MrsDarwin's recent post about the blog awards has set me off on one of my phases of thinking that we're getting old and boring and it's not like The Good Old Days of the Catholic Blogsphere. When were the good old days? When Der Tommissar and Rick Lugari were in neck and neck competition to avoid coming in last in their category in a blog contest. Der Tommissar threatened that if he lost, he would catblog for a year -- a threat he proceeded to fulfill when Rick came in ahead despite his blog having been inactive for a number of months.
Ah, those were the days. Represent if you remember.
Lent and Fasting From Meat on Fridays
58 minutes ago
I remember! I still hold out a flicker of hope that Plato's Stepchild will return.
Anonymous Teacher Person!
I was remembering the days when Old Zhou held court in Amy Welborn's combox over at Open Book. Darwin used to comment over there under the name Scotus before we started DarwinCatholic.
And yes, I did delete my own comment because of a typo.
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