Showing posts with label Dean Casanova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Casanova. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #19

Since it's #NationalComicBookDay we thought it would be a good day to announce Magic Bullet, a large format comics anthology newspaper based out of the Washington, DC area, published our latest Black Magic Tales story in issue #19, written by Joe Carabeo and illustrated by Carolyn Belefski.

Our story "Saturday Night" introduces us to "The Baseball Bats," a high school girl gang, and continues the adventures of world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova (plus their cat, Black Magic).

Be on the lookout for your free copy! Common places to find this publication include comic book stores, tattoo parlors, record shops, and hip restaurants.

Did you know? Curls Studio has been printed in every edition of Magic Bullet (#1-19 so far).

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #18

Magic Bullet, a large format comics anthology newspaper based out of the Washington, DC area, has published our latest Black Magic Tales story in issue #18, written by Joe Carabeo and illustrated by Carolyn Belefski.

In Magic Bullet #18, which was just released, we follow the desires of "Big Shot" as he attempts to hunt down the treasured The Jade Dragon sculpture. We are also introduced to "The Twins" and other villains and thieves from our universe. The print run for this issue was 3,000.

Be on the lookout for your free copy! Common places to find this publication include comic book stores, tattoo parlors, record shops, and hip restaurants.

Did you know? Curls Studio has been printed in every edition of Magic Bullet (#1-18 so far).

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #17

A few months ago Magic Bullet, a large format comics anthology newspaper based out of the Washington, DC area, published our latest Black Magic Tales story in issue #17. Many people were able to pick up this edition at Small Press Expo earlier this year. 

Our story "Help Roxy Plan A Heist" captures the adventures world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova (and their cat, Black Magic). We took a different approach to the comic this time around and made a maze puzzle with many traps such as “Drowning In Self Doubt” and “Lost Sight and Focus” as the readers travel through Roxy’s brain. Once the puzzle is solved, readers are encouraged to email a photo of the completed page to us to receive a small prize reward. 

Did you know? Curls Studio has been printed in every edition of Magic Bullet (#1-17 so far).

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #15 and #16

Catching up on a bit of old news -- hopefully it may be actual news to someone reading this blog! Magic Bullet, a comics anthology newspaper based out of the Washington, DC area has published our Black Magic Tales stories. Magic Bullet #15 came out in the fall of 2017. Our story "Vacation" captures the adventures world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova (and their cat, Black Magic).

The latest issue of Magic Bullet #16 premiered in February 2018. Our story "Award Season" was inspired by the #MeToo movement and Harvey Weinstein allegations. Both stories were written by Joe Carabeo and illustrated by Carolyn Belefski. Be on the lookout for your free copy! Common places to find this publication include comic book stores, tattoo parlors, record shops, and hip restaurants.

Did you know? Black Magic Tales has been published in every addition of Magic Bullet. The publication started with a print run of 500 in August of 2010. The print run for issue #16 was 4,000.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #13 and #14

A bit of catching up to do in the blog as it seems I've neglected to mention that a Black Magic Tales story called "Suggestion Box" was published in Magic Bullet #13 back in August of last year. The issue was released in preparation for the Small Press Expo and distributed all around the Washington, DC region.

The latest issue of Magic Bullet #14 premiered in time for the Trump Inauguration and Women's March this past weekend. Our story "We Did It!" captures the adventures world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova. Both stories were written by Joe Carabeo and illustrated by Carolyn Belefski. Be on the lookout for your free copy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #12

The latest issue of Washington, DC's Magic Bullet comics newspaper hit the streets a few weeks ago. Look for your free copy at many bookstores, restaurants, shops, and other establishments in and around the Washington, DC area.

In this issue, Joe Carabeo and I tell the tale of world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova, along with reporter Sallie Ginger, in "Black Magic Tales: Breaking News." 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #11

The latest issue of Washington, DC's Magic Bullet comics newspaper hit the streets earlier this year. Look for your free copy at many bookstores, restaurants, shops, and other establishments in and around the Washington, DC area.

In this issue, Joe Carabeo and I tell the tale of world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova in "Black Magic Tales: Cashing Out." 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Black Magic Tales published in Magic Bullet #10

The latest issue of Washington, DC's Magic Bullet comics newspaper has hit the streets. Look for your free copy at many bookstores, restaurants, shops, and other establishments in and around the Washington, DC area.

In this issue, Joe Carabeo and I tell the tale of two teenagers inspired by world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova to form a band. At the end of the story there is a QR code you can scan using a QR code reader app. By scanning the code, it will lead you to the song the characters in our comic perform at the end of the story. 

If you can't wait to listen to the song, here is Mickie & Mallory performing "I'm Done." I should also mention I designed the Mickie & Mallory logo earlier this year! Mickie & Mallory were formed in late 2014 and have performed around northern Virginia and New York City. I hope you can catch one of their live shows soon!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Black Magic Tales "A New Home"

Here is the full one page Black Magic Tales comic Curls Studio did for Magic Bullet #8. Magic Bullet is Washington, DC's comics newspaper anthology. I feel like it's safe to release the page once the newspaper has been out for at least three months (in the case of this, it's been available in print form since February). We've been in every issue so far. On top of that, I've been editor starting with issue #6, so there's a lot of behind-the-scenes action that goes on with preparing a publication. Maybe in the future I'll do a post about what it's like to produce and work with over 50 people and manage the editorial team to create each issue, but for now enjoy the story! 

If you are interested in submitting your one page story to the next Magic Bullet, here's all the information:

The deadline for advertising and comic submissions is July 1. The theme for Magic Bullet #9 is Western. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Black Magic Tales in Magic Bullet #8

Can you believe an episode of Black Magic Tales has been in every issue of Magic Bullet so far? If you haven't heard of Magic Bullet, it's Washington, DC's comics anthology newspaper and you can grab a free copy while they last at many fine establishments.

In Magic Bullet #8 Joe Carabeo and Carolyn Belefski continue the tale of world famous criminals Roxy Monroe and Dean Casanova, along with their cat Black Magic. This is a comic page not to be missed for all animal lovers, as you can see in the preview photograph above.

We printed 5,000. Be sure to pick up your copy today. Here are some locations I know for sure have bundles of Magic Bullet #8:

Bean Bar (Leesburg, VA), Market Street Coffee (Purcellville, VA), LoCo Joe's (Purcellville, VA), Hypnocoffee (Shepherdstown, WV), Blue Moon Cafe (Shepherdstown, WV), Books and Other Found Things (Leesburg, VA), King Street Coffee (Leesburg, VA), Velocity Comics (Richmond,VA), Richmond Books (Richmond,VA), Chop Suey Books (Richmond,VA), Plan 9 Records (Richmond,VA), Off-Rhode Studio Gallery/Art Enables (Washington, DC), Game On Comics (Vienna, VA), Big Planet Comics on U Street (Washington, DC), Big Planet Comics (Vienna, VA), Record Exchange (Fairfax, VA), Laughing Ogre Comics (Fairfax, VA), CD Cellar (Falls Church, VA), Action Music (Falls Church, VA), Politics & Prose Modern Times Coffeehouse (Washington, DC), Saxby's Coffee (Fairfax, VA), Blind Dog Cafe (Washington, DC), Capitol Hill Books (Washington, DC), Kafe Bohem (Washington, DC), Miss Pixie's (Washington, DC), Peregrine Espresso (Washington, DC), Port City Java (Washington, DC), Pound (Washington, DC), Som Records (Washington, DC), Hole in the Wall Books (Falls Church, VA), Fantom Comics (Washington, DC), Museum of Unnatural History (Washington, DC), Space Bar (Falls Church, VA)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Magic Bullet #1 Digital Download

The long out-of-print and impossible to find first issue of Magic Bullet #1 is now available for all your tablet devices via Graphicly:

I believe this issue only had a newspaper print run of 500, so it is great to see it alive and still exist in the digital world. The story Joe Carabeo and I have in this premier issue is Black Magic Tales: Reunion. It involves our pals Black Magic, Roxy Monroe, Dean Casanova, and Debbie Dodds as they attend their high school reunion.

The digital download is only $0.99. Please check it out!

The inaugural issue of MAGIC BULLET, featuring comics from Matt Dembicki (XOC, TRICKSTER), Carolyn Belefski (CURLS), Rafer Roberts (PLASTIC FARM, FUBAR 2), and many more. Cover by the amazing Scott White.

RATING: T (Teen)
RELEASED: August 15, 2010

Monday, December 12, 2011

Curls Studio Holiday Giveaway Contest

Ho! Ho! Ho! In honor of the holiday season and to celebrate our story, Black Magic Tales: How Roxy and Dean Stole Christmas, Curls Studio is giving away one copy of Indie Comics Magazine #4 to two lucky winners. Two people will win!

HOW TO ENTER (Do All Three Steps to Enter, Please)
1.) Like Curls Studio on Facebook (
2.) Follow me on Twitter (!/carolynbelefski)
3.) Tweet the following message: "Win a Indie Comics Magazine Christmas comic book featuring Black Magic Tales from Curls Studio #christmascrime"

Contest starts now (Monday, December 12, 2011 at 10PM EST) and ends Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 10 AM EST. Winners will be announced on Saturday, December 17, 2011.

Ask your local comic shop to order Indie Comics Magazine #4. Good Luck and Happy Holidays from Curls Studio!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Black Magic Tales in Indie Comics Magazine #4

Curls Studio is in a jolly mood to announce we will be in Indie Comics Magazine #4 with our story, Black Magic Tales: How Roxy and Dean Stole Christmas. The image above is a tease of the first page of our new Black Magic Tales story. For our previous BMT stories, please check the write-ups and previews here:

Be sure to ask your comic store to order this special Christmas Issue! Here is some more info on Indie Comics Magazine #4:
Knights, college freshmen, comic book geeks, an undying engine of destruction, the world's most famous criminals, jazz singers, killer clowns and more will shock, uplift and entertain in Indie Comics Magazine #4, a special holiday issue, scheduled for preorder in Diamond Comic Distributors' October 2011 Previews catalog and available ONLY through Previews, announced Publisher Gary Scott Beatty.

Starring in this issue are some indie comic heavyweights. Ignatz Award winner Rich Koslowski produced a holiday story with his fan-famous characters, The 3 Geeks. Nationally syndicated Adventures of Aaron cartoonist Aaron Warner introduces A College Girl Named Joe in her freshman year. Mad magazine's Douglas Paszkiewicz makes merry with a quirky Arsenic Lullaby.

64 pages of done-in-one stories is wrapped in a beautiful, painted cover by award winning artist Douglas Klauba. "This indie yuletide issue will make great gifts for the mature readers on your list," said Beatty, "naughty or nice."

The Curls Studio team of writer Joe Carabeo and illustrator Carolyn Belefski present How Roxy and Dean Stole Christmas. Kevin LaPorte and Amanda Rachels' macabre Clown Town characters shuffle in to share the holidays. Anthony Cacioppo explores a tense meeting between Indestructible Man and Saint Nick. Gary Scott Beatty's jazz pianist tells is nephew a Christmas story. Students of the Unusual's Terry Cronin returns with a story of knights and magic.

"We continue to be lucky landing creators with a diverse range of storytelling styles," said Beatty. "This is a real cross section of indy comic book genius! With our done-in-one stories, we help readers cut through the reviews and hype to experience these creators' raw talent."

Short biographies and contact information are included with the stories so readers can easily seek out more of the creators' work, said Beatty.

Beatty explained he always loved the holiday editions of books from the early days of comics, from horror to superhero to funny animal stories. "This time of year is so busy for everyone it's a good idea to kick back and immerse yourself in some holiday magic."

Indie Comics Magazine is 64 pages of the best story and art from today's independent comic book creators. No huge overprint, no digital version, no back issue sales, October's Previews under Aazurn Publishing is the ONLY way comic readers can get Indie Comics Magazine #4, the Christmas issue! Visit Indie Comics Magazine online at Indie Comics

Friday, February 18, 2011

garmentDISTRICT presents Light It Up

Curls Studio is participating in LIGHT IT UP hosted by garmentDISTRICT opening today, February 18 from 6-10 PM at 1005 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC.

I created two original inked illustrations in 5" x 7" frames specifically for this event. The art shows Dean Casanova and Roxy Monroe with their cat, Black Magic. They are Curls Studio's creator-owned "Black Magic Tales" comic characters. The art is also marked in red with a "Roxy and Dean" one-of-a-kind stamp.

View the gallery and boutique featuring local designers with entertainment at the neighboring LUX Lounge tonight.

Hours of Operation - Boutique, Lounge, Sewing Room
Wednesday-Friday: 5-9 PM
Saturday: 12-9 PM
Sunday: 12-6 PM
Presidents Day, Monday 2/21: 12-9 PM

garmentDISTRICT: a temporary retail and art installation will be open February 18 thru March 20, 2011.

Carolyn Belefski - Artist Statement
My comic art is exciting and fun because it revolves around the creator-owned characters Curls Studio owns. I think and focus on their personalities, movements and what makes them who they are. The art represents the story and each illustration shows the viewer the character's attitude and reactions to the world around them.

One of my top goals is an artist is to entertain and make people happy. I set out to produce a reaction from the viewer and evoke the emotive qualities of the character. Many people these days are loosing touch with the qualities of being human, so I believe it is important for a viewer to feel something and experience a story thru my art.

Carolyn Belefski - Influences
Everything I have ever seen or experienced in life goes into what I create, however cartoon animation is a major influence on my comics style. I enjoy the work and creations of Chuck Jones, Vincent van Gogh, Marc Chagall, Walt Disney, Jeff Smith, Paul Reubens, Tim Burton, Bruce Timm, Jean Shepherd and many other storytellers.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sketch Cards to benefit American Cancer Society

Here are my four sketch cards for Blue Line Art's second annual Sketch Card Auction and Gallery Show. There will be a public exhibition at Comics 2 Games, 166 Mount Zion Road in Florence, Kentucky on April 4, 2009. The auction of all the original art cards will go online starting the week before the Sketch Card Exhibition and will end that evening. All proceeds from the sale of the cards will go to the American Cancer Society.

I did one card for each of Curls Studio's properties: Curls, Kid Roxy, Black Magic Tales, and The Legettes. I like little Roxy with her magic drink. I always imagined it to be something like Hi-C Ecto Cooler! That's something I'd like to see (and taste) again. Awww... and look it's Curls supporting her boobs. Yes, let's cure cancer and save the boobies!

Click here for more information or to donate to Comics for Cures. In 2008, they raised more than $7,400!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Curls Studio on Larry King Live

The creators and cast of Curls Studio (Carolyn, Joe, Toast, Curls, Pitter Patter, Conehead, Kid Roxy, Dean Casanova, Debbie, Stephanie, Ashley, Black Magic, Applause, Santa Turtle, Roxy Monroe, Trixie, and Turtle Neck) were all on Larry King Live to promote their upcoming tour date — New York Comic Con's Artist Alley. Make plans to see all the Curls Studio characters at NYCC, which will take place April 18-20 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Look out for Hurricane Dean!

Hurricane Dean is the fourth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season.