Showing posts with label Thirst Quenchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thirst Quenchers. Show all posts

Copy Cat Orange Julius

Since the theme this week for A Themed Baker's Sunday was drinks, I decided to whip up something I found over at
I have a hankering for this drink all the time, but it's just not worth going to the mall and paying $5 for a small cup, so I found this recipe!

What you'll need:
6 ounces orange juice concentrate (scoop it right out of the freezer can,save the rest for later)
4 cups milk (I hear whole milk is best, but optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups ice

What you need to do:
Place all ingredients in your blender. 
  Blend until frothy.  
Serve immediately and enjoy!

Easier than pie, right???

A Themed Bakers Sunday #28

Based off of clicks, here's your winner!
Lucky Charm Cupcakes by: AKM Designs and Delights
Congrats! Grab your 'I was Featured' button on the right side here --->

Our next theme:
Have we ever done drinks?
I don't think we have!
Link up your ades, smoothies, juices, juliuses, alcoholic, nonalcoholic, etc etc etc!
That this is all based off of clicks, so please look at other peoples recipes and give a comment!


I'm in New Mexico and its already starting to get nice and warm out. Joe and I have even grilled a couple times! Well, I thought it would be nice to make a delicious, fresh drink of some sort. My husband is obsessed with Lemonade, but I always choke on it (I don't know why) so I made Limeade! I LOVE Limeade! And for some reason I don't choke on limeade. So:

What you need:
6-7 Limes, squeezed to make 1 cup
8 cups of Water (2 Quarts)
1 1/2 - 2 cups Sugar

What you need to do:
1. Squeeze the living daylights out of those limes
2. Mix in the juice with water
3. Stir in sugar

I recommend drinking this the day of making it, because it gets more and more sour the longer its in the fridge. But I suppose you can add more sugar!
You could even make a cherry limeade by adding a few artificial cherries and a little of the juice in the jar.
Lick the Bowl Good

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