Showing posts with label lvsbeadsnthings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lvsbeadsnthings. Show all posts

Featured Artist/Jewelry Designer - Betty Hamann

Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 5:11 PM
I first met Betty in February 2009 when she wandered into my Etsy shop, CreativeSpiritToo and in her words, "just had to have some of my beads." When I checked out her shop, LvsBeadsNThings, I was initially impressed by her unique and original designs but once she created a finished design with my Mokume gane Chocolate Blue beads, I fell in love with her style and eye for design and became a definite fan! A dear friend of mine actually purchased the masterpiece below, as she also "just had to have it!"

Betty is a fifty something, single lady, living in the north country, with 4 huskies, 2 cats and fish. She loves animals of all types and anything related to them, and she also loves to craft. Her favorite mediums are making clay sculptures and custom made jewelry, especially wire wrapping, which she teaches at a local bead shop in Newport, Washington. All in all, Betty has been designing jewelry for about 20 years.

Her style is very diverse, but she leans toward southwestern, but also enjoys creating delicate and dainty pieces. She is inspired by a beautiful stone, bead, or grouping of beads and can simply "see" the masterpiece unfold in her minds eye. She has also started working with polymer clay as demonstrated in the Southwestern design shown above, and also has a wire wrapped birthstone ring design.Every artist always seems to have at least one ardent supporter and it is no different with Betty. She credits her mother as being her biggest supporter, since she has always allowed her to express herself through her art, ideas and creations. Betty tells a story of her high school days, when she enthusiastically asked her Mom if she could paint her bedroom, and she said "sure!" First she painted her room violet and then added all kinds of characters, cartoons,and scenes. She painted a Rat Fink, an old woody wagon, Wiley Coyote, the Pink Panther and several others. Her brother was so moved that he painted his walls too, with life sized motorcycles and futuristic cars. Her mother loved them and took lots of pictures, however, her stepfather about croaked and came unglued since the house was for sale at the time. What a story!

You can follow Betty and find her work at several sites, all depicting her diverse style. - SPRING FEVER SALE!!!!! BUY ONE GET ONE OF EQUAL OF LESSER VALUE FOR 20% OFF!

I am proud to have Betty as not only a purveyor of my beads, but as a friend and loyal supporter. Cheers to a very talented lady!