Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Hubby and Me

The other day Geoff had a banquet for his work that he invited me to go to with him. Yay for 5 years at his work! We decided that since we both rarely get dressed up at the same time, that we should probably take some pictures. So here they are!! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! I can't believe that a year has passed. It is amazing how quickly it flies. The cake is supposed to be a monster. There were some definite mishaps in making this cake. Thank goodness we decided on a monster instead of something else. I think we could at least get away with crazy mishaps from a monster cake.

I have to say, I think this is one of my favorite pictures! Love this!

That smile....!!

A job well done! He is so proud of himself! (Actually, he was still going strong eating his cake. Trust me though, he ate a ton. That kid knows how to pack it in.)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Going Private

Since I started another blog about my journey with Celiac's, I decided that it is time for me to make my family blog private. If you would like an invite, please get me your email address. Thanks!

All growing up

Christmas morning, with her Santa present(a huge dinosaur), and had recently lost a tooth.

Loves to dress-up!
She just told me that when she grows up, she wants to be a kid again so she can dress-up.

His first haircut!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

A new blog for me

I have done it! I decided to go ahead and create another blog for me about me and this disease. I feel like, at this point, I need an outlet and this is how I am going to do it. It is at

Enjoy if you want, or don't. Haha!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Celiac Disease

Wow! I was just diagnosed yesterday with Celiac Disease. I have to say, this is going to be hard. I have so many emotions running through my body right now. When I was being tested for this disease, I honestly did not think that I had it. I didn't think that my symptoms completely fell in line for this disease. Apparently, I didn't do much studying up on it. The symptoms for this can be so varied and soo completely different for people.

I missed a call from my Doctor(he is amazing by the way). His name is Dr. Doxey. I have been very impressed with him. Anyway, so the call was actually from him. It wasn't a nurse or secretary but from him. Uh Oh! That can't be good. Well, maybe good in the sense that I know what is wrong with me BUT I truly did not want this disease. I guess in the line of things, I can't pick and choose diseases, can I?

I called my Doctor back, and this time did talk to a nurse or secretary or whoever it was. Dr. Doxey wasn't available at that moment. She read his letter to me and said she would be mailing it out with a packet of info. It didn't really affect me too much at that moment. My first thoughts were "Divide and Conquer". I had decided right then to just accept it and move forward. So much easier said than done.

Geoff didn't believe it. He couldn't quite understand how I could have this disease(oh, which by the way is pretty much a gluten intolerance) especially since I wasn't getting sick every time I had gluten. There were so many questions. So I decided that I would call Dr. Doxey and make sure I talked to him. We talked for about 10-15 minutes. Can you believe that a Doctor would actually take his time and talk to me for that long?? Again, impressed. There were even times that I was ready to end the conversation and then he would think of something else and address it. It was really nice. Now, Geoff and I are in the acceptance hard as that is and will be still.

OK, now this next bit is VERY important to know!!! A lot of people do not understand Celiac Disease therefore, if they are not the one dealing with it, they may not be as supportive about it. Please, please, if you will and are close to me, please read into it and understand it. For my sake, it would mean a lot. I feel rather alone in this and have so many mixed emotions with it that I truly need the support and understanding. Please read about Cross-contamination and also try to understand why I need to be on a strict Gluten-Free diet.

Thank you, thank you! I am thinking about starting a blog for me and this disease. Basically it would be a way for me to note my frustrations and triumphs, learning and trials.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The life o' Max in 2011

There are so many more pictures that I would love to post but I thought I would at least get these ones out. It has been a while since some of you have seen Max or have even seen pictures of him.

Just an update:

He is a big boy. Always has been. I remember at 4 months of age, many people thought that he was a year. He has always looked so much older than he is. In fact, because of that, many people think he should be excelled in a lot of areas and we always have to share a kindly reminder of his age. He has always been off the charts as far as his height is concerned, or at least very close to.

He has 8 teeth, all of which he received in about a month, at around 7 months(maybe 6, trying to remember). He is very close to walking. He has taken about 6 or so steps in between people but wants to constantly be on his feet.

Maxwell sings all the time. It is definitely one of his favorite things to do. He loves his daddy but he LOVES his Mommy. A lot of times, instead of wanting to play with his toys, he wants his Mommy to hold him...or at least be available to climb on , crawl on, or be on the move with.

Food, glorious food! I am sure that is what he is singing most of the time. Haha! He loves food, what can I say.

Even if you hear us call him Mad Max, he is definitely not that. He truly is a good baby, always has been. What a blessing he has been for our family.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Ken, Barbie, Jessie, Dolly, and Big Baby! Toy Story 3

Happy Halloween!