Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The life o' Max in 2011

There are so many more pictures that I would love to post but I thought I would at least get these ones out. It has been a while since some of you have seen Max or have even seen pictures of him.

Just an update:

He is a big boy. Always has been. I remember at 4 months of age, many people thought that he was a year. He has always looked so much older than he is. In fact, because of that, many people think he should be excelled in a lot of areas and we always have to share a kindly reminder of his age. He has always been off the charts as far as his height is concerned, or at least very close to.

He has 8 teeth, all of which he received in about a month, at around 7 months(maybe 6, trying to remember). He is very close to walking. He has taken about 6 or so steps in between people but wants to constantly be on his feet.

Maxwell sings all the time. It is definitely one of his favorite things to do. He loves his daddy but he LOVES his Mommy. A lot of times, instead of wanting to play with his toys, he wants his Mommy to hold him...or at least be available to climb on , crawl on, or be on the move with.

Food, glorious food! I am sure that is what he is singing most of the time. Haha! He loves food, what can I say.

Even if you hear us call him Mad Max, he is definitely not that. He truly is a good baby, always has been. What a blessing he has been for our family.


Rick and Angie said...

He has grown sooo much!!! Heather, it really does just fly by fast!!!! {tears!!!!}