Showing posts with label BarbarasQuilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BarbarasQuilts. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Prayers And Get Well Wishes for Dukie/Doogie

BarbasQuilts' doxie Duke (AKA: Dukie or Doogie) is recovering from emergency surgery. Somehow he had something major going on in his intestines. They fixed him up and he is still in the hospital today. Barb, sure could use prayers and paws crossed for her little guy. Also, could you all pass her shop links around to get her views up. Any sales right now would go to help pay for his ever increasing vet bills. Thanks all.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dachshund Team Decode

Here is a secret code for an item from BarbarasQuilts on etsy:

gnignahllaw cirbaf tliuq fo straeh

See if you can figure it out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Auto-Pawmoter: BarbarasQuilts

BarbarasQuilts on ETSY

Sasha and Athena will be spending time with family for the week of November 8-14. November 11 is Athena's Grandma's 91st birthday. We have set the blog to Auto-Pawmoter.
Please, click on the item above, if you would like to see how to get one of your very own.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dachshund Brain Stimulator

Sasha's Doxie Friend Frito in his Hallowiener Costume!

Unscramble the words below:

winna qin builb thub bleey itus

(Hint: the answer is a title of one of the items in BarbarasQuilts' shop on etsy.)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Emma Has A New Bro!!

BarbarasQuilts just inherited a new doxie from her mother. So Emma (the little red girl in pink collar) has a new brother. His name is Duke (little red boy in red collar). Here are the pictures of their first tag team bobo destuffing.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dachshund Fact Or Fiction: Emma

Dachshund Fact Or Fiction posts are exactly that. We post five little blurbs about a doxie on the team and you guess which is fact and which is fiction. Today we feature Emma from BarbarasQuilts.

1. She eats holes in quilts!
2. She can poop in color!
3. She can destroy a bobo in ten minutes flat!
4. She can hang from a sock in the air with her teeth for nearly 15 seconds!
5. She'll defend humans from all bad brooms, mops, dusters, rakes, and shovels!
Hopefully, Emma's Mommy will be here to validate these charges. heehee. (Sasha says to plead the fifth Emma.)