Wednesday, September 12, 2012


3rd Grade!!

I just realized that we forgot to take a picture of you on your first day of school this year!!! I am so sorry. In all the hubbub of it also being my first day of school and trying to get everyone where they belong, we forgot to snap a picture. I doubt you really minded, but someday you might wonder exactly what you looked like on your first day of third grade. So, I'll sum it up for you: EXCITED!
 You could hardly sleep the night before you headed back to school. You were downright giddy. A few nights before we found out that your teacher was Ms. Stone and the classroom looked great! She is a fairly new teacher, just like me, so that means she's been getting all the great training and is full of energy and fun! We think you are going to have a great year.

 One of your goals this year (set completely independently of our influence!) is to be more responsible. You are really doing great! You get your homework done every day, and keep track of your water bottle, and are really staying on top of things. I am impressed. You love afterschool--who wouldn't? Extra playground time, lego stations, and a prize box. . what's not to love? You get grumpy if I ever dare come pick you up before 5:00. Sheesh. The routine still has some kinks and life is a little crazy, but every night that I get to cuddle with you, sing you a song, and give you a hug is such a blessing to me. We love you Isaac!
You have become quite the chef as well, waking up FAR too early to fix us breakfast. One morning you even set up restaurant rules. You can make oatmeal and scrambled eggs. The amount of oatmeal varies, but your enthusiasm doesn't. I used to do the same thing when I was a kid--I loved waking up early to make pancakes for everyone. I guess you come by it honestly.

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