Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When In Rome....

We did it....

We live in Utah now, it was inevitable :)
We found a minivan that we both actually liked, which was a miracle in itself!
It had everything we wanted, leather seats (must with the kiddos) 2nd row captain seats, which can I say are AMAZING! The third row is so easily accessed by Ava who insist on sitting back there. DVD player that is on the ceiling! It isn't able to be kicked by anyones little feet. Sunroof for me (cause I love to be warmer than anyone else in the car, so the ac can be on in the back and I can pretend it is summertime year around Love it :)
There are so many things that I really love about this car, that I didn't think I would care about, like how easy the sliding doors are for the kids to get in and out of. We really wanted a Tahoe, but I am actually glad that we ended up with an Odyssey while the kids are little. Even if it means that I am a minivan-driving-utah-mom-that's-thirty. Life isn't as bad as it sounds :)


Ashley said...

Yea... welcome to heaven... that is a smoking hot van. Congrats!

The Olligschlager Family said...

Been rocking one for two years! They are awesome:)

Camille English said...

I converted 5 years ago and have never regretted it :) I need to see it in person soon!