Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where Do Kids Get This Stuff

We are in the car yesterday and Riley Bug was telling Dale and I all about how she was a baby "yesterday"
(what term she uses to describe any time in her life that she cant remember)
Dale had asked her a couple questions and the rest went like this...

Bug- Ya, yesterday when I was a baby I wore a diaper like Mak.

Dale- You did, huh?

Bug- Yep!

Dale- Well, did you poop in your diaper?

Bug- You bet I did!!

I have no idea where she gets this stuff...


Liz said...

oh my goodness that's so cute I had to read the whole thing out loud to my husband! adorable!

Melissa said...

Hahaha oh my gosh, so adorable. haha seriously kids really do say the darndest things!
