Thursday, September 18, 2008


When I decide to travel to Nepal I had only a vague idea that there had been some recent political turmoil. A few days before heading out I decided to check to the State Dept website and found out that there is currently a "travel advisory" for Nepal. Last march the old king was overthrown and the Maoist party took power. There had been some fighting and bombings in different places. Since the Maoists have taken power though things have calmed down quite a bit and the US is in the process of revoking that travel advisory.

Aside from this initial worrisome picture Nepal has been my favorite place to travel so far. The weather here is amazing compared to India and the streets clean. We are staying in the Thamel region of Kathamndu which is very touristy but nice. Also, I must have a sign on my forehead that says, "I do drugs" because at least a dozen people will ask me if I want hashish or "magic mushrooms" on any given day. It is weird. Other than that Kathmandu is a very nice place. Since one of Nepals biggest industries is tourism there is lots to do here.

On the first day we were able to go white water rafting and it was amazing. It was one of the first times since leaving the states that it has felt like summer. The sun was shining we were floating down a cold mountain river. We stopped on a sandy beach for lunch and I was even able to swim in the river.The water was clean(no floating garbage) and cold. It was possibly the most refreshing experience of my life.

The next day we went to Nagarkot which is a small town in the hills at about 7,200 ft. When we got to the bus station the last bus was leaving and it was packed full with an additional thirty people sitting on top of the bus in the luggage cage. No room the bus so we climbed up top. After taking off I asked the guide if he had ever seen any one fall off. He said that he had only seen one person fall to thier death. Well. It was not too scary. The bus went pretty slow and as we climbed in elevation the the air got colder. The first pine trees that I have seen since leaving began to show up. It made me thing of the Northwest and also being in Alaska last summer. Sitting on the top of the bus I got my first view of the Himilayan mountain range and the sun began to set. Far below I could see the city sprawled out in the Kathmandu valley. By the time we reached Nagarkot the sun had set. Only a small hike to our hotel. And after dinner we went to sleep so we could wake up for the sunrise the following morning.

Nepal is a very beautiful country. I wish that I had more time to spend here but I will move on soon. We will go to the city of Pokara on Sunday and stay for a few days. After which I say goodbye to the last of my friends and head on alone to Darjeeling.


Mindy said...

This portion of your trip sounds amazing. It's so wonderful that you get to explore different areas.

Mom said...

I can't believe you are where you are!!!! It's so amazing to think I have a child in India...Nepal...Taj Mahal...people I talk to about it are so impressed! Write more about the Taj will you please?! We sure miss you, love you and anxiously await your return! Kim keeps saying Dan and Kelli and Tim should come home! (Sorry Mindy:)! Do you still have your cell phone? We keep trying to call but it says its off:(