Showing posts with label dots cupcakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dots cupcakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

California Cupcake!

I have never been to Cali. but I hope to remedy this in the near future. My friend Sarah and her husband Matt just moved out to Pasadena and I miss them a lot. However, it's given me a good excuse to find out what Pasadena has to offer in the way of cupcakes, so I know where to spend my time when I arrive for my visit! I sent Sarah and Matt on a mission to find out about Dots Cupcakes and here is Sarah's review:

"Checked out that cupcake place you sent me to. I love that you sent me on a “mission.”

Anyway, it was small and cute and a little oriental woman took Matt and my order. We asked her which ones were the best and she said the red velvet is a favorite and then some others. I got a red velvet and Matt got something like a chocolate peanut butter cup thing. They were both very good! Moist and very tasteful. I’d go back.

Also, as we were leaving several different types of people went into the store.

4 out of 5 stars. (5 if it had been your store)


So there you go, Good Cupcakes in Pasadena, spread the word. And thanks Sarah for the review!

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