When we moved in I wasn't really liking the large brick fireplace, but thought that I would wait it out and see if it really came in handy during the winter. Well It was a pain to keep clean, (who wants to vacuum bricks?!?) Not me! And It took up so much room in the living room. We had a place for the stove to go down stairs so we woke up one saturday morning and said it was DEMO time!

It came down pretty quickly :)

Then Riley had the fun job of getting inside the wall and changing the placement of the outlet so it would be behind where we were going to put the TV.

Then we used the same boards we built our fence with :) We knew there would be a large hole in the wall, so we decided this would be a cool looking way to cover it all up! So we started cutting and placing the boards till the wall was covered!

Then I "aged" the wood

Painted the walls, and put up all the stuff and this is what we got...
**The curtains are a charcoal gray linen. They look sheer and purply-blue in the pictures for some reason.**
The carpet still has a big hole in it from where the bricks were, so we have a rug covering it up until we can change out the flooring. It was a really inexpensive change, and it has made a big difference having an extra wall and all the extra dancing room for the girls! I'm so glad we did it!