
History of My Life63. Lucian,
Hermotimus64. Lorris/Meun, The Romance of the Rose65. Sophocles, Antigone66. Christine de Pisan, Book of the City of Ladies
67. Augustine, Confessions68. Nicholas of Cusa,
On Learned Ignorance (PDF)
69. Erasmus, The Praise of Folly70. Abbott,
Flatland71. Wollstonecraft,
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman72. Gilman,
Herland73. Saadia, Beliefs and Opinions
74. Lessing & Mendelssohn,
"Pope a Metaphysician!"75. Hume,
"A Dialogue"76. Menkin,
The Love of the Righteous77. Lessing,
Nathan the Wise78. Chateaubriand,
The Genius of Christianity79. Nietzsche,
Thus Spake Zarathustra80. Eliot,
Romola81. Maritain, Theonas
82. ***,
The Great Learning83. Stapledon, Sirius
84. Eco, The Name of the Rose85. Novalis,
Heinrich von Ofterdingen86. Vico, De Nostri Temporis Studiorum Ratione (On the Study Methods of Our Time)
87. Fichte,
The Vocation of Man88. Edwards,
Freedom of the Will89. Rousseau,
Discourse on the Arts and Sciences90. Shaftesbury,
"Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humor" (PDF)
91. Newman, Apologia Pro Vita Sua92. Dooyeweerd, In the Twilight of Western Thought
93. Kant,
"On the Question: What is Enlightnment?"94. Austen,
Mansfield Park95. Coleridge,
Biographia Literaria96. Duhem, German Science
97. Diderot,
Rameau's Nephew98. Dryden,
Religio Laici99. Chaucer,
The Parson's Tale100. Teresa of Avila,
Life of Teresa of Avila, by HerselfGiven that I don't reckon myself much of a philosopher, 20% probably isn't too bad. Most of the items I'd have to suggest probably fell under the "standard college fare" exclusion. I would have perhaps suggested the following:
Plato: Euthyphro, Phaedo, Republic
Aristotle: Ethics, Metaphysics
Aquinas: Selections from Summa
Anselm: Discourse on the Existence of God
But those are, of course, very, very standard. (What can I say, I guess I'm a standard sort of guy... )
I was glad to see that Lucretius made the list, as he's long been a favorite of mine.
I scored an unexpected point by having read Romance of the Rose -- though it strikes me as more interesting as a medieval cultural curiosity than as philosophy.
And I'm rather ashamed to admit that a few of the ones highlighted above, which I know that I read, I can recal virtually nothing about.