Tuesday, December 25, 2012

American Girl Doll Christmas!

You got your very first American Girl doll this year!! You named your Bitty Twin Lizzie and for the first few days toted her everywhere, playing with Caroline. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Phase One: Tooth 1 swallowed during the night after dearly hanging on for life for several days.
Phase Two: Gathering courage to pluck tooth #2 from it's dangling status
Two front teeth gone before Christmas, resulting in an appropriate chorus of "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" and five whole bucks from a tooth fairy WAY behind on payment!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is All I've Got. .

We really did have more adventures than this one pumpkin carving event. But, on our camping trip, our camera was left outside and got steadily rained on all night long. . .that is until I awoke with a start at 3am and remembered it was out there. Alas, 'twas too late. I got it to turn on again and it took these pictures before its ultimate demise. But, at this point it was in its death throes and the screen had already bid farewell. So, I had to use the obscure little viewfinder. . not sure why they even have these anymore, and did my best to estimate where Daman's head would be in the shop.
Still, this was a very cool pumpkin and Daman rigged up (he is a superstar rigger) a hanging shelf for it to perch on. Of course it rotted long before Halloween, but it was worth it.
We had a really fun "Cul-De-Sac" carnival as well. We did face painting, popped balloons, and Daman rigged up (I told you) a cool cookie on a string activity. It was great fun. We are so grateful to have a fun neighborhood and are trying to actively build friendships and community. Those things get the shaft these days sometimes.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Camping Again.

Ahh. . it was good to go camping again. We used to go so often when we lived in Virginia. But, that was before Daman worked insane hours with troubled youth and I worked regular hours with crazy teenagers. But, we are determined to make camping a part of our family culture, so flawed as our camping trips might be, they are going to happen at least. For this adventure, we just camped out in the back acres of a friend who has 12 acres a few miles away. We threw everything together really fast, so we weren't as prepared as we usually are. But, the essentials were present: Parents, Children, Dog, and Smores.

 S'mores with Style.

 (Isaac wanted me to take a picture of him "falling" into the fire)
 I'm not sure why we choose to eat the messiest desert on earth at times when it is almost impossible to get clean.
 Isaac and his peace pipe.
 After the girls went to bed, Isaac stayed up nursing his own personal fire. It took him about an hour, but he finally got one going on his own! My heart is so happy when I see my kids enjoying nature.
My heart is also happy when I get to camp with this hot fella.
It started to rain shortly after we went to bed and our tent leaked. I never sleep well camping, but drips on the face don't help. My dream is to live on lots of acreage so that someday we can go camping on our own land, with a fire pit and all the trimmings, but then I get to hike back and sleep in my own bed. I love everything about camping. . except the sleeping.


Isaac has started cub scounts and has earned his first level: Bobcat. He is doing great! I am thrilled to be a scout mom. I've got my eye on the eagle, I'm ready to sell popcorn, and on my honor will do my best to drive him to scout camp, hound/nag/encourage him for projects. . . and live by the scout law.

 Isaac: taking this seriously. Jack: posing for my picture.
 Rebecca Williams is a great, loving, enthusiastic Cub Scout Leader!
 Who is this young man and what has he done to my baby boy?!?!?!?
 This was an odd part. They had the tradition of turning the boys upside down while we pin on his new patch. And then, as Isaac was pinning me with his Bobcat pin, everyone was shouting, "Draw blood!" I had a little chat the leader after the meeting about the appropriateness of that chant. . . After all, I'm a scout mom now--I can handle that sort of confrontation. Do I get a badge for that?

Shy girls

I have got to figure out a way to get Lucy and Emma to get over this fear of getting their picture taken. . .
Look at these lovelies. I am a lucky mama.

Who needs a field?

We've discovered a much less stressful way to practice soccer. Poor minivan mothers, dragging kids to multiple fields/games/practices a week. Isaac has started a soccer training camp for his little sisters. Not sure how six weeks of soccer when he was six qualifies him as coach, but you'd think he was training a world cup team the way he gives tips and inspiring speeches. The girls love it.
Some action shots:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Am Going To Be Amazing!

You already are.

This was your exact quote after last week's Primary program, when we noted that next year you would be in it! Such confidence. That's you, Emma, you are so confident. You have been since birth. It can make you fiesty, frustrating, and a little irrational. . but mostly we are so impressed with your impressive sense of self-worth. That will serve you well in life--if well-directed. So far, so good. You are a delight. At the family reunion, your Aunt Angi kept remarking on what a light you brought, just happily going through life, completely content. We agree. In general, you are such a happy kid--full of grins, giggles, and songs. Especially songs from "The Sound of Music"--which you insist on listening to every morning on the way to school. Another favorite is "The fox and his wife" which only Daddy knows, though you say you can teach me if I want. You also make up your own, and will sing and sing (much to the chagrin of Isaac in the van). But as for me, I love it.
  You certainly make your own way in the world. You remember everything I ever say, and hold me to it. You say that your favorite things are: candy, dogs, cats, flowers, and ribbons. The ribbons came from when you asked me what my favorite things are and I said: mountains, trees, and rivers. But you heard ribbons. . and it stuck. Ribbons are nice too.
  The other day you wore goggles to pre-school. I wonder what Miss Dean thinks of you. You are back at Cybered this year, and having a nice experience. We are hopeful that next year I will be home again and teaching preschool here at the house. The last two years of teaching have brought blessings of their own, but we feel that it is time for me to return home and we are working hard to make that happen! I only get one more year with you before you start kindergarten yourself! Crazy. I can't believe how quickly you are growing up Emma. We love you so much. You make us laugh every single day. You maul Max, pester Isaac, tear Lucy's favorite pictures, and in general sometimes work mayhem throughout the house. But you also hug, kiss, laugh, and sing, brightening our home in your own special way. We are so lucky to have you. You really are amazing!


3rd Grade!!

I just realized that we forgot to take a picture of you on your first day of school this year!!! I am so sorry. In all the hubbub of it also being my first day of school and trying to get everyone where they belong, we forgot to snap a picture. I doubt you really minded, but someday you might wonder exactly what you looked like on your first day of third grade. So, I'll sum it up for you: EXCITED!
 You could hardly sleep the night before you headed back to school. You were downright giddy. A few nights before we found out that your teacher was Ms. Stone and the classroom looked great! She is a fairly new teacher, just like me, so that means she's been getting all the great training and is full of energy and fun! We think you are going to have a great year.

 One of your goals this year (set completely independently of our influence!) is to be more responsible. You are really doing great! You get your homework done every day, and keep track of your water bottle, and are really staying on top of things. I am impressed. You love afterschool--who wouldn't? Extra playground time, lego stations, and a prize box. . what's not to love? You get grumpy if I ever dare come pick you up before 5:00. Sheesh. The routine still has some kinks and life is a little crazy, but every night that I get to cuddle with you, sing you a song, and give you a hug is such a blessing to me. We love you Isaac!
You have become quite the chef as well, waking up FAR too early to fix us breakfast. One morning you even set up restaurant rules. You can make oatmeal and scrambled eggs. The amount of oatmeal varies, but your enthusiasm doesn't. I used to do the same thing when I was a kid--I loved waking up early to make pancakes for everyone. I guess you come by it honestly.

Fun at the Casa

 Nest-Building ain't just for the birds. Isaac and Lucy got creative with some tires they found in the cul-de-sac.

 Isaac has become a real pro at oatmeal-making. He even has his own castle. Watch out IHOP.
Emma got in a fight with the rocking chair. Looks like the chair won.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Young Lady

Young Lady.

Young lady. . . that is your term for anyone who is not meeting with your approval. Lucy gets this phrase quite a few times. Still, it is better than biting her--an alternative you've used a few times.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lucy, Growing Up

Lucy, you did such an amazing job at the Primary program last week! You memorized your part, spoke clearly, and looked confidently out at the congregation. We were all so impressed. You are growing up so quickly and so well! Part of that is that you are sleeping in underwear! It is remarkable how quickly you have succeeded with this. You simply decided it was time, and it worked! At first we only tried on the weekends, but you got the hang of it so quickly that we went for it soon after. It is wonderful and such a sign that you are growing in confidence as well. We love you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kindergarten Lady!

You are one happy kindergartener! You have Mrs. DeMolet and Mrs. Threet as your teachers, and you adore them. You also have Ariel, the guinea pig, Noodle, the cockatoo, and Myrtle and Yertle, the turtles. And so many new friends!! There are 3 other kids from church in your class, which is really wonderful. You had to wait 2 extra days to start school because of the staggered Kindergarten entry that Pinehurst Elementary uses. It makes for a calmer first day, but waiting until Wednesday was miserable for you! You were raring to go! Though it has only been a month, you have learned so much already! Your reading is really taking off, and you are so responsible, doing your "homework" in afterschool before I pick you up. The biggest challenge is being SO tired. You only get about 20 to 30 minutes of rest at school, and Mrs. DeMolet says you almost always fall asleep. She lets you sleep longer than anyone else, but by 6:00 every night you become a different person. You howl and moan and stomp and give far too good of a "stink-eye" for a 5 year old. I dread the teenage years to be honest, you've got the angst down pat.
  We love you so much Lucy. You are so bright, sensitive, and kind (when well-rested :) ) You give the strongest hugs and have a beautiful voice. Mrs. DeMolet is so lucky to spend so much time with you at school!


Poor Lucy had to wait 3 extra days before she could don her backpack, grab her lunchbox, and enjoy circle time. Our school does a staggered entry for Kindergarten, so that the kids get a smaller group their first day of school. It is a great idea. . unless you get tapped for the 3rd wave. Lucy had to watch Isaac go to school Monday and Tuesday, so by Wednesday she was rarin' to go. Do you see any apprehension in this face??

Me neither.
She has a wonderful teacher, Mrs. DeMolet, and as she has explained to anyone willing to listen--a menagerie of class pets. There's Ariel, the guinea pig (with red hair). The turtles: Mytrle and Yurtle (nice Seuss nod), and Noodle, the bird. . I don't get that one. And her whole first week, she got to hold down the button on the water fountain and count to five for all her thirsty friends. She is reading and writing and learning. . . and completely exhausted by 6:00pm every night. My only wish would be for a longer naptime at school!!  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sweet Isaac

Isaac, you are one sweet boy. You get frustrated with yourself so easily, wanting to be so good (at everything!) and you are sensitive and kind. The other day we saw a dog get hit by a car the other day and you were really upset by it. You said, "Well, at least he gets to go back to Heavenly Father. I bet Heavenly Father is happy to see him."
We love you so much Isaac. You are too hard on yourself! Today in church you cried because you made a mistake on a picture (that was actually better than anything I could do!) I hope you know how wonderful you are. 
You are also a hard worker! You've started a pine cone pickup service and have had a few customers so far! You designed the posters and knocked doors and have paid your tithing on everything you've earned. You are really careful with how you spend the money you've earned. Sometimes you can't make a decision at all, which leaves you feeling pretty frustrated. Your emotions are sometimes close to the surface. We love you!!

Future P.L.E

That's Professional Lego Engineer.

Boy, do you love Legos. This was just one of the multiple creations you built with these few legos that you brought with you on the plane. Here are some others:

There were others, but these were the ones you captured. You had a ball with the camera.
Your birthday party was all about legos too!

Dad made this amazing lego cake--Pretty impressive!!!
And you and your friends make pretty good legos too!