Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Choose Your Headline

Bitter mother takes 
anger out on children
Woman fosters
confidence in all around her

Employee makes all meetings 
utterly excruciating
Manager builds rapport and 
encourages the world to grow

Man afraid of failing 
fails to try at anything
Man tries and fails
and tries again

Look at the world 
and see only the hate
and hate the world for it
See the pain in us
but see the hope, the charity
see the world for what it can be

What would your headline be
If you could choose?

So choose. 

Don't doubt for a second that
It's your choice.
It is.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Stupids

They are everywhere
Their thick brains
Firing off
Thicker thoughts

They wander everywhere
Onto TV screens
Spouting inanity
In an inane world

They hurt everything
Killing without any reason but hate
Hating without any reason but fear
Fearing for no reason

They follow us everywhere
Pushing their nonsense on us
Expecting us to act upon
Their nonsense

Yes, we are right
They are everywhere
Zombies out to make the world their own
We are right to be afraid

Yet we are so, so wrong
For we are not more than they
We, too, are stupid in the world
We, too, rationalize our own thinking
We, too, believe that only we are right
We, too, want everyone to act as we do
Where we all go wrong is in
Thinking we know everything.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unholy War
War is never holy
Holy is the warmth of held hands
Of a blanket given in cold weather
Of shelter found in a nightmare storm

Hatred isn't holy
Holy is the understanding nod
The freedom found in other points of view
Mercy and forgiveness of both enemy and friend

Fear is never holy
Holy is the sweet embrace
The touch of love bridging across time and space
The moving of one's self beyond one's prejudices

Killing isn't holy
Holy is the body beautiful
The clean, unbruised, un-holed, uncut skin
Of peaceful people

The hate and fear we feel cannot be holy
It is the barrier that separates us from our brothers
From the enemy we refuse to understand
From the friends who would be, if we would only let go of our assumptions

These feelings we call "righteous"
Are the indignations of petty selfishness and envy
The workings of the lowest, meanest thoughts
The thickened wall that separates us from our God