Sunday, November 2, 2008

Family Picture

Well we beat the snow and got a Fall family picture outside! It was a really nice day. Ava doesn't like to look at the camera anymore, so we took like 100 pictures, and this is the best we got of her. She is still so cute though. Thanks Brigitte for taking some pictures.

She is so funny to take pictures of. I love this one above, and the one below I call her Nacho Libre pose. You know when he was wearing his fancy clothes and showing off to the nun....
Here is Riley....Perfectly Parallel.
And a handsome one I snapped of Riley.
The snow is suposed to head on in this week, so we were lucky to get them just in the nick of time!


Porter Family said...

Those are super cute pictures, linds. Um, did you photoshop Riley doing that, or does he really posess that much brute strength? Man, that's impressive. I'll let you know when the Chineese Acrobats are having tryouts.

Marilyn & Steve said...

Chineese Acrobats! They were just at Hayden Meadows last week! Shoot! I could have gotten the name of the lady in charge for you!
Well, I do love the pictures, and the Nach Libre one of Ava is DANG CUTE! Keep having fun! See you soon, but not soon enough!
Gramma Jamma

Shaun said...

These are beautiful Crebs family. You are one of our favorite families. I am flabbergasted at Riley's Perfectly Parallel Pose.

Karina & John Calderwood said...

Love them! I am so jealous! We tried to take pics last Monday, but our photographer was sick and then this weekend it RAINED. I am sad that we might end up in a lame sears studio. :( Ava is a absolute doll. And nice moves Riley!

Henderson Family said...

Cute pictures and wow that is quite talented Riley!! Ava sure looks cute. Katie Marie sure misses her friend, but she still has her baby doll named in honor of Ava.

The Olligschlager Family said...

I'm glad you guys got a good pic! You are very good looking family!

Erin said...

Apparently you have many talents beside belly dancing. Photography and eyebrow plucking. You have FABULOUS eyebrows. Is that weird to say? I can't really help it. I'm kind of a freak anyway but then I have this special obsession with eyebrows...

Oh, and I'm all about the Chinese acrobat thing. There's a group of Vietnamese acrobats down here. If you send a demo tape of what Riley can do, I think I could probably use my Asian influence to get him an interview...and an awesome all spandex costume.

Hilarie* said...

What a beautiful family!!! I really like your pictures!!!

Sokimna said...

Hey, girl! I like how the photo captured the fall background! Sweet! You guys are so fun!

Thompson Family said...

Great family pictures!! I think you have another amazing talent! I love my hair-thanks again :0)

Stephanie said...

SOOOO cute!