ISSUED: 8-june-2010
Two of the country's leading crime writers are teaming up to pass their know-how on to the next wave of upcoming authors.
Edinburgh-based Tony Black and Allan Guthrie have had 10 novels published between them. Now they're getting together to present a unique workshop in the Scottish capital, called Writing Your Crime Novel - Seven Steps to Success.
Crime-writing is one of the most popular genres among readers in Britain and beyond, and it remains one of the very few growth areas in publishing. With many new writers eager to turn their hand to this area, the workshop is designed to help authors hone their skills by providing a unique insight in the creative process of planning and writing a crime novel. It covers such key areas as plot development, story structure and characterisation.
Tony says: "The potential market for crime writers is massive these days, but finding a pathway through it is more difficult than ever.
“Publishers are all looking for the next big thing - but are very specific about what they want. This course is aimed at pointing out just what it is they’re looking for, and how to go about delivering it."
Tony will host of the majority of the event, while Allan will present a section dealing with how to go about attracting the interest of a literary agent.
Tony says: "This is probably the most valuable insight you can afford a new writer as without an agent, there’s simply very little chance of being published."
Writing Your Crime Novel workshop takes place at the Royal Over-SeasClub, 100 Princes Street, Edinburgh, on Friday 16 July. For more details, go to
And Tony is due to launch the fourth Gus Dury novel, Long Time Dead, at Blackwells Bookshop, Edinburgh, on the 1st July at 6pm.