Showing posts with label The Sisters of Mercy 1991. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sisters of Mercy 1991. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 March 2021

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - The Neon Dream - Reading Festival, Reading, UK - 25.08.1991 (Flac)


I noticed After re-uploading the other Reading 1991 bootleg, ir makes sense to reupload this one also, that way the concert is complete, since this one has the initial missing track on the other but misses the encores.

Lineage: Silver Bootleg -> Easy CDDA -> Flac (8)


01.   Intro (Afterhours)
02.   First And Last And Always                                                  
03.   Lucretia, My Reflection
04.   Body And Soul    
05.   Possession    
06.   Ribbons    
07.   Alice    
08.   Dominion/Mother Russia    
09.   Amphetamine Logic    
10.   Detonation Boulevard    
11.   Temple Of Love
12.   Gimme Shelter    
13.   Flood II   
14.   This Corrosion    
15.   Something Fast
16.   Vision Thing   

Sunday, 28 February 2021

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Reading Festival, Reading, UK - 25.08.1991 (Flac)


Another upgrade to FLAC for a classsic bootleg. Only time that "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" was ever played.

CD rip to PC with DB Poweramp converted to Flac 6


01. Ribbons
02. Alice
03. Dominion
04. Logic
05. Detonation Blvd
06. Temple Of Love
07. Gimme Shelter
08. Flood II
09. This Corrosion
10. Something Fast
11. Vision Thing
12. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
13. 1969

Friday, 12 February 2021

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Riviera Theatre, Chicago, USA - 05.04.1991 (Flac)


As von would say this show rocks as a motherfucker xD one of the best sounding bootlegs as for april 91 out there imho + THE best rendition of 1969 i ever heard. Huge Thanks to DrSisters for sending me recording to share here it does sound killer and the band is at it's best!!!

Linage: Unkown, sounds low gen.
Equipment: Unknown, Either DAT or a very good cassette recording.

This show is very easy to identify: first and last time so far they played 1969 in set instead of as a encore.


01 First And Last And Always
02 Lucretia My Reflection
03 Body And Soul
04 Ribbons
05 1969
06 Alice
07 Dominion/Mother Russia
08 Amphetamine Logic
09 Detonation Boulevard
10 Marian
11 This Corrosion
12 Gimme Shelter
13 Flood 2
14 Temple Of Love
15 Something Fast
16 Jolene
17 Valentine
18 Vision Thing

Sunday, 31 May 2020

The Sisters of Mercy - Rolling Stone, Milano, Italy - 10.03.1991 - Complete (Flac)

The taper, Marco L. sent me this recording to be posted here, a HUGE Thank You to him for his generosity.

Not only the recording is very good, as it's the complete recording, including Flood II, which as been absent on the more common version, the Rise and Reverberate Vinyl bootleg.

The photo comes from the photographer Massimo Rana's wix page that contains a lot of excellent photos from this concert, and he's selling prints: go there and check it.

Source: audience recording
Taper : Marco L.
Equipment : Sony D6C + Sony ECM909 mic
Generation: master

Lineage: M.L. master tape > Teac V-1050 deck > Audio MOTU HD896 @ 96k-24bit card > Sony Soundforge Pro (plugins: Izotope Mastering Eq + Izotope Denoiser) > CD Wave Editor (for splitting the tracks) > flac 8


01 Afterhours (intro)
02 First And Last And Always
03 Lucretia, My Reflection
04 Body And Soul
05 Ribbons
06 Alice
07 Dominion/Mother Russia
08 Amphetamine Logic
09 Detonation Boulevard
10 Marian
11 This Corrosion
12 Gimme Shelter
13 Flood II
14 Temple Of Love
15 Something Fast
16 Jolene
17 Valentine
18 Vision Thing

Length : 88 min 46

From the collection of Marco L.
Ripped By Andrea L., October 2018
Edited by Marco L., October 2018

Saturday, 23 May 2020

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Suffer In Vain (Flac)

Lineage: Bootleg Silver CD -> TLH -> Flac (level 6)


Bootleg with songs from 2 concerts of 1991. Tracks 1 to 9, 11 to 13 are from Citi Club, Boston, USA - 29 March 1991, tracks 10 and 14 are from Popular Creek Music Theater, Chicago, USA - 12 July 1991.

For a long time this silver bootleg has been labeled as Popular Creek Music Theater, Chicago, USA - 12 July 1991, probably because of the inclusion of Stop Draggin' my Heart around, wich was only played in this concert during 1991, a cappella.

The reason of this improvisational moment from Andrew Eldritch is the crash of Doktor Avalanche during Body and Soul (wich was cut halfway). A lot of fans of the band had already noted that Body and Soul is complete in this bootleg, so at least that song wasn't from the Chicago concert.

Since I'm not an expert on the post 1985 TSOM, I asked the assistance of Heartland Forum Meth to try to figure out wich songs where from wich concert. He managed to solve the puzzle and also noted that the songs from the Chicago concert don't seem to be from the same source as the complete recording of that concert that is in ciculation. So maybe a second complete source of this concert exist.

Huge THANK YOU to Meth for helping figuring out the venues of the songs.


01. First and Last and Always - (Boston 29-3-91)
02. Lucretia my Reflection - (Boston 29-3-91)
03. Body and Soul - (Boston 29-3-91)
04. Ribbons - (Boston 29-3-91)
05. Alice - (Boston 29-3-91)
06. Dominion/Mother Russia - (Boston 29-3-91)
07. Amphetamine Logic - (Boston 29-3-91)
08. Detonation Boulevard - (Boston 29-3-91)
09. Marian - (Boston 29-3-91)
10. Stop draggin' my heart around - (Chicago 12-7-91)
11. Gimme Shelter - (Boston 29-3-91)
12. Flood II - (Boston 29-3-91)
13. Temple of Love - (Boston 29-3-91)
14. This Corrosion - (Chicago 12-7-91)

Do Not Sell.
Support the band.

Friday, 31 May 2019

The Sisters Of Mercy - Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada - 26.03.1991 (flac)

Thanks to the original uploader on Dime.

Lineage: Aiwa recorder (model unknown) w/clip on mic > master Sony Metal-SR 100 cassette > Tascam 202MKV > Edirol R09 (16/44) > Adobe Audition CC2017 (level boost/hiss reduction) > CD Wave Editor (track) > flac8

Recorded by: Andymon
Transfer & Tracking: Smores

1. -intro-
2. First And Last And Always
3. Lucretia My Reflection
4. Body And Soul
5. Ribbons
6. Alice
7. Dominion/Mother Russia
8. Amphetamine Logic
9. Detonation Boulevard
10. Marian
11. This Corrosion
12. Gimme Shelter [Rolling Stones]
13. Flood II
14. Temple Of Love
15. -encore break-
16. Valentine
17. Vision Thing
18. Something Fast
19. Jolene [Dolly Parton]
20. 1969 [The Stooges]

notes: Over the years, some 'Andymon' masters had been traded and may have been transferred, processed, and posted by others. This is the first time the masters are being shared.

This show is another "Andymon" master. He was kind enough to give some of his masters to be shared in this forum. If you have masters that you would like to share, but lack the tools, time, or know-how, please contact SMORES on DIME and I will be happy to discuss them with you. thanks.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

The Sisters Of Mercy - Music Hall, Hannover, Germany - 09.05.1991 (Flac)

 Very good sound. Thanks to Cyberbio for sharing it.

Uploader: cyberbio

Lineage/Source: Cassette (3rd gen.) - Luxman HX-PRO K92 - inakustik Black&White NF 102 Chinchcable - M-Audiophile 24/96 - Audition 1.5 - CD Wave (1.97) (tracksplitting) - TLH (2.4.1 (Build 160)) [FALC level 8] - You


- Afterhours
- First And Last Always
- Lucretia My Reflection
- Body And Soul
- Possession
- Ribbons
- Alice
- Dominion / Mother Russia
- Amphetamine Logic
- Detonation Boulevard
- Marian
- This Corrosion
- Gimme Shelter
- Flood II
- Temple Of Love
- Something Fast
- Jolene
- Valentine
- Vision Thing


cyberbio []

~ If you have better sources, please share them here ~ Share

Sunday, 8 January 2017

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters of Mercy - Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisbon, Portugal - 26.02.1991 (Flac)

A very special post, the Sisters first concert in Portugal and the first one I saw. It took me a long time to get it, but now it's here. It was such a long time ago that I really only remember, apart from the overall sensation of liking it a lot, arriving at the venue at the end of "First and Last and Always", even if it was still five minutes until the scheduled time... Enjoy it!


First And Last And Always
Lucretia My Reflection
Body And Soul
Dominion / Mother Russia
Amphetamine Logic
Detonation Boulevard
This Corrosion
Gimme Shelter
Flood II
Temple Of Love
Something Fast
Vision Thing

Sunday, 28 August 2016

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Coliseu, Porto, Portugal - 27.02.1991 (Flac)

Thanks to cyberbio for sharing on Dima a long time ago.

Notes: Start of posts of the year 1991. This is only for completists!! A better source would be appreciated.

Lineage/Source: Cassette (3rd gen.) - Luxman HX-PRO K92 - inakustik Black&White NF 102 Chinchcable - M-Audiophile 24/96 - Audition 1.5 - CD Wave (1.97) (tracksplitting) - TLH (2.4.1 (Build 160)) [FALC level 8] - You


- First And Alst Always
- Lucretia My Reflection
- Body And Soul
- Ribbons
- Alice
- Dominion / ;other Russia
- Amphetamine Logic
- Detonation Boulevard
- Marian
- This Corrosion
- Gimme Shelter
- Flood II
- Temple Of Love
- Valentine
- Vision Thing
- Something Fast
- Jolene
- 1969


cyberbio []

~ If you have better sources, please share them here ~ Share for free ! ~

Thursday, 5 March 2015

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters of Mercy - Annexet, Stockholm, Sweden - 21.05.1991 (MP3)

A request from dtsom. Still looking for a lossless version of this recording.


1.First And Last And Always
2. Lucretia My Reflection
3. Body And Soul
4. Possession
5. Ribbons
6. Alice
7. Dominion/Mother Russia
8. Amphetamine Logic
9. Detonation Boulevard
10 Marian
11. This Corrosion
12. Gimme Shelter
13. Flood II
14. Temple Of Love
15. Something Fast
16. Jolene
17. Valentine
18. Vision Thing (fade)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Sisters Of Mercy - Sportpaleis, Gent, Belgium - 16.05.1991 (Flac)

NOTE: By some stupid reason, the photos that were originally on the fileset are missing from the RAR file... To make up for that, I treated them in Photoshop (they're quite better now), and posted them in full resolution, please copy them to the recording folder after downloading.

Thanks to the original uploader.

Original Info File:

Tape received in my trading period from end 80's until mid 90's.

As shown on concert ticket I've included, this concert should have taken place on
15th November 1990 in Deinze, Het Brielpoort (an awful hall where acoustic does not exist...).
The concert was eventually cancelled and tickets remained valid. The new date was later
announced as 16th May 1991 and fortunately location was changed to Gent, Sportpaleis.

This is the only gig I saw in this venue and it was really OK regarding the sound but also the
configuration. People could access either the playground area (standing) or the balconeys (sitting),
but most insteresting was that between both, there was a velodrome. During "Vision Thing", Andrew
disappeared off the stage and started running, singing all along the velodrome with people going mad
and trying to approach the barriers along the velodrome where Andrew was standing. I could take
a picture of this particular moment and this is also included in the post, along with some others.
Be indulgent regarding the quality as this was taken with my old pocket cam.

Unknown recording equipment and it should be a lowgen copy.

Very good sound quality and I processed a slight hiss reduction + some fade in / out (several tape
or recording flips)

2 X Maxell UR60 > Pioneer Deck CT-W208R > Soundmax IDA > Cool Edit Pro > WAV > TLH > FLAC (Level 5)


01 Intro (Afterhours)
02 First & Last & Always
03 Lucretia My Reflection
04 Body And Soul
05 Possession
06 Ribbons
07 Alice
08 Dominion / Mother Russia
09 Amphetamine Logic
10 Detonation Boulevard
11 Marian
12 This Corrosion
13 Gimme Shelter
14 Flood II
15 Temple Of Love
16 (Audience)
17 Something Fast
18 Jolene
19 (Audience)
20 Valentine
21 Vision Thing

min 94:27


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Sisters Of Mercy - Folkets Park, Hultsfred, Sweden - 19.05.1991 (Flac)

Very good audience recording. Thanks to cyberbio for sharing this recording.

Lineage/Source: Cassette - Luxman HX-PRO K92 - inakustik Black&White NF 102 Chinchcable - M-Audiophile 24/96 - Audition 1.5 - CD Wave (1.97) (tracksplitting) - TLH (2.4.1 (Build 160)) [FALC level 8] - You


- First & Last & Always
- Lucretia
- Body & Soul
- Possession
- Ribbons
- Alice
- Dominion/Mother Russia
- Amphetamine Logic
- Detonation Boulevard
- Marian
- This Corrosion
- Gimme Shelter
- Flood II
- Temple Of Love
- Something Fast
- Jolene
- Vision Thing
- 1969

Do not convert to lossy formats & do not sell.
Cyberbio, January 2.010


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Leeds Polytechnic, Leeds, UK - 17.02.1991 (Flac)

Another of Egg_Crisis master recording, a huge Thank You to him for his generosity. Excellent sound.

Cassette(Aud, Master, TDK SF90's, Recorded on Sony Recording Walkman with T-shaped external mic[Eurochannels EMC3630]) > wav > Soundforge(even up L+R chans) > CDWave > split on sector boundaries > flac(6)

I don't do the CD1 / CD2 thing. If you're burning it on 2cd's just use your common sense. (Hint: Put the encores on CD2). :)

Recorded from the side balcony, approx halfway along.

Tape flip(auto-reverse) during Marian, less than a second missed, the missing piece replaced with another piece from later in the song.

The second of the two 10th Anniversary gigs.

Before Ribbons, "Here's another song about... sex."
Before Marian, "Not even close."
Before This Corrosion, (something in German)
As Flood II starts, (sounds like "That's as maybe" but it might be something in German?)
Before Jolene, "Who wasn't here yesterday?... (*he raises his shades to show his eyes*) ...nearly human!"
After 1969, "Thank you... ...(something in German??)..."

And is that Elgar's Cello Concerto playing from the PA at the end? I assume it is as Eldritch once named it as one of his favourite pieces of music.

I copied the tape for a few people back in the day, but don't know if it's currently circulating.

01 Intro : Afterhours
02 First And Last And Always
03 Lucretia My Reflection
04 Body And Soul
05 Ribbons
06 Dominion/Mother Russia
07 Alice
08 Amphetamine Logic
09 Detonation Boulevard
10 Burn
11 Marian
12 This Corrosion
13 Gimme Shelter
14 Flood II
15 Temple Of Love
16 (encore break)
17 Something Fast
18 Jolene
19 (encore break)
20 Vision Thing
21 1969

Length - 98:29

Uploaded by Egg_Crisis for Dark Circle Room
Convert to mp3 for personal use only. Do not circulate in FLAC or WAV format without this info file.


RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - Leeds University, Leeds, UK - 16.02.1991 (Flac)

Now this is a pleasant gift from Egg_Crisis to all TSOM fans. Huge Thanks!

Cassette(Aud, Master, first part:TDK SA100,encores:TDK SF90, Recorded on Sony Recording Walkman with T-shaped external mic[Eurochannels EMC3630]) > wav > Soundforge(even up L+R chans) > CDWave > split on sector boundaries > flac(6)

I don't do the CD1 / CD2 thing. If you're burning it on 2cd's just use your common sense. (Hint: Put the encores on CD2). :)

Recorded from the balcony at the back, in the centre.
Tape flip(auto-reverse) during This Corrosion, less than a second missed, the missing "hey now now" replaced with another "hey now now" from a moment earlier to patch up the missing piece.

The first of the two 10th Anniversary gigs.

Before Lucretia, "Thanks for coming."
Before Amphetamine Logic, "Now there's a funny thing".
Before Burn, drum machine failure, "I hope you all found somewhere to stay tonight... (audience sings 'Let's all laugh at Eldritch') ... Oh no."
Before Gimme Shelter, "I remember when this stage was big".
As Flood II starts, "Is my nose still bleeding?".
Before Vision Thing, "And while we're on the subject..."

Includes the "3rd encore", where after more audience cheering Eldritch came back onstage and everyone expected to get another encore, but he just said "thankyou" then left.

01 Intro : Afterhours
02 Alice
03 Lucretia My Reflection
04 Body And Soul
05 Ribbons
06 Dominion/Mother Russia
07 First And Last And Always
08 Amphetamine Logic
09 Detonation Boulevard
10 Burn
11 Marian
12 This Corrosion
13 Gimme Shelter
14 Flood II
15 Temple Of Love
16 (encore break)
17 Valentine
18 Vision Thing
19 (encore break)
20 Something Fast
21 Jolene
22 1969
23 (encore break & "3rd encore")

Length - 107:53

I copied the tape for a few people back in the day, but don't know if it's currently circulating.
I downloaded a bootleg called "Return to Arkham" for comparison and quality-wise it's about the same. Although of the 2 songs I checked, both had had the between song parts tampered with, one song had one of Eldritch's remarks removed ("now here's a funny thing"), and another had a "thankyou" added where there hadn't been one (right before the drum machine failure).  I didn't check any more after that and binned it.

Uploaded by Egg_Crisis for Dark Circle Room
Convert to mp3 for personal use only. Do not circulate in FLAC or WAV format without this info file.


Friday, 12 July 2013

The Sisters Of Mercy - Rolling Stone, Milan, Italy - 10.03.1991 (Flac)

AKA Rise And Reverberate


01 First And Last And Always (4:23)
02 Lucretia My Reflection (5:12)
03 Body And Soul (3:33)
04 Ribbons (4:59)
05 Alice (3:42)
06 Dominion / Mother Russia (7:35)
07 Amphetamine Logic (4:12)
08 Detonation Boulevard (3:51)
09 Marian (4:38)
10 This Corrosion (6:51)
11 Gimme Shelter (5:51)
12 Temple Of Love (8:30)
13 Something Fast (3:04)
14 Jolene (2:47)
15 Valentine (4:35)
16 Vision Thing (4:52)
CD Sherwood Robin Hood 1
NOTES: Writer credits given. Marian listed as Marianne. Jolene is 
 credited to O. Newton John.
RECORDING NOTES: Recorded live at Rolling Stones, Milan 1991   
QUALITY NOTES: A little distant, but otherwise very good.
COVER ART NOTES: Cover is the Doctor Jeep photo reversed with a  
 mirror image under it.
Total Running Time: 78:43
DrG Notes:  That all sounds about right... track times may vary.


Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Sisters Of Mercy - Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles - 12.04.1991 (Flac)

Thanks to the original uploader.

Afterhours (Intro)
First And Last And Always
Lucretia, My Reflection
Body And Soul
Dominion/Mother Russia
Amphetamine Logic
Detonation Boulevard
This Corrosion
Gimme Shelter
Flood II
Temple Of Love
Something Fast


Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Sisters Of Mercy - SDSU Aztec Center, San Diego - 13.04.1991 (Flac)

The sound on this one is a little distant and with little bass, even so it's a nice listen. Thanks to cyberbio for sharing this one on DIME a long time ago.

Lineage/Source: Cassette (3rd gen.) - Luxman HX-PRO K92 - inakustik Black&White NF 102 Chinchcable - M-Audiophile 24/96 - Audition 1.5 - CD Wave (1.97) (tracksplitting) - TLH (2.4.1 (Build 160)) [FLAC level 8] - You


- Afterhours
- First And Last Always
- Lucretia My Reflection
- Body And Soul
- Ribbons
- Alice
- Dominion / Mother Russia
- Amphetamine Logic
- Detonation Boulevard
- Marian
- This Corrosion
- Gimme Shelter
- Flood II
- Temple Of Love
- Something Fast
- Jolene
- Valentine
- Vision Thing

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Sisters Of Mercy - Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA - 14.04.1991 (Flac)

Good sound. Thanks to the person who originally shared it.

D3 Cassette Master -> Untracked Aiff File -> Soundforge -> FLAC


01. Intro
02. First And Last And Always
03. Lucretia, My Reflection
04. Body And Soul
05. Ribbons
06. Alice
07. Dominion/Mother Russia
08. Amphetamine Logic
09. Detonation Boulevard
10. Marian
11. This Corrosion
12. Gimme Shelter
13. Flood II
14. Temple Of Love
15. Something Fast
16. Jolene
17. Valentine
18. Vision Thing

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Sisters of Mercy - Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, USA - 12.04.1991 (Flac)

It's been a while since the last TSOM post. The first of two L.A. shows in 1991. The 7,000 tickets available had sold out so quickly that the organizers sponsored another gig at an outdoor venue with a capacity of some 17,000 two days later in Irvine Meadows Amphitheater.


 Afterhours (Intro)
 First And Last And Always Lucretia, My Reflection
 Body And Soul
Dominion/Mother Russia
Amphetamine Logic
Detonation Boulevard
This Corrosion
Gimme Shelter
Flood II
Temple Of Love
Something Fast

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Sisters of Mercy - Le Spectrum, Montreal - 27.03.1991 (Flac)

Another concert from the Vision Thing Tour. Nice sound even if with a lot of hiss, but Von's voice is a bit buried in the mix.

01. Intro
02. First & Last & Always
03. Lucretia
04. Body & Soul
05. Ribbons
06. Alice
07. Dominion ~ Mother Russia
08. Amphetamine logic
09. Detonation Boulevard
10. Marian
11. This Corrosion (cut)

01. This Corrosion
02. Gimme shelter
03. Flood 2
04. Temple of love
05. Something fast
06. Jolene
07. Valentine
08. Vision Thing