Saturday, November 22, 2008

Crebs' Shenanigans

Here are some funny random pictures from our lives. This first one speaks for itself I think. I was in the kitchen and Ava came in like this. I was laughing so hard. So then she thought that it was funny and kept doing it of course.

We took these next two in the Rexburg KMart! The one of the doll we thought looked like my little sister, Darbye, if she were turned into a doll, who by the way gets home from Peru in just a few weeks! How fun!
Then there is Riley as Elvis....

And I just thought this was hilariuos. Ava was on the play ground the other day and looked so cute in her big winter clothes with her favorite hat and boots....Maybe one day she will be on Project Runway as a top deisgner!?!

We hope everyone enjoys this week with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Moms!

Last night, I ventured out with some great friends, who are also fellow Twilight moms, and stood in line forever, paid 3.25 for a stinking Medium Soda, all to get horrible second row seats for the midnight showing of Twilight. Well it was well worth it. We had a blast! It was so much fun, and the best part is it made me feel so young! I felt like a teenager again. (Which is nice considering I am the big 2-7 today!!) They had two tickets hidden under the seats at the theater and I got one of them, so I won a wonderful Twilight poster! It is kinda cool, cause it has my birthday on it. But I really don't know what I am going to do with it (not exactly my decor of choice) but it was fun to win something. I woke up this morning at 6 to go to the gym, and then went to class and took a test all on at most 3 hours of sleep. My neck is kinked today, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. We had a great time. Thanks Girls!!!
Picture Above (Left to Right) Emily, Brigitte, Me, Hilarie, and Starr!
Picture Below: Me (horrible picture oh well) and my boyfriend Eddie settling in for the movie premiere!! :) We even shared an arm rest and soda!! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ava's Favorite Outfit

Lately it has been so hard to keep clothes on this girlie. She prefers a diaper and boots. She loves her boots. This morning I told her we had to get clothes on to go bye bye and she ran and got her boots on. She was like "K mom, I am ready to go now!"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Twilight is coming!!

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!I'm a Carlisle! I found out through Which Twilight Male Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

How perfect huh...I am Esme and Riley is Carlisle! We are so right for each other :) haha. It is official I have my ticket for the Midnight showing, thanks to Brigitte, which also happens to be on my birthday! Sounds like a party to me! Can't wait! 17 days until the movie comes out!! Hurray!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Family Picture

Well we beat the snow and got a Fall family picture outside! It was a really nice day. Ava doesn't like to look at the camera anymore, so we took like 100 pictures, and this is the best we got of her. She is still so cute though. Thanks Brigitte for taking some pictures.

She is so funny to take pictures of. I love this one above, and the one below I call her Nacho Libre pose. You know when he was wearing his fancy clothes and showing off to the nun....
Here is Riley....Perfectly Parallel.
And a handsome one I snapped of Riley.
The snow is suposed to head on in this week, so we were lucky to get them just in the nick of time!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Continues....

Halloween Day was full of fun. We went to the party at the library, braved WalMart and KMart to find some last minute Halloween needs, and then got to decorate the trunk and go trunk r Treating. Our friends Adam and Brigitte came with their 2 boys, Owen and Noah and Shaun and Emily came with little baby bat Lincoln. I didn't get a picture of Noah or Lincoln, but they were so cute. Here's the trunk r treaters getting ready to go! It looks like they are fighting over the candy bucket, but they are just holding hands. There is no fighting on Halloween!
Adam took Ava and Owen around to stake out the trunks.

Here is Ava with her "Elmo Purse" as she calls it...she LOVED the dum dums. She always had one in her mouth and so she wouldn't say trick r treat. We practiced so hard too!

After they got all thier candy they got in the trunk and ate too much candy! Ava took a little nibble of each kind and then throw it down and try another piece. We had a huge pile of nibbled candy by the end.

These kids loved thier candy! I had to confiskate (sp?) it from Ava. She wasn't too happy about that, but this morning she doesn't even remember all that candy she had last night....Next year she will probably want to eat it all for breakfast!