We are a HAPPY family!!!!

We are a HAPPY family!!!!


Baby, what's your name???

Ryan & I have been struggling with a name for our baby girl. Please let me know what you think. Our middle names are also up in the air. We are sticking with middle names like June, Jean, Marie, Ann, Grace, Kathryn, and Belle. We haven't assigned a specific middle name with each first name yet. Please help us!

Our sealing day pictures are here!!!!

I am finally getting around to posting our other pictures from our sealing day. I have had them for a little while I just kept forgetting. I especially like the one with my big belly showing.

My little LEADER

Ali was chosen for the month of November as an outstanding student that showed leadership. Each month the school has a characteristic theme and at the end of the month the teacher choses 2 kids that have exemplified that characteristic. Ryan took her to a special breakfast this morning where all the kids chosen were honored. They gave her this certificate and a coupon for a free meal at TGIFridays. Ali and Ryan went there for lunch, just the two of them. I am so proud of my little girl, she is amazing. I am so glad that Ryan was able to be there for her today, but I feel a little sad and leftout. Because of these silly contractions, I am missing out on things like this. Congrats Ali, Mommy loves you!

This is Ali with the other kindergartners

Ryan said this is a picture of her running from her principal. She doesn't like too much attention and wanted to be done as soon as possible.


My SUPERHERO husband

This post is dedicated to my amazing husband, Ryan. Late Thursday night I laid in bed suffering from a little bit of spoting and contractions. Not just the normal "these are annoying and uncomfortable contractions", but the "holy cow I have to practice my breathing techniques contractions." They continued for about 45 minutes when we decided to call the doc. He told me to take a warm bath and drink lots of water and if they continued then to go into the hospital. The bath helped and they slowly became less intense. We stayed up until 3:30 until we decided that we didn't need to go in and I was finally able to fall asleep. I was able to get into the doctor the next day and was put on bedrest just for the weekend.
Ryan was suppose to go on a campout for boyscouts that night. He came home from work for the whole day and did EVERYTHING for me while I rested. He has been so amazing!!!! He is doing the dishes, cleaning, cooking, and caring for the kids so I can rest. In fact, I get yelled at if he catches me out of bed. I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband. He is willing to do anything I ask him to and he does it with a smile. He has been so patient and loving to the kids, which is a lot more than I can say for myself when I take care of them lately. (Hormones, I guess.)
I just wanted to say thank you to my superhero husband who really can do everything. Right now he is at church with all 3 kids. Good luck honey, I know you can do it!!!!!! Thank you for being so wonderful and perfect, I am the luckiest pregnant wife in the world. I love you, I love you, I love you!!!!


9 months pictures of Oscar

I just got these back from JC Penney. Isn't he adorable?? I wish we would have cut his hair before we took these pictures, oh well. Enjoy.

P.S. Have you noticed my excessive blogging in the last couple of days??? Ryan is out of town until Friday and I'm trying to occupy my time until he gets home... I miss my hubby!


The mind-wandering of a 3 year old

Mommy: "Hey Charlie, we are going on field trip for your preschool tomorrow, do you know where we are going?"
Charlie: "Um, dot com?"
Mommy: "No"
Charlie: "Jesus"
Mommy: "I love you Charlie"
Charlie: "I love you Mommy" (in his sweet little voice) Don't you just love the way a 3 year thinks?
We are going to the Discovery Center, in case you were wondering.


Cute pictures at the park

We took the kids to Ali's school the other night and got these adorable pictures.

I just loved this picture of Charlie & Oscar. I like how Oscar is looking up at Charlie. Oscar loves his big brother so much!

Another haircut!!!!

Oscar got another haircut this weekend. I don't remember giving my other kids this many haircuts by 9 months old. I think he looks pretty handsome. We held him naked over the bathtub and just buzzed it. We rotated him like a hot dog. I wish we would have gotten pictures of us actually cutting it but it was just Ryan & I and our hands were full. Lookin good Osc!

This was is crazy long hair before we cut it

Mollie the scarecrow

Ali made this in her kindergarten class and named her Mollie. There will be NO crows at my house this fall. She is actually quite frightful in the dark or if you're not expecting a child-looking figure sitting on your front steps. Looks good Ali!!!