This mischievous voice keeps telling me that a 3G equipped iPad would be the perfect house hunting tool, since you could carry it with you to look up directions, look for house listings near where you are, plan itineraries on the hoof, etc.
Doesn't help that the expenses of moving remove all sense of sticker shock. "I mean, sheesh, it's under a thousand dollars and if it make house hunting more efficient..."
Lent and Fasting From Meat on Fridays
34 minutes ago
Why not? Projects such as these require the right tools.
BTW, a friend of mine out here is from the Columbus area. He mentioned that Hilliard and Dublin are both nice areas.
I've had mine for six months now and it is constantly with me. Really the best and most useful gadget I have ever had, plus I have already read about 40 books on it. Though mine is Wi-Fi only since I got it the day it became available.
One thing on using the iPad for househunting. I would check to make sure that those sites aren't using Flash, since the iPad does not support it (unless jailbroken). Though Mobile Flash on Android devices is a mess.
Loving my Droid 2. Of course, I rooted it (jailbroke to the Apple world) in order to get that extra flexibility and customization. The advantage I see to this angle is it fits in my pocket and serves as a phone. Plus it's not AT&T and the service costs less.
You can use the phone as a wireless hot spot for your laptop too. That however depends on the security setting settings that IT places on your work machine though. Unfortunately my mine doesn't allow it, but I haven't totally given up on it. ;)
Rent! RENT! For God's sake, rent your next place! Homeownership has ruined so many people's lives in the past few years, I can't believe people are still even thinking about buying homes.
Even the Economist has acknowledged that widespread homeownership now is keeping the unemployment rate higher than it should be, since people trapped in upside-down mortgages (read: 30% of the population) cannot relocate to find jobs elsewhere.
If you are wealthy enough to buy a nice house using only a small fraction of your personal savings, then by all means go for it. But otherwise, STAY AWAY!
I'm blaming it on you, then.
For whatever reason, I'm much more attracted to the form factor of the iPad than the iPhone. I like the idea of something large enough to really see things on. And I'm used to carrying a laptop most places anyway.
Though it's true that if I can swing a smart phone on my next free cell upgrade without having to pay lots of extra I may well do so.
Perhaps it's partly because I'm among those not at all burned by the recent unpleasantness in real estate prices (and also because the new company throws money at you to buy a new house, but not to rent) but for whatever reason it seems the logical thing to do.
That, and I most landlords would run in terror at the thought of a family with five young kids moving into their property. And I like doing house-upgrade type stuff. On the last one I installed wood floors in addition to the more basic painting, tiling, playhouse building, etc. None of that really works well in a rental.
That said, one of the reasons we moved away from Los Angeles is that we didn't believe in the property valuations there. I'd strongly encourage people living in the top 5-10 coastal metropolican areas to think twice before investing in a house that "just can't lose value".
"the new company throws money at you to buy a new house, but not to rent"
They want to trap you.
Another California vote for renting, Darwin.
If you are dead set on buying, at least know what you are getting into:
Buying may be the emotional thing to do, but it likely is not logical, even if it's being juiced by your employer.
This Californian, who is sitting on three underwater houses (well, two at low tide), I'm going to say that buying *might* be the right choice.
Ohio didn't run up that much during the bubble, so it didn't fall as much during the bust. Look at what house prices have done over the past 10 years in the neighborhoods you're looking at, and remember that if you need to get out, you're going to have to pay the full 6% commission. If it makes sense to buy under those conditions, do it.
Well, I think part of the key is the link which Fletch sends along -- it makes more sense to rent if it's cheaper to rent. The thing is, in our area, for the type of house we need, it's actually cheaper to buy.
Sure, I'll take the blame. Why not? I'm over 1000 miles away. Mrs. Darwin's can't slap me from there.
Darwin, if you mean buying is cheaper per month, I'll readily grant that point if it's what you're seeing in the market. But what will happen to you if the local economy tanks? Homeownership is a good deal - as long as things keep going well for you and your employer. Think about all those poor trapped homeowners in Detroit, or even in Phoenix. Homeownership is easy to get into, but it may be completely impossible to get out.
I wouldn't worry about it anyway Big Tex, MrsDarwin hits like a girl.
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