Thanks to everyone who's offered words of encouragement lately. Even though we've been slow to respond (this is the first day I've read my own blog in almost a week!), we are paying attention and grateful for all your prayers.
Coming up soon, look for my response to Rick Lugari's latest meme (I am NOT aging, Rick!); our continuing thoughts on homeschooling as well as some of our latest reading ventures in that direction; updates on Darwin's father (not much to tell, really -- he's still hanging on, God love him); and New Horizons in Organization for the New Year. Plus, it's time to start getting things ready for the homebirth and young Smaskig's advent in about two months. (What, oh what to do with the placenta? Bury it, freeze it. toss it, barbeque it?)
So the long and short of it is that blogging will be getting back to a regular schedule, and we appreciate your patience with our sporadic posts over the past month.
Lent and Fasting From Meat on Fridays
36 minutes ago
I'm imagining that your house is a bit quieter today...hope you have a blessed day...
I'm very curious about how a home birth works and if this is your first one.
This will be my first homebirth, though I've had two basically textbook labors (hurt like hell, but otherwise like falling off a log). My mom had my youngest brother at home when I was almost 15, and I was there to see how it was done. She made it look so easy that I wasn't too apprehensive going into my first and so didn't expect THE PAIN. Maybe that's the difference between the first labor and the sixth...
Anyways, I've been seeing the midwife for the duration of this pregnancy, and soon she'll be making a home visit just to check the layout. When I go into labor I call her up, she comes out with a backup, and I deliver in the comfort of my own room and then rest in my own bed. At least that's the plan... :) Maybe it's because I'm "aging", but I just can't sleep in an unfamiliar bed, and hospital beds are the worst. I'm so looking forward to this -- not the labor itself, as I'm sure you can understand, but the far more relaxed atmosphere of being at home with dedicated midwives and no stress about getting to the hospital or trying to convince the staff that I'm really in labor.
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