Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts

Monday, 27 September 2010


My thanks to Evan from In Places Deep who has just become my 100th follower!

I'm absolutely delighted to have made it to triple figures - I know I've not been posting as much as perhaps I should have just recently but there is some stuff in the pipeline (more hooks, CoC material, the adventures of Junior Grognard) and when I have the time to get it done just right, you'll be seeing it here.

Meanwhile, to every single one of you, this is to say thanks for following!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Monday Miniatures - White Dwarf, the figure.

A long time ago, when Citadel Miniatures hadn't sold out and gone all Warhammer and White Dwarf hadn't done likewise, the former produced a selection of figures based on the characters in the latter. I have Thrud the Barbarian and Gobbledigook around somewhere but this one, the actual White Dwarf from the magazine's masthead is one of my favourites because it's actually one you can use in an adventure.

It's not wholly armoured (I do have a dwarf in plate but no picture of him yet) so it's given Andy a chance to do some non-metallic finishes. The trousers and jerkin that sits over the top of what you can see of his chainmail has been done out in a pale green, lighter than Lincoln - I'd call it sage. His metal cap has a tint of steel blue about it, as does the blade of his axe. Perhaps that's the colour that dwarvish steel is. They forge in mysterious ways, you know. Just ask Carter Soles.

The beard's texture lends itself well to a bit of highlighting and the brown of this chap's face fungus (tucked into his belt, as can be seen) has been dry-brushed in a sort of very pale cafe au lait. It gives the impression, to me at least, that this is not a particularly old dwarf.

Coupled to that is the non-combat feel about his outfit that makes me think that this is a dwarf in civvies. I suppose that they would wear some sort of armour about their persons even on their days off, but this is a dwarf who is not expecting a pack of Uruk-Hai to come haring around the corner any moment soon. Maybe he's taken the opportunity to pose for some tourists - humans or maybe even hobbits who've climbed all the way to the top of the mountain to see the dwarves.

We tend to have an image of dwarves as dour fighters, handy with an axe and somehow rather Scottish (thanks for nothing, Peter Jackson) although Tolkien said that he viewed them more like Jews - "at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue..."
(letter from Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison, 8th December 1955).

Jews with axes - interesting image. I've always imagined them in rather similar vein, having read that letter a long time ago (nearly 30 years now) although the notions of dwarves and beer remain inextricably linked in my mind. Not sure why - were they big drinkers in Tolkien or have I got my cliches mixed up again?

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Toad in the Hole at the Tuesday Tavern

Yes, it's Tuesday and that can only mean one thing - I crank open the doors of the Tavern and welcome four more guests, Aaron Nuttall, Christian, Steven Ewing and Frost to the chaotic but friendly fireside table that is Daddy G's.

Today, because I'm based in the largest county in England (well, the eastern bit of it) although I'm not actually a Yorkshireman by birth, I thought I'd rustle up a variation on the theme of Yorkshire Pudding - Toad in the Hole. As any English gastronome knows, it's all about the sausages.

And you will of course want something to wash it down with...

Helga! Holen Sie Bier für die neuen Gäste!


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Table for two at the Tuesday Tavern

For my two latest followers, Editor and Matt, a terrace table...

And back by popular request, here is Helga with another round of drinks...

I've a feeling that some of those beers might be warmer than others...

And to all inhabitants of Idaho (you know who you are), something that I know you're going to like...

Welcome one and all. It's truly amazing that only a month ago (or so) I was celebrating fifty followers and now there are seventy-one. I must be doing something right.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Fifty Followers!

It's a kind of landmark, I guess. Halfway to a hundred. I'd like to welcome MercerMachine, Brian Lujan and Chris from Save vs Stupid. Welcome, my friends, sit ye down and enjoy the following...

The beers are for everybody. Please enjoy responsibly and don't let Dungeonmum start dancing on the tables!

Monday, 30 November 2009

Harryhausen Cyclops Mini - for Carter; and a warm welcome to Chris Creel!

If you haven't been following Carter's Cartopia, then you won't know what this is all about but he's been putting some neat stuff on his blog that inspired me to become a member of the Order of the D30.

Anyway, the other day he published stats inspired by the Harryhausen cyclops from The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. I knew that I had the mini somewhere in my box of figures that Junior Grognard has inherited from his uncle Andy (my figure painter from 25 years ago). And here it is!

I'm sure that there are newer versions of this figure around but there it is, 25 years old if a day.

And to Chris Creel - welcome! Glad that my humble blog has caught your interest. Generally, I try to sample a different ale each week and publicise it. My favourite of recent weeks has to be Maplemoon by the Joseph Holt Brewery in Manchester. Might be a bit tricky for anyone in the US to get hold of, though.