Monday, July 4, 2011

Washington Trip 2011

After almost 4 years at Chad's job, he was finally able to take a vacation! We thought long and hard about the perfect vacation for our family. Chad came up with the idea of going to his aunt and uncle's ranch in Pullman, Washington, because he had such a great time going there as a kid. Everyone liked the idea so much that the trip turned into a family reunion. We had such a great time that we think it should be an annual event! Here are some favorite parts of our trip.

When you ask Emi what her favorite part of the trip was, she anwers without any hesitation. She LOVED swimming in the pool.

Dane was born to be on the farm. He went from one animal to the next the entire trip. He loved riding Dammit the horse, and the adults loved to get him to say the horse's name as often as possible!

One of Chad's favorite parts of the trip was taking a tour of the Washington State University stadium and locker room. His cousin Jody is a football coach there. Go Cougars!

Chance's favorite thing about the vacation (and there were many) was riding Dammit all by himself. He tried to act cool and not smile the entire ride.

Sears Family Reunion 2011

Most of the decendants of Orvil and Edris Sears

This is the only picture from our vacation with the entire family smiling! Wouldn't you know it took until the trip home to get it :)

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