Saturday, July 16, 2011

We All Love T Ball

I have never seen a four-year-old take anything more seriously. Levi lived for t-ball.
He told me that when he was running the bases he could feel the wind, "but it wasn't the real wind mom, it was the wind I was makin'."
When the other kids got bored and started picking the grass or throwing dirt, Levi was all business.
When I asked him if he wanted to play t-ball, he asked, "Is that the game where we get to hit into each other?" I said no and explained that t-ball is not really a contact sport. He decided he wanted to play anyway and decided to make it a contact sport. Like he would tackle his teammates for the ball, and he plowed over a base runner when he was trying to tag him out.
He told me he was making dust and asked me if I could see it flying off his shoes because he was running so fast. Yeah, buddy, you are awesome.

1 comment:

Paul and Stacey said...

He is all boy wanting a sport you can "hit people". So cute!