Showing posts with label ncs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ncs. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Recap: Baltimore Comic-Con 2022

Every weekend in October Curls Studio exhibited or attended a convention of some sort. We ended the month with Baltimore Comic-Con on October 28-30 and had a wonderful time tabling amongst the best and brightest in the Kids Love Comics section. This year's table layout was great and the show even had signage for Kids Love Comics and Artist Alley, which was beneficial to both attendees and exhibitors so everyone knew the show floor well. On Saturday I wore my Curls Utz parody shirt (Curlz) and we started the day giving Jamar Nicholas "Leon's Favorite Cake" which is German Chocolate Cake with buttercream frosting and crushed pistachios on top. We did this to celebrate his new book with Scholastic. Later in the day I attended John Gallagher's art seminar at our Kids Love Comics pavilion.
We debuted the "DC Region Cartoonists" poster featuring both National Cartoonists Society members and non-members who all live within an hour or so of Washington, DC (you can never get the timing just right with all the traffic around here). Here is a photo of me dressed as Abby Hatcher and Mark Wheatley with the poster. This is my first time officially cosplaying at a show because I thought it would be a fun surprise and so close to Halloween so why not (although if you look closely at my SPX outfit and booth display from earlier this year, you could come to the conclusion that maybe I was Lucy from Peanuts). If you would like to purchase a poster, please contact me. 

On Sunday I got to meet Jill Thompson and showed her my page in the Scary Godmother Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook. The original piece was auctioned off on Saturday at the show and the family who purchased it came by the Curls Studio table to have me personalize the back. I was happy to see so many people enjoying the book and collecting everyone's autographs. I also had a blast next to Mark and Chris Mariano and talking about their book, Loud Cow

Be on the lookout for a special episode of the Unpacking Peanuts podcast called Charles Schulz 100th Birthday party. Hosts Jimmy Gownley and Harold Buchholz interviewed me and others for the show and I look forward to listening as well as checking out their other episodes.

You can purchase the shirts I wore at Baltimore Comic-Con from my Cotton Bureau shop and there's also my online store for mostly everything else if you could not make it to the show in-person. Curls Studio would like to thank the show organizers and volunteers for hosting this event. Next year SPX and Baltimore Comic-Con are on the same weekend in early September, so we'll have to figure out how to do that because I don't want to pick between them (both are so good for different reasons). We might have to do a set-up where Joe and I will be at different shows on different days and mix it up. We will figure it all out and you'll see all the details right here on the blog and our socials.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Recap: New York Comic Con 2022

New York Comic Con happened earlier this month and Curls Studio had a fun (yet exhausting) time. I didn't get to hang away from the table too often, but I got to take a photo at the My Neighbor Totoro display (waiting to take the cat bus). I premiered the new "Pizza Slice" charm and had a signing at National Cartoonists Society booth on Thursday and Friday. Joe got an exclusive poster from Paul Pope that was his mission to obtain and he also told me he thinks he saw WWE wrestler Omos walk in the crowd, although he didn't call out to him to get a confirmation. I feel like it was probably him because if you see someone strikingly tall like that there aren't many people who have his physique and look.

We enjoyed being in the city and got to experience wonderful dining at Planet Taco (I had the three "Out Of This World" tacos -- Mars Vegetarian Chorizo, Venus, and Saturn). We ate pizza from three different joints over the course of our stay and I had my first Everything Egg Bagel (not to be confused with egg filling inside, but imagine an egg bagel with everything spices on top). 

On Friday night I walked over to Poster House for their First Friday events with free admission. The exhibits "Masked Vigilantes On Silent Motorbikes" and "Air-India’s Maharaja: Advertising Gone Rogue" were on display and I met up with a friend at the museum. We both had dice readings from Maia Lorian. Look for my Instagram (@CarolynBelefski) to be updated with a post solely about my participation at Poster House within the next few weeks. Afterwards we ate at Eataly, our most expensive meal of the trip. It was tasty, but not filling enough. I was so hungry and ended up getting a slice of pizza later on at night.

I got to play ping pong at PingPod. I visited Coney Island and it was a better experience than last year when the weather was drizzling and the town didn't look as vibrant as it could be on a nicer day. I rode Deno's Wonder Wheel for the first time! Luna Park was decorated for Halloween and they had a fog bubble machine. When popped, the grayish bubbles let out mystical fog. I learned that apparently Nathan's does not make the creamy orange shake anymore (so I'm glad to have gotten that last year).

After the show we heard that former WWE wrestler Enzo Amore was at NYCC at a table about a two minute walk away from our booth. I didn't know he was there and missed him, but it would have been great to see him. Reminds me of how last year I found out after the event that MJF, Danhausen, and Orange Cassidy were all there and I missed out on that too. But it also shows how going to all these comic cons is "work" for us and we have to be at our table and represent the books we create. Yes, we get to have a good time and it is sort of a mini vacation, but we are also there to invest in ourselves.

We hope to be back at NYCC in the future. Big thanks to Francis Bonnet, Joe Carabeo, Hannah Mount, NYCC staff, NYCC volunteers, NCS, the kind people at the hotel, and everyone who stopped by the booth.

Our next tour stop for this year is Baltimore Comic-Con (Booth K17) this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

New York Comic Con 2022

The East Coast's largest pop culture convention, New York Comic Con returns this week (October 6-9, 2022) at Javits Center located at 429 11th Avenue. Carolyn Belefski and Joe Carabeo (Curls Studio) will be at Booth #1950 all four days. The location is on show floor level 3. 

Carolyn Belefski will be signing at National Cartoonists Society Booth #3504 this Thursday 1:00 PM – 4:00PM and Friday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. 

Show Floor Hours 
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Friday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

Hope to see you soon in the Big Apple!

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Recap: Maryland STEM Festival Art Contest Kick-Off Event

Curls Studio had a fabulous time yesterday kicking off the Maryland STEAM Art Competition. We got to meet a lot of cool science people and learn more about the different fields of study and opportunities to create for young scientists. We went into the STEAM Bus from Howard County Library System, talked to representatives from the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, saw VR in front of our table, and took part in some spin art. 

One of the activity tables was doing something similar to my HijINKs! Inktober project from 2019 where you blow in a straw to move paint around on paper. It seems I have been injecting STEAM into my artwork for awhile and I believe that is the direction to head toward. If you look at many of my #CarolynsCreativeChallenge projects that started in 2020, you can see unplanned STEAM influence. Even Curls had a whole storyline where she was a Mad Scientist many years ago!

I also represent National Cartoonists Society (I'm the Washington, DC chapter chair) and handed out brochures and postcards about the organization and it's 27 Club, a young professionals program for cartoonists.

More photos will be on my Instagram (@CarolynBelefski) Feed and Stories shortly. 

Thank you to Maryland STEM Festival for having us. We hope to do more STEAM activities in the future. Our next tour stop is Small Press Expo next weekend (September 17-18) in Bethesda, Maryland.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Recap: New York Comic Con 2021

Curls Studio visited New York Comic Con last week and had a swell time. I didn't get to break away from the table too often, but I saw a drawing demo by Dan Parent (he drew Jughead and Betty) and glanced at Adam Cole and Tony Schiavone at the AEW booth. I also got to visit the NASA booth to give them Curls "I Need Space" buttons, sample some Kung Fu Tea, and admire Art Baltazar and Franco work (Tiny Titans) in Artist Alley.

I had a signing at National Cartoonists Society booth on Thursday and Friday. It was fun to be able to see some of the great cartoonists there and catch up after so long.

One crazy thing that happened actually happened at the Curls Studio table was out of nowhere I saw a man walking the aisle in front of me. He was dressed in black tones. Definitely cool and rock-and-roll casual, but nothing too shimmery. He could have been anyone, but then I said to Joe through my mask, "Is that Mikey Way?" Since everyone is wearing masks it can be hard to recognize, but I had a good feeling it was magically him. He walked by since he was on the move and right after he passed I said, "Hey, Mikey!" He stopped and turned around. Imagine someone in one of your favorite bands suddenly face-to-face with you. I told him how much his band is super influential and he mentioned how he it was nice to hear some positivity. Mikey gave us fist bumps and I got a photo with him (with my glasses foggy from wearing mask). I'm happy because I already had photos with all the other members of My Chemical Romance and the only one left to meet was Mikey. Now I have photos with all of MCR!

Of course we enjoyed being in the city as well. We ate lots of pizza in the hotel room and saw Times Square. I got to see the Vessel structure at Hudson Yards for the first time, however it was closed to go up. I also got to visit Coney Island once again and have an authentic Nathan's hot dog and creamy orange shake.

We hope to be back at NYCC in the future. Big thanks to Francis Bonnet, Sammi Messina, Joe Carabeo, NYCC staff, NYCC volunteers, NCS, and everyone who stopped by the booth.

Our next tour stop for 2021 is Baltimore Comic-Con this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

New York Comic Con 2021

New York Comic Con returns this week (October 7-10, 2021) at Javits Center located at 429 11th Avenue in NYC. New York Comic Con is the East Coast's largest pop culture convention and the only one that takes place in the comic book, publishing, media, and licensing capital of the world — Gotham City. 

Carolyn Belefski and Joe Carabeo (Curls Studio) will be at Booth #2823 all four days with Francis Bonnet (Suburban Fairy Tales). The location is near Bandai Namco on show floor level 3. 

Carolyn Belefski will be signing nearby at National Cartoonists Society Booth #2928 this Thursday and Friday 1-4PM. 

Show Floor Hours 
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Friday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM 
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

 Hope to see you soon in the city that never sleeps!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Big Thank You Search of 2020

Several cartoonists have been working out a creative way to say thank you to all the generous volunteers and workers who are helping everyone during this crisis, and they’re asking for as many cartoonists as possible to hide 6 key symbols in their cartoons today -- Sunday, June 7th.

The icons are:
1. Mask (for medical workers and caregivers)
2. Steering wheel (for people who move our deliveries, supplies, mail, etc.)
3. Shopping cart (for grocery workers)
4. Apple (for teachers)
5. Fork (for restaurants and essential businesses that have stayed open)
6. Microscope (for medical researchers)

Each of these drawings is a symbol of gratitude for these dedicated people who have risked and sacrificed during this crisis. Can you find them all in my Curls comic strip? We are also asked to put a link to a charity we’d like to support and I selected American Red Cross because of all the work we’ve done with Cartoonists Draw Blood:

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Recap: NCSFest and National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards Weekend 2019

Earlier this month I attended the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards weekend (May 17-19). This was my forth Reubens appearance -- and my first that included attending the board member meeting. I had previously been to Pittsburgh in 2013, Washington, DC in 2015, and last year's in Philadelphia (2018 recap here). The event is known as "the Oscars of Cartooning" and took place in Huntington Beach, CA this year.

Part of my duties serving on the Board of Directors for National Cartoonists Society includes gathering items for our goody bags at the Reuben Weekend and NCSFest. I worked with Evellyn and Chelsea at Passion Planner and they were able to donate planners for our bag. Thanks also to Sakura for the art supplies!

I arrived early on Wednesday, May 15 to attend to board duties and the first thing I did was visit the 90 Years of Popeye exhibit at the Huntington Beach Art Center. If you live nearby, hopefully you get a chance to see it within the next few days because it closes on June 2. Look for my "Spin-Itch" art up on the wall! I believe the art will be auctioned off after the exhibit, so stay 'tooned for that information if you'd like to own some cool original art.

After visiting the art center, I ate lunch at Wahoo's Fish Taco. I went back two days later to give them some Curls stickers, so now the Curls "Cartoonist Never Die" sticker is immortalized at Wahoo's Downtown Huntington Beach -- please take some pictures if you find it in the wild. The restaurant also gave me some cool Wahoo's stickers as an exchange.

Other early activities included going to the Children's Hospital of Orange County for the NCS "Cartooning For Kids" program on Thursday, May 16. I helped by arranging goody bags as well as sketching for the patients. The goody bags were stuffed with a sketchbook, crayons, and shirt. It is very gratifying to draw at the hospital and the children loved it. Thanks to Molly Stromoski for taking photos and to Rick Stromoski for organizing. Then later that evening we had a free two-hour live signing at the hotel with boatloads of amazing creators.

On Friday, May 17 I walked to the pier and had breakfast at Ruby's Diner, which is located at the end of the pier. I walked upstairs to check out Jan & Dean's Tiki Lounge after the meal. I attended some of the panels back at the hotel. There were four rooms with overlapping panels, so I dropped in and out of some to get the most out of it. I meet Floyd Norman, an animator who worked directly with Walt Disney. Check out "Floyd Norman: An Animated Life" documentary on Netflix if you want to learn more about him and his life. He was the first African-American animator at Disney and worked on classics like Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians, and The Sword in the Stone. That evening our dinner was provided at the hotel and they had excellent Popeye themed food complete with a spinach bar, hamburgers, and delicious waffle fries.

Saturday and Sunday was the launch of NCSFest comic arts festival. After the business meeting and chapter chair meetings, I got to set-up at a tent outside on Main Street, which was very close to the pier. It was nice to be outside and exhibit at my first west coast comics event. I often joke that I've sold comics at venues like a bowling alley, fire department, churches, outdoor marketplaces, nightclubs, etc. I've even sold them by the Atlantic Ocean (Asbury Park Convention Hall) and now I hove sold them by the Pacific Ocean (Huntington Beach)... so Curls Studio comics are COAST TO COAST! I think that's phenomenal for sure.

As part of the festivities, NCS created the opportunity to be a part of a group beach towel, which was for sale to the general public. I created Curls art for it and also used the art to create prints.

On Saturday I got to meet a creator who has inspired me since I discovered her Charm School comics in college. Elizabeth Watasin visited my booth and we chatted for quite a bit. I honestly don't know the next time I'll be back on the west coast, but we did talk about SDCC, as it is probably the best reason to be back -- although I think I'll only go if asked to be a guest in the future. It was a personal highlight of even making the journey out to California to see her as an extra bonus. I appreciate her taking the time to hang out with me at the booth -- everyone go check out her stuff!

Then Saturday was the Reuben Awards Banquet. I had a great time, despite people questioning me if I was a wife at the event. Sometimes this industry can be difficult to navigate as a woman, when people don't take you seriously as a cartoonist. I've had episodes of this even tabling at conventions where people think I'm the girlfriend or a booth babe, so it's nothing new. It just shows me that I have to work even harder and make better comics to let people know who I am and what I do.

Even after attending the black tie ceremony for the past three years, I somehow never had a red carpet photo, so I made effort to take one this year. This year's ceremony was very fun and the speeches were great. It was nice to see most of the winners in attendance instead of not being present. Those that were unable to make it had thank you videos and that was great to see instead of blank space when the winner is a no-show. Congratulations to Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine), winner of the 2018 Reuben Award for Cartoonist of the Year.

On Sunday morning I gave a Pechakucha presentation. It was my first time speaking in the format of 20 slides timed at 20 seconds each and I was a little sporadic and excited. My topic was "First Aid for Cartoonists" and I think it went over well because I had a many folks come up to me later and discussions arose from the topic. Overall, we need to take better basic care of ourselves, mostly from sitting all day. After my presentation, I went back to Main Street for the second day of NCSFest. It had rained in the morning and the crowd was lighter than Saturday. The after party was BBQ at Old Crow Smokehouse.

On Monday I had some time in Huntington Beach because my flight was later in the day, so I did a beach walk to feel the sand in my toes and ate lunch at Bear Flag Fish Co.

Although it was my biggest journey and investment to attend to in the name of comics and my career at this moment, I had a great time and hung out with talented people at both NCSFest and Reubens Weekend. I made effort to meet as many new faces as I could and that was a success to me. Having the opportunity to sell comics to the public was helpful to cut the cost of flight and hotel and it was a refreshing environment to be in outside of the typical convention space. Thank you Bill Morrison, Steve McGarry, the board, and everyone who is a participant in National Cartoonists Society for hosting wonderful programming during this year's events.

You can see more photos on my Instagram (@CarolynBelefski). I also plan on doing a day where I show my adventures via the Instagram story feature, so follow along and hopefully you will catch it because the stories only stay up for 24 hours. Hope to see you on the 'gram!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Recap: National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards Weekend 2018

Last month I attended the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards weekend (May 25-27). This was my third Reubens appearance -- and my first as a national board member. I had previously been to Pittsburgh (2013 recap here) and Washington, DC (2015 recap here). The event is known as "the Oscars of Cartooning."

On Friday I had the honor of drawing for patients and their families at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for the NCS "Cartooning For Kids" program. National Cartoonists Society Foundation also arranged several goody bags stuffed with sketchbooks, coloring books, comics, and more. We've done a few hospital appearances in the DC area too. It is very gratifying to draw at the hospital and the children loved it. Thanks to Molly Stromoski for taking photos and to Rick Stromoski for organizing. Rick said the administrators of the hospital said it was their most successful event they've ever had.

Back at the host hotel there were several panels spread on all three days and I attended all of them: Exaggerating Caricature, The Family Circus Tree, John Hambrock: Walking the Tightrope, Spotlight on Will Henry's Wallace the Brave, From Comics to Animated Series and Beyond, Women Pioneers of Cartoon Art, The Golden Age of Cartooning in Connecticut, Reinventing Rube Goldberg, Salute to MAD Magazine

The Women Pioneers of Cartoon Art panel featured Cathy Guisewite, Lynn Johnston, Barbara Dale, Sandra Bell-Lundy, and Jan Eliot -- moderated by Ann Telnaes. After the panel, all the female cartoonists in attendance gathered together to take a photo. Thanks to Amy Sancetta (retired Associated Press staff photographer) for the photo. I also enjoy the back photo showing great camaraderie.

At the Reuben Awards Banquet I had a good time with Francis, Kristen, Ali, and the gang. I should have taken photos, but I didn't take any after the awards show. Thanks to Francis for visual proof that we were there. It felt nice to be around other cartoonists and meet several new ones.

On Sunday, we had a public signing at Philadelphia Free Library called Cartoonapalooza! Flip through the gallery of images on my Instagram post above. If you aren't following me on Instagram yet, I'm @CarolynBelefski (same handle on Twitter as well).

I didn't have much time to explore the city, but I did see Love Park, many statues, and the outside of the Masonic Temple. Food wise, I enjoyed a pretzel, an alligator sausage breakfast po' boy sandwich, and cinnamon ice cream at Reading Terminal Market.

Here is Toast (from the Curls comic strip) spreading jelly joy in the city of brotherly love.

We closed out the weekend with a "Philadelphia Freedom" Farewell Party that included a quiz about cartoons and a make-your-own cheesesteak station (there were also vegetarian options). Hummm, now I wish I had that second helping of cheesesteak!

Huge thanks to NCS for inviting me in be a part of their cartooning family. Thanks to the board and Bill Morrison for leadership and their devotion to cartoons, illustration, and storytelling.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Cartoonapalooza is this Sunday in Philadelphia

Hi! I will be in Philadelphia, PA this Sunday, May 27, 2018 from 1 to 4PM for Cartoonapalooza -- a free public event hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia! Hope to see you there.

Parkway Central Library (between 19th and 20th Streets on the Parkway)
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Event description:

The cartoonists of the National Cartoonists Society are gathering in Philadelphia Memorial Day Weekend for their Reuben Awards Celebration. As part of the festivities, they are going to stage a live drawing event where you can come meet cartoonists from the Inquirer Comics pages and newspapers across America, from film & TV animation, from webcomics and graphic novels. You’ll see New Yorker cartoonists and Hollywood character designers plus editorial cartoonists, caricaturists, illustrators and more! It’s all taking place at the Free Library of Philadelphia with support of The Inquirer. There may never be such a collection of cartooning talent in Philadelphia in one room for years to come. So stop by. Watch them draw. Get a doodle. And be sure to peruse the Free Library’s comic art archives and more! Experience Cartoonapalooza! It’s going to be, ahem, a really big draw.

More details:

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Case For Pencils: National Cartoonists Society

Many members of National Cartoonists Society were recently interviewed on A Case For Pencils, a website featuring "a peek inside the pencil bags of New Yorker cartoonists." We were asked: What is your favourite thing about being a member of the National Cartoonists Society?

You can read my reply along with answers from Bill Morrison, Tom Richmond, Pat Byrnes, Maria Scrivan, Jason Chatfield, and Luke McGarry:

I don't think I've made much of an official announcement about it, but I was asked last year to be on the national board of NCS! Since the chapters and members are so spread out, I'm looking forward to meeting many cartoonists next month at our Reuben Weekend events.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Recap: MoCCA Arts Festival 2017

Curls Studio is back from New York and had a blast exhibiting at MoCCA Art Festival this past weekend! It was our first time at the show and we had a great time meeting new people and exploring the city.

On Saturday I didn't get out from behind the table to see much of the show, but on Sunday I was able to walk around and view both floors of the show. Some highlights included meeting a polish creator named Wojciech Stefaniec at the Europe Comics table and meeting Arnold Roth at the National Cartoonists Society table.

It was overwhelming to see a lot of talented creators all in one location! I was really excited to experience some interesting folding techniques and inventive pop-up books too.

Curls Studio premiered new products including the Curls Punk Rocker Sticker and Curls Loves Pizza Square Button (available for purchase at the store here). We also had our new book, French Fry Club!

We were able to explore New York City a bit and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art as an extra benefit while in the city.

Thanks to everyone we met at the show as well as the volunteers and show organizers at the Society of Illustrators.

Our next show is KidsCon this coming Saturday from Noon to 4PM at Fantom Comics in Washington, DC.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cartooning for Kids 2016

The DC Chapter of National Cartoonists Society had our first "Cartooning for Kids" event at Inova Children’s Hospital on November 15, 2016. National Cartoonists Society Foundation provided the hospital with about 50 goody bags, coloring books, crayon boxes, and comic books. After stuffing the bags, us cartoonists divided to cover three floors of the building. Each of us did different activities with the kids, such as drawing, coloring, giving cartooning tips, or playing Pictionary.

My own personal experience was very rejuvenating. I shared the room with Joe Sutliff and we concentrated on two children in particular, Benjamin and Najah. Benjamin had his much loved stuffed dog named Toby with him and when I draw Toby it caused Benjamin to light up! It was a great sight to see. Najah celebrated her 14th birthday that day, so I draw her with her birthday crown. She was very interested in learning how to create balloon/bubble lettering, so Joe and I showed her how. She also educated me on some reality shows, including her favorite, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding.

Thanks to Rick Stromoski for organizing the shipment of goody bags and thanks to NCS for this initiative. Thanks to our cartoonists Mike Jenkins, Steve Artley, Carolyn Belefski, Sean Causley, and Joe Sutliff for participating. We plan to do more of these hospital visits in 2017.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recap: New York Comic Con 2016

WOW! This year's New York Comic Con was a blast! I'm still recovering from standing and talking for pretty much nearly five days straight. We usually drive in very early to the show on Thursday morning, but this year I was asked to be a part of an event on Wednesday evening at Society of Illustrators, so we arrived a day early and brought in our booth materials on Wednesday to the Javits Center.

On Thursday afternoon I did a signing at the National Cartoonists Society booth and hung out with Ed Steckley and Ray Alma.

I was excited to meet new people and recognize new faces and stayed at the booth the majority of the time. I did not attempt to go to any panels, but was able to break away to catch glimpses of Frank Miller, Gerard Way, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Noelle Foley, Christian, Jerry Lawler, and Joey Styles. Luckily their booths were not too far away so it took little time away from the booth.

We sold out of all the copies we had of our new comic, French Fry Club! And we also sold out of all copies of The Legettes. I still have a very limited supply of the Heart Comics shirts, so if you are interested in getting a shirt, please check them out at the online store:

Overall, NYCC is a tremendous show and we hope to be back next year in our same booth #1162! Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth to say hi or who purchased our comics and merchandise. We really appreciate you all. I suspect we'll record a recap podcast soon, so be on the lookout for that audio soon here.

More NYCC photos are available for viewing on the Curls Studio Facebook page. Give us a "like" while you are there.

The next event I'm organizing is the Cartoonists Draw Blood drive with the American Red Cross on Saturday, October 29, 2016. I plan to post more details about that event soon and we hope to see you there!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Recap: Society of Illustrators – Political Spirit Animal

This past Wednesday I participated in an event called Political Spirit Animal at Society of Illustrators in NYC. The event celebrated Wacom's MobileStudio Pro, which was announced that day. MobileStudio Pro is available for purchase next month and I am excited to be one of the first to use this amazing light-weight product.

Here are the guest artists: Tom Richmond, Joe Wos, Carolyn Belefski, Luke McGarry, Jason Chatfield, Flash Rosenberg, Steve McGarry, Ed Steckley

John Fiorelli from Cut & Paste organized the event where the guest artists each drew a different political candidate and attendees were paired with us to create the candidate's spirit animal (the attendees started with our original drawing then drew new layers over it). Then each person had the opportunity to get on mic and explain their creation.

It was a fun event and I got to meet several New York artists there. I was glad to be able to see the Ralph Steadman exhibit in the gallery space (running until October 22) as the cherry on top of this event! Big thanks to NCS, Wacom, Cut & Paste, and Society of Illustrators for being so accommodating and inspiring!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Society of Illustrators – Political Spirit Animal this Wednesday in NYC

This Wednesday, October 5, 2016, I'll be participating in an event Cut&Paste and Wacom are hosting called Political Spirit Animal. With elections coming, PSA is a collaborative drawing game with participants adapting original character sketches of political figures into their matching spirit animals.

Participants are matched in pairs and given a simple sketch (e.g. Hillary, Trump, Bernie). In 30 minutes you adapt and “animalize” the sketch however you like, with guidance from one of our Guest Artists. The Pairs will use Wacom’s super-secret new-fangled Cintiq-like drawing tool (it releases that day) and your software of choice.

Guest Artists include Jason Chatfield, Luke McGarry, Steve McGarry, Tom Richmond, Flash Rosenberg, Ed Steckley, Joe Wos, and Carolyn Belefski.

The event is free and it starts at 7PM at Society of Illustrators (128 E. 63rd Street, New York, NY). You can draw or watch. Space is limited, so if you can make it please RSVP on EventBrite. Hope to see you there.

NYCC 2016 – Signing at National Cartoonists Society this Thursday

If you already have tickets to New York Comic Con, swing by this Thursday, October 6 to Booth 2058 from 4-7PM. I'll be signing for a limited time at National Cartoonists Society.

If you miss us at NCS on Thursday, you can find BOTH Curls Studio and Laughing Redhead Studio ALL FOUR DAYS (October 6-9) of New York Comic Con 2016 at Small Press, Booth 1162.

Check out the NCS Booth throughout the show, as several talented creators will be having signings.