Showing posts with label Real Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Real Americans. Show all posts

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Coach K; Not 100% dick.

Monday, June 18, 2012

War Widow


World War II Widow

  Hey Boss:

Trust me on this one!  This deserves a separate post. 


Very high pollen count and a 2 boxes of tissue video.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Views from the Inside

I'm Just Saying ....

Res Ipsa Loquitur

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

America the Beautiful. Obviously.

America The Beautiful
Obama, stay seated.



Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Real Story of America's Founding

The Real Story of America's Founding

San Francisco is considering a ban on the sale of goldfish. Basically, the government is afraid that people are getting fish as impulse buys and not treating them properly, so they don’t want to allow anyone to buy them at all. They’re also considering a ban on parents having their babies circumcised.

Bombarding Frisco

They’ve already banned Happy Meals, as they think they’re too enticing to children and parents can’t be expected to control what their own kids eat ...

The leaders of these cities have taken it upon themselves to place their own opinions of what people should or should not be doing above basic liberty. They’ve made it the government’s role to be a nanny and have ruled individual choice as unimportant. And I have one thing to say to them:  [Cont]

via American Digest

Monday, April 04, 2011

Marines Rally Around Friend

Marines Rally Around Friend
It's nice to know there are people I still admire - H/T Anonymoose

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Soul of Sowell

Randomly selected from Thomas Sowell

  •   Intolerance may not promote progress but it can promote survival. An intolerant Islamic world may outlast the Western world that seems ready to tolerate anything, including the undermining of its own fundamental values and threats to its continued existence.
  • The vile people who picket the funerals of American soldiers killed in action are far away enough from the mourners not to be heard. It is media attention that magnifies their sick message.
  • When the Federal Reserve cites statistics to claim that there is not much evidence of inflation, we need to keep in mind that the statistics they rely on exclude food and energy prices. The cost of living is no sweat if you can do without electricity and food.
  • When political commentators from the Fox News Channel had books whose sales would normally make the New York Times' non-fiction best-seller list, the New York Times changed the rules for putting books on that list. Thus best-selling political books by Mike Huckabee and Dick Morris appeared last Sunday on a more obscure list of miscellaneous personal advice and how-to books, such as "Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook."
  • The vocabulary of the political left is fascinating. For example, it is considered to be "materialistic" and "greedy" to want to keep what you have earned. But it is "idealistic" to want to take away what someone else has earned and spend it for your own political benefit or to feel good about yourself. [More from Obama goes deep, sets new record]

So you won't think I'm a Thomas Sowell sycophant, there is this from his list that I will quibble with.

  Don't mention "municipal golf courses" to me. It sends my blood pressure up through the roof. What earthly excuse is there for spending the taxpayers' money subsidizing a golf course? Politicians can't even invoke "the poor," as they do when trying to justify other government boondoggles.

Without publicly financed golf courses, how is the common man supposed to own a Bentley, and live on Nob Hi --- Whoa!  *throws chilled Martini in face*  It damn sure is easy to fall into that trap. Good thing our leaders stalwartly refuse to succumb to  that siren song, "free stuff that makes us equal and more happier"
Who's Who- Executives

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Two Californias

Regarding your STFU Berkeley musings in C&S today;
Example of Two Californias

Cuzzin Rick
Here are some general observations about what I saw (other than that the rural roads of California are fast turning into rubble, poorly maintained and reverting to what I remember seeing long ago in the rural South). First, remember that these areas are the ground zero, so to speak, of 20 years of illegal immigration. There has been a general depression in farming - to such an extent that the 20- to-100-acre tree and vine farmer, the erstwhile backbone of the old rural California, for all practical purposes has ceased to exist. [Victor Davis Hanson, Two Californias]

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Juice said this brought a tear to her eye.  But she's a girl.
Say, how about them Bears?

Sunday, September 05, 2010

People the Left HATE; aka Americans

Here’s True Top 30 Conservatives the
Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE)

David "what's-in-a-name" Swindle posted this interesting deal on the David Horowitz blog. He thinks the Town Hall list of 100 Americans the Left Hates Most is too "now centric," with too much focus on people like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  Swindle's TOP 30 makes a distinction between "important conservatives who the Left might dislike," and those the left actually hates at a visceral level  His "True Top Thirty" list removes Glenn Beck as the #1 most hated, and replaces him with Dick Cheney.  I particularly like his reasoning on this one.  Here's a few of the TOP 30 Greatest Americans.

Town Hall 100 Conservatives Anti-Americans hate

24. Charles Krauthammer

Krauthammer remains perhaps the most essential conservative columnist in the country. He has the ability to completely reframe and recharge debates in ways that drive the Left insane. His pointing out that the BP Oil Spill was actually the Left’s fault is only the most recent example. I don’t know why Fox News doesn’t just give him his own show already.

16. Senator Jim Inhofe

To merely express doubt about man causing global warming is an unspeakable heresy. To those schooled in The Church of Al Gore, that humanity expelling CO2 into the atmosphere will kill us all is as settled as germ theory.

So to challenge it head on is unpardonable. Such a person is an enemy of the planet itself.

Is there anyone more prominent and more aggressive challenging the Left on this subject than Inhofe? I don’t think so.

14. Roger Ailes

Fox News has done critical damage to the Progressive Psyche. Before the blogosphere emerged as a crucial component in the media war, Fox News broke the leftist monopoly on television. The conservative viewpoint could no longer be marginalized; the “consensus reality” was shattered. And Roger Ailes is the one to blame for it.

9. Ambassador John Bolton

Just as Inhofe savages the Left’s deeply held religious belief of  manmade global warming, Bolton is the principal antagonist of another of the movement’s dearest illusions: the sanctity of the United Nations. It’s one of the central fantasies of the Left that all nations can unite in a governing body and solve their problems without violence. Bolton dares to reveal the truth of why this doesn’t work at all.

Is there anyone more prominent and more aggressive challenging the Left on this subject than Bolton? I don’t think so.

5. Sarah Palin

The reasons why the Left hates Sarah Palin have been laid out frequently by plenty of writers, including many at NRB. The answers are numerous and fairly obvious so I won’t rehash them here. What I will say though is that the trend we’ve been seeing with Palin recently has been very encouraging. While she may have been green during her vice presidential run she’s learning from many of the other people on this list very quickly. In the past I’ve been skeptical of the possibility of a President Palin but if she continues in this fashion then that might change.

Here's Swindle's 5 They LOVE

5. Alan Keyes
4. Michael Steele
3. George Will
2. Pat Buchanan
1. Ron Paul

I'll go with him, but disagree on two points.  Alan Keyes is dinged for (among other things) being a "birther." People taking the "anti" position here, without revealing what evidence they have, anything at all, that contradicts the "birther" position, have zero cred with me. And, I do not think Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite. And shame on neo-com Semites for branding him as one.

Friday, June 11, 2010

California v Texas

"SPOT ON" - TimW

California Texas

Boned Jello

Boned Jello

Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks dog.
1. Governor starts to intervene, then reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what is natural, and allows coyote to kill the dog.

2. Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 to get checked for diseases and bite wound bandaged.

3. Animal control captures coyote and spends $1,200 testing it for diseases and another $1,500 to relocate it, then spends $1,200 testing dead dog for diseases.

4. Running trail gets shut down for 6 months while wildlife services conduct a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is clear of dangerous animals.

5. Governor spends $50,000 of state funds implementing a "coyote awareness" program for residents of the area.

6. State legislature spends $2 million investigating how to better handle rabies and how to possibly eradicate the disease.

7. Governor's body guard is fired for not stopping the attack. State spends $75,000 to train new security agent.

8. PETA protests the coyote relocation and files $5,000,000 suit against the state.

9. Governor buys a new pure breed dog $ 5,000

1. Governor pulls 45 caliber side arm, shoots coyote, and keeps jogging with his dog.

2. Total cost: $0.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.

3. Buzzards eat dead coyote.

Any wonder why California is broke?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kelly O'Donnell bitch-slapped

"These are my people.  Americans."
This has been on Drudge for a few days, but I just got around to looking at it.  Nothing could cause me to have a lower regard for the democrat-media-complex, and this doesn't.  But this 11 second clip made me day!
NBC News reporter Kelly O'Donnell questions a black man at the DC tax day tea party.
  "Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?"

Sunday, April 04, 2010

A National Decision

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Damned tired!

I'm 63 and I'm Tired!
Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 63. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter.
I found this on Free Republic, and it struck a chord with me, as I'm sure it will with others. You don't have to be 63 either.  I imagine young men, like our Josh, will share many of the same feelings. Except he's got years of trial to endure.  That's okay.  We had FDR, LBJ, WJC, and now Papa Doc to contend with.  I hope his people do a better job of it.  [ Snipped and condensed opening paragraphs below]

Boned Jello I'm 63 and I'm Tired by Robert A. Hall
 I make a good salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, there's no retirement in sight, and I'm tired. Very tired.

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.

I'm tired of being told that I have to pay more taxes to "keep people in their homes." Sure, if they lost their jobs or got sick, I'm willing to help. But if they bought McMansions at three times the price of our paid-off, $250,000 condo, on one-third of my salary, then let the left-wing Congress-critters who passed Fannie and Freddie and the Community Reinvestment Act that created the bubble help them with their own money.

I'm tired of being told how bad America is by left-wing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood Entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America offers. In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have the economy of Zimbabwe , the freedom of the press of China , the crime and violence of Mexico , the tolerance for Christian people of Iran , and the freedom of speech of Venezuela .

I'm tired of being told that "race doesn't matter" in the post-racial world of Obama, when it's all that matters in affirmative action jobs, lower college admission and graduation standards for minorities (harming them the most), government contract set-asides, tolerance for the ghetto culture of violence and fatherless children that hurts minorities more than anyone, and in the appointment of U.S. Senators from Illinois.

I think it's very cool that we have a black president and that a black child is doing her homework at the desk where Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. I just wish the black president was Condi Rice, or someone who believes more in freedom and the individual and less arrogantly of an all-knowing government.

(full letter)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Keep Moving, Nothing to do here

Spontaneous Civil Disapprobation

Boned Jello

People in  Kemper County ,  MS have a warped sense of humor.

This is the fork at Highway 39N and Fire Tower Road .
A deer was hit there.
The couch was dumped there previously.
Day two the deer was on the couch.
Day three the end table and lamp showed up.
Day four the TV and TV stand showed up.

The Highway Patrol had to call MS DOT because of all the people stopping to take pictures.

The cardboard caption in front of the deer on the couch reads,

"Sorry Hunters.
Obama ruined healthcare.
We can't afford to have injured hunters on our conscience,
so I'm staying home!
the Deer."
Rick B

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

John Bolton on Barry

Boltin' John Bolton!

Ambassador Bolton is one of the few Washington insiders who command my full respect.  Had you asked me how he would answer these two questions, I would have come pretty close to word-for-word after you  excised obscenities and threats.  He has gravitas.  I report.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Female Warriors

 Tanker Crew

They are all so young & cute that they look like a girl scout troop on career day:

Makes me worry about them like my own daughters and nieces. Very humbling to see these young ladies on the front lines of the war.

Hey Juice - is that your daughter? (I know better.  Juice Jr. is a gunner!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free AKs

Culture Clash: CNN Anchorette Wants to Know Why Truck Dealer's Motto Is "God, Guns, Guts, and American Pick-Up Trucks," and Why He's Giving Away a Free AK-47 With Every Truck
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical  "Her distaste and apprehension is palpable.'

Sunday, January 03, 2010

VA Bennies

VIETNAM Veterans Military Update:
Law Expands Vietnam Veterans’ Benefits

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Clara the Cook

Great Depression Cooking

Clara Cannucciari is a 94 year-old piece of work. Her YouTube® Great Depression Cooking videos have an army of devoted followers. In Clara’s Kitchen, she gives readers words of wisdom to buck up America’s spirits, recipes to keep the wolf from the door, and tells her story of growing up during the Great Depression with a tight-knit family and a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” philosophy of living.  Full episodes here.