Sorry for being a misery the other night but thank you for the support... all much appreciated. I guess eventually I will get used to them being there.
Anyway big one is in the middle of her exams so it's been books, exams, books, exams and I've been tied to the house for the last couple of weeks on a project that I will share with you if it ever gets finished.
So yesterday we decided we needed a treat and took ourselves off shopping to Dundee .
And what a day it turned out to be! The sun very kindly was beaming down on us and rather than pay silly prices for a lunch somewhere indoors we took ourselves off to M+S where I used my gift card to buy us a free picnic lunch. The ex would get £50 of vouchers every Xmas from his work and we would use it for treats or things for the smalls but one year we spent the lot on him so the following year he said I could get all the vouchers. To be honest it sat in my purse for quite some time (about 2 years) and I forgot about it but it has since proved priceless. When we have a day out now and it's a dry day we treat ourselves to some lovely picky things and have a bench picnic. Today was so lovely as we sat in the square that big one remarked we could be abroad.
We were obviously have far too good a time as we were soon joined by a wee visitor.
Once we opened the fruit selection he was joined by another wee friend.
I wonder what all the office workers out on their lunch breaks made of us, sat there eating our butties and taking photos of posing Gnomes! :)
Now I'm not a big shopper, our shopping trips usually entails the smalls returning with several bags and I'm the one with an empty purse but a big smile on my face. To be honest we're not big on shopping as a family and trips to the big shops only happens every few months or so.
So when I spotted this bag in Accessorize and was obviously displaying outward signs of pleasure. That is stroking it and sighing big one decided it was high time I treated myself.
I did remark that I could make one myself but the picture really doesn't do the bag justice, the gold owls sparkle!
So I thought that was me, my big treat done now it just a quick trip to Boots for big one to get something exchanged and then it was Primani and home. But no it seems today I was going to get all that birthday money I still had loitering about well and truly spent.
I have to admit the packaging did catch my eye but as it was a perfume I'd not smelt before I thought I'd just have a wee sniff. No harm is there, it's not like I was going to be buying any?
Wow! Now that smells good. The lady behind the counter, bless her must have sprayed nearly half the bottle in the air for me to walk through, so you can get a good sense of the smell she said.
Big one agreed with me that it was lovely. For those of you with fellas the male version is absolutely divine. Big one and I did debate finding ourselves someone who would be willing to be sprayed with it regularly just so we could snuggle up to them and just smell them. Obviously Johnny Depp would be the ideal choice. LOL
Anyway the final decision was helped when the nice lady said, oh you get this bag free with it.
Sold to the lady with the skull habit!