Friday, August 3, 2012

Go West Young Man. . and Woman and Your Three Children

 Lucy is demonstrating how we all felt as we boarded the plane for our trip West to begin. It was so exciting! The girl's hadn't been on a plane since Emma was 4 months old and they thought it was a roller coaster!
 Though we thought Emma's enthusiasm (i.e. shouting "goodbye world" out the window during take-off) was endearing, the lady in front of her did not. She made her general disapproval very clear. Imagine our chagrin when this same lady popped up to sit right next to us on the second leg of the trip. I doubt it rivaled hers. Since, in her words: "The parents were just as obnoxious." I would hate to go through life that grumpy.
So I don't.
 Hooray for a play area in the Minnesota airport!!
Lucy playing "tour guide" to everyone else in the play area. She was asking everyone's destination and plans. This might be a career for her!

We are the Vikings!!!!!

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