Showing posts with label Takoma Voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Takoma Voice. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Recap and Photos: Cartoonists Draw Blood - American Red Cross Blood Drive 2016

On October 29, 2016, we had our fourth annual "Cartoonists Draw Blood" blood drive event with the American Red Cross. The event started in 2013 and has been going strong since!

Every year we've been improving how the drive is produced and Troy-Jeffery Allen stepped up to co-organize the event with me. It does help tremendously to have two people handle logistics, communicate with the American Red Cross, be in touch with the venue, wrangle artists, make sure we recruit blood donors, promote the event, set-up and handle what issues arise the day of, and more. Thank you again, Troy!

The Takoma Voice provided online coverage before the event. Here is the link:

Joe Sutliff profiled the event and interviewed participants for his comic, Let Us Seek Wonders

American Red Cross helped us with promotion this year. Here is the press release:

We had many artists who wanted to join us, so we split into AM and PM shifts. Thanks to all the cartoonists who donated their time and talents: Mike Jenkins, Carolyn Belefski, Liz Reed, Mal Jones, Bill Brown, Art Hondros, Eric Gordon, Joe Sutliff, Kerry Johnson

Thanks to Joe Carabeo for photographing the event.

Thanks to our sponsors: Cartoonists Draw Blood, American Red Cross, National Cartoonists Society, Seekers Church

I am currently working to nail down a solid date for 2017, so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open for another event next fall.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of this and saving so many lives with cartooning -- in addition to having a great time with us.

More photos can be found in the gallery at the Curls Studio Facebook page:


Monday, November 2, 2015

Recap and Photos: Cartoonists Draw Blood - American Red Cross Blood Drive 2015

Last Saturday, October 31, 2015, we had our third annual "Cartoonists Draw Blood" blood drive event with the American Red Cross. I came up with the concept in 2013 and tracked down the appropriate Red Cross people to put the event in motion, in addition to finding the venue that could handle the blood drive, be cost efficient, willing to work with us, and near a Metro station. So many prerequisites, so little time...

Each year we've been improving how the drive is produced and Troy-Jeffery Allen has stepped up to co-organize the event with me. It does help tremendously to have two people handle logistics, communicate with the American Red Cross, be in touch with the venue, wrangle artists, make sure we recruit blood donors, promote the event, set-up and handle what issues arise the day of, and more. Thank you, Troy!

Since it was Halloween on the day of the event this year, we encouraged blood donors to dress up in costume, although it was not required to give blood. Quite a few people did dress up. We had zombies, fun Halloween socks, ninjas, Mickey Mouse, Daredevil, vikings, and more.

The Takoma Voice provided online coverage before the event. Here is the link:

Capitol Communicator also broadcasted us on their Events page:

We had many artists who wanted to join us, so we split into two shifts. Thanks to all the cartoonists who donated their time and talents: Steve Artley, Carolyn Belefski, Bill Brown, Chris Flick, Eric Gordon, Art Hondros, Mal Jones, Teresa Roberts Logan, Joe Sutliff

Thanks to Joe Carabeo, who documented the event with his film and photography skills.

Thanks to our sponsors: Cartoonists Draw Blood, American Red Cross, National Cartoonists Society, Seekers Church

Thanks to Joe Carabeo for taking photos in the morning before heading to another photoshoot. More photos are here:

We exceeded expectations by going over our target goal provided by the Red Cross -- it's only Monday morning and they've proclaimed our event "a big success" and already proposed a date for 2016! Be sure to keep your eyes and ears open for another event next fall.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of this and saving so many lives with art -- in addition to having fun with us.

More photos can be found in the gallery at the Curls Studio Facebook page:


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Recap and Photos: Cartoonists Draw Blood - American Red Cross Blood Drive 2

Last Saturday, May 31, 2014, we had our second "Cartoonists Draw Blood" blood drive event with the American Red Cross. I came up with the concept a full year ago and tracked down the appropriate Red Cross people to put the event in motion, in addition to finding the venue that could handle the blood drive, be cost efficient, willing to work with us, and near a Metro station.

Everything came together last fall when we held the first blood drive - and saved the lives of up to 90 people! This year was an improvement -- although we did hit one snag that was beyond anyone's control! 

Thanks to Troy-Jeffery Allen for co-organizing the event. He really stepped up to bat. This year we were able to greet people directly near the front door, which was a better placement for our drawing tables. Since Troy was handling the sign-ins, I got to draw a lot more than last year. 

So what was the snag no one could do anything about? Troy was on top of things when the water main broke from the construction crew across the street. It happened in the afternoon and the crew said they might have water back on in an hour. We had to stop the blood drive and wait it out. During this time Steve Artley, Joe Sutliff, Mal Jones, and myself drew up a storm hanging out with Red Cross employees Kamika and Janay. We also drew for many people who were waiting to give blood and were unable to because we had the shut the whole thing down when the water never came back.

The event was still a success in my eyes. There were even walk-ins who never knew about the event until they walked by the front window. I can't think of a better way to showcase our cartooning skills and give back.

Fairfax Times helped promote the event the week before in print.

The Takoma Voice provided online coverage before the event and included interviews with many of the cartoonists as well showcasing images of our art. Here is the link:

Thanks to all the cartoonists who donated their time and talents: Steve Artley, Carolyn Belefski, Bill Brown, Eric Gordon, Mal Jones, Teresa Roberts Logan, Jay Payne, Matt Rawson, Joe Sutliff

Thanks to our sponsors: Cartoonists Draw Blood, American Red Cross, National Cartoonists Society, Seekers Church

Thanks to Joe Carabeo for taking photos in the morning before heading to another photoshoot. More photos are here:

We hope to do the event again sometime in the future. Stay 'tooned.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Recap and Photos: Cartoonists Draw Blood - American Red Cross Blood Drive

Our first-ever "Cartoonists Draw Blood" event this past Saturday, November 2, 2013 with the Washington, DC chapter of National Cartoonists Society and American Red Cross was a success. We had 40 people arrange appointments before the event. 25 donors was the goal for the Red Cross (I think they like event organizers like me to arrange more beforehand because some people don't make it out), but we came up with a total of 30 donors - 30 pints of blood! A handful of people were deferred, but we still made art for them.

I am amazed by the results. American Red Cross told me we saved the lives of up to 90 strangers just from this one day of Cartoonists Draw Blood! Having this be my first blood drive to organize, I had no idea this event could save that many lives. I thought it would be a handful, but no way would I have ever thought 90 people. Again, a huge thank you to everyone involved.

The Washington Post covered our event on-the-scene with a reporter (Bettina Lanyi) and photographer (Liz Vance). The article was published today online and I heard it is also in the District's print edition today in the Local Living section. Here is a link so you can read the full article:

Fairfax Times also helped promote the event the day before in print and online:

The Takoma Voice provided online coverage before the event and included interviews with many of the cartoonists as well showcasing images of our art. Here is the link:

Thanks to everyone who donated blood this past Saturday. A huge thanks to Seekers Church for the wonderful venue. Of course, thanks to all the cartoonists (Steve Artley, Carolyn Belefski, Bill Brown, Eric Gordon, Art Hondros, Mal Jones, Teresa Roberts Logan, Steve Loya, Jay Payne, Joe Sutliff, Jake Warrenfeltz, and JTW) for lending their time and talents to a great cause. The Red Cross already wants to do this event with us twice a year, so as I like to say: Stay 'tooned!
