Showing posts with label eventful days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eventful days. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh, what a week!

Happy Thursday, friends.

I'm sorry I've been AWOL for so long. It's been an eventful few days. Here are just some of the highlights:

• My son was diagnosed with mono (Poor little guy—he's miserable.)
• I slipped on a wet floor, fell on my 27-weeks' pregnant belly, and had to get an unscheduled ultrasound to check on the baby. (She's fine. ☺)
• My husband and I have been preparing for the surgery he needs to get at the end of the month. (So stressful...)

Good things happened, too, of course, but I have to say that I'm more than ready for a peaceful and quiet weekend.

Until then, I'll let Louis Armstrong remind us all that, in spite of our troubles, this really is a wonderful world. ☺

Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday. ☺