
Showing posts with label silk flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silk flowers. Show all posts

Friday, July 9, 2010

Feature Friday featuring Emma Hall of Emma Hall Designs


Welcome to our regular Feature Friday on Creation|Collaboration - today we'll be talking to Emma Hall of Emma Hall Designs

Hi Emma, thanks for chatting with us today - can you introduce us to you and your company?
My name is Emma Hall and I have been running Emma Hall Designs for the past 4 years. I am 30 years old and have been married to my amazing husband for 5 years. I live in a beautiful village in a barn coversion that myself and my husband converted ourselves. I work from my studio that was my old stable – don’t worry we built another stable in the field for our horses! 

At the moment it is just myself running the business, which covers everything from Bridal Jewellery & Tiaras, Stationary & Favors to Bouquets and Buttonholes, which are all handmade. We also have many items to hire, which is the other side of the business. Choose from Ostrich Feathers, Beautiful Silk Flowers and Vases, Bay Trees, Wishing Wells, Lights and many many more items.

Where did the idea of running this as a business come from?
I initially started making jewellery as a hobby and sold to family and friends at parties. Within 4 months, I gave up my job as a full time chef, and decided to concentrate on the Bridal Jewellery. I was working out of my living room with “Brides to be” making appointments to see me on a regular basis. This quickly escalated into Stationary, Favors and Wedding Bouquets. The Table Centrepiece Hire is the newest part of the business but has quickly become very popular, along with the Candy Bar! 

What do you love most about your business?
I Love, Love, Love my job! To see a clients face light up (and sometimes there are tears of joy) when they see their design for the first time is priceless! I also love working for myself, its so fulfilling when you can actually see the difference you are making to someone’s Big Day!

What would you like to change?
I would love to have some help as the business is really busy, and although I have had lots of job offers I am finding it hard to take someone on. I have frequently been called a control freak, which makes me good at my job. If I could clone myself I would, as there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.

What is your aim for the next year?
My aim is always to beat the previous years targets and to promote the business. I would also like to increase my range of hire items to include more unique items that are simply gorgeous. I also have lots of new ideas in my head for some unique bridal jewellery and tiaras, which I simply haven’t had time to create.

Where do you ultimately see yourself?
In the future, I see myself expanding my range and, eventually getting some much needed help. I would love my husband to work with me more, as we work really well together. He usually adds at this point, “when she makes her first million, I will” He might be waiting a long time!

What are your Top 5 tips for new Business Women?
Tip 1 Make the most of every situation whether it’s good or bad
Tip 2 Treat everyone as a valued future client – manors don’t cost anything
Tip 3 Never say NO to a job just because it would make your day longer or harder
Tip 4 Definitely make the most of free adverting & repay the favour if you can
Tip 5 Remember to have fun along the way, you might be a workaholic (join the club) and work hard, but you stated the business for a reason, so enjoy it!

A few last words - How do we contact you?
I can be contacted via my website at, by email at, you can chat to me on Facebook at!/pages/Emma-Hall-Designs/241253909915?ref=ts or you can catch me on Twitter at

Thanks so much for chatting with us today Emma, your designs are so beautiful and any bride would be delighted to wear any of your products. 

Remember to check back next Friday when we'll be featuring yet another fabulous woman run business! If you would like your company featured one Friday, please drop us a line at putting the words "Feature Friday" in the subject line and we'll get back to you.