Showing posts with label Spy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lightning Bolt (1966)

This came out in the golden age of the spy movie and was directed by Antonio Margheriti who would become more famous for horror films like Cannibal Apocalypse and Seven Deaths In The Cat's Eye under the pseudonym of Anthony M. Dawson.

This trailer has all the necessary evil genius bent on ruling the world and a narrator who actually uses the term "sexciting". Brilliant.

The electrified title card alone is worth the view.

Directed by Antonio Margheriti.

Starring Anthony Eisley and Wandisa Guida (originally billed as Wandisa Leigh).


Friday, November 30, 2007

A Man Called Dagger (1967)

Directed by Richard Rush.