Showing posts with label Lucy Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy Magazine. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2008

Blog of the Week:
Susan Gray's Gottawrite Girl...

"I started blogging to better live and breathe children's literature," says Susan Gray. "Gottawrite Girl is my shrine to the genre. It features everything I love reading as an aspiring author, from interviews and publishing news, to musings on the writing life."

Susan, whose day job writing for a DC non-profit doesn't satisfy her yearning to write from the heart, says she "wanted to get closer to 'my people,'" through blogging. "Gottawrite Girl lets me create my ideal writing life! My best life-moment sprouted from Gottawrite Girl. I finagled my way into the National Book Fair as press and interviewed Katherine Paterson. Slam dunk of a day. I'm also making silly-wonderful friends! And I'm supporting my fellows with every interview."

Facebook, Susan says, has been invaluable for bolstering her blog. "I have a happy number of Gottawrite Girl 'fans' that I constantly update. And it's a great way to attract author interviews."

When she's not blogging, Susan is working on her first YA novel, and writing for Lucy Magazine. "My trembling but tenacious dream? That happy God-coincidences like this will include my novel becoming real. I will collapse," she says.