We are a HAPPY family!!!!

We are a HAPPY family!!!!


Week 3 Essay

*I am posting my papers that I am writing for my English class*

Week 3 instructions are to write a narrative essay that focuses on a single personal experience. We must give detail and description to make the reader feel as though they experienced it also.

A Hard Day
It had been a hard day. Caring for five children, three being my own, had really worn on me. I was nearing the end of a long tiring day when annoyance set in. I had just trudged my way through a crowded store with a circus in tow, to get a cheap puzzle for my husband’s scout troop meeting that evening. As I drove home, I recognized I had no real reason to be grumpy. It was a beautiful and warm afternoon in April. That is when I got a phone call that altered my life.
I was nearly home when my phone rang. It was my go-to sister. She is the one I complain to, seek advice from, and go to when things are difficult. My children were noisily playing in the back of the van and I could barely hear myself think. I screamed one last time to quiet them so my voice could be heard on the other line.
“Holy cow, I’ve had a stressful day. These kids won’t be quiet. What’s up?” I answer in one long breath.
She replied too fast in a worried voice,  “Did Mom call you?”
“No. Why?” I answered.
And then she said them, the five most heartbreaking words that are etched in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. “Dad’s dead. He killed himself.” My heart sank.
            A green light urged me to go on, but how could I? I glared out my window to see people carrying on and passing by as though the most devastating thing didn’t just happen. I was bitter and angry with them for not stopping. How dare they? Don’t they know what happened? Don’t they know my world stopped? My children immediately silenced as though knowing something monumental and life changing had just occurred. I don’t remember the rest of the drive home. I surely was not the one driving. I rolled into the driveway where my husband was pacing, awaiting my arrival. The news had already reached him and he was trying to find me. Where was I? I was in a comatose state. I was numb and couldn’t feel anything. I didn’t want to feel anything. I imagined this was the way my father felt during the difficult days of depression and polio.
My husband whisked the children into the house trying to explain the details of what just unfolded. They didn’t understand, and I was okay with that. I sat in the car and lifelessly leaned against the steering wheel, tears flowing uncontrollably. I felt empty and betrayed he was gone, yet peace and acceptance that he was finally free from pain. Indeed, it had been a hard day.

Week 2 Essay

*I am posting my papers that I am writing for my English class*

In week 2 our instructions were to write about overlooked beauty. We had to find something that many may not find beautiful and share with them why it is beautiful.

The Overlooked Beauty of a Cattail

Cattails are tall, stiff plants that can grow up to ten feet high. They grow in locations as beautiful as a quaint pond, a glorious lake or a rushing river. They can also grow in the most common lands of a marsh, a yucky swamp, drainage ditches and irrigation canals, all things I try to avoid. “It looks like a hot dog,” my son tells me. They are definitely not the most appealing plant with the most desirable location, nor do they portray an eye-catching beauty that would make one wish to make it a centerpiece for a grand celebration. Alone, they may be dull or even unattractive, but with a little grandpa love and child-like colors they have the capability to be magnificent.
When my daughter was four my dad invited her for her first trip out with Grandpa and the older kids. She had finally gotten big enough to go. It was an annual trip they took during the early parts of summer before all the cattails “popped.” While I didn’t actually attend this expedition, the stories told are priceless. While waiting for our explorers, my dad stumbled through the door soaked head to toe in pond water. He hadn’t quite yet perfected the art of “catching” a cattail. They grow in water; you’re taking a risk. Thank goodness we have yet to lose a child during such a “hunt.” Marching through the tall blades of grass and searching for the right one was the best part. Slipping in and out of a jungle of dense foliage was like the ultimate game of hide-and-seek with the world. Once the perfect cattail was chosen, Grandpa was beckoned to chop it down. With each child clutching their cherished “hot dog” in hand they would pack up and head for home. Once there, the tedious work would begin. Grandpa started out patiently teaching children how to carve or shave their cattails, but after an exasperated breath they would hand over their construction and Grandpa would finish the hard work. He usually lost most of them within the first few minutes. Next came the real fun. Pick a color, any color. Each child would lovingly color their ordinary plants with bright, vibrant colors and turn them into something extraordinary. Grandpa had to do the last part of carefully twisting the cattails in any direction creating a pattern of vigorous colors on an otherwise bland canvas. If you twisted too hard they would crumble to the ground in a puffy white mess. Grandpa had the perfect touch; the transformation was almost complete.
             Grandpa would hand over the remarkable cattails to Grandma. She would set them in a simple vase on the table and grandchildren would eagerly point out which one was theirs. This creation would sit there for weeks where many would adore them. Grandpa was proud of his centerpiece created by his artistic grandchildren. I never realized how precious that activity was until it no longer occurred. We still pick cattails every summer. We shave them and color them with the same delicate motions that Grandpa taught us. We don’t leave them on our table though. Instead, we take them to the cemetery and leave them on his headstone. With a simple act of love towards his grandchildren, my father taught a much superior lesson. Everything and everyone is beautiful. It may start off as dull and plain, but with some love, attention and time you can turn it into a thing of beauty.

                                      My daughter, Ali, with my dad for her
                               first & last cattail extravaganza with Grandpa.
                                                             Summer 2007

I received a 104% (you get extra credit if you send your paper into the writing center at BYU)

Week 1 Essay

I know I have not given this blog the attention it deserves and I hope I can make that up someday, maybe. Right now I am in school, English 106, to be exact. We are given topics each week and are required to write an essay based on that chosen topic. My Pathway teacher told us how lucky we are to be able to share these wonderful stories with our family and children some day. Just in case these ever get lost, I'd like to share them here.

In week 1 we were given the instructions to write a love letter to someTHING. I chose something near and dear to my heart. I hope you like it.

My Dearest Comfy Pants,
I think about you all the time. I can’t wait to see you after a long day in tight and uncomfortable attire. I ache to exit the tight and restricting jeans of the sunlight hours. I long to be with you both day and night, but know that it just can’t be. The world will not accept our love in public, unless we are at Walmart. But who wants a life like that? I long to be with you, to be a part of you and you be a part of me. When we come together we are one and it is magnificent.
Your soft feel and satin strings are all that I ever need. Our love is 100%, just like your polyester. I can wash you in cold water and tumble you dry. You may have been made in Cambodia, but you belong with me. I knew it the first time we met at JC Penney that cold winter day when I saw you from across the room and you immediately caught my eye. My heart skipped a beat as I rushed toward you. I was drawn to your bright color and seamless material. Sure, you may be a larger size than any of my other pants, but that’s what makes you special. When we are together that is what I really need, extra room to feel comfy. You soothe me with your delicate touch and provide me comfort and flexibility that I yearn for at the end of the day. It is almost as though you were tailor-made just for me. It was even more perfect when your tag said that enchanting word, “clearance”. I know this was meant to be.
When I am with you I feel calm and cozy, yet glamorous and wondrous at the same time. I feel as though I can truly be myself when we are together. There is no place I would rather be than with you. I may leave from time to time, but I always come back to you at the end of the day because that is where I belong. Your comfort brings me comfort. I wish we could last this way forever.

Longingly yours,

I received 104% (we get extra credit for utilizing the writing center at BYU)


A baptism kind of day

This is what we had going on last weekend, pretty special indeed.
This is the proud Momma
These are the happy grandparents


These are the silly girlies who sang beautifully "A Child's Prayer"

These are the many other families that came to support Charlie

This is a cousin who also just got baptized last month

 These are Charlie's teacher from school (1st & 2nd grade) who came to show their love & support

This is almost everyone who came to show Charlie how much we all love him and how proud we are that he chose to be baptized. (not pictured:Sister & Brother Coles, Sister Parker, Sister Marlowe, Susan, Kate, Heath & Triston)

This is the happiest family on earth.
The End


No day like a snow day

 It has come to my attention that I have not blogged in a very long time. I know, I have no excuse besides the fact that I am a busy mom with lots of kids. Wait, everyone has that excuse so maybe that won't work. Either way, here I am now. I can't promise I will keep up, but it is a start.

A few weeks ago we had a fun snow day and this is what developed because of it.

My neighbor Sara and I have decided we are pretty much the coolest moms on the block. The kids think so too.
 LOVE Oscar's face.

Super Fun day!!!!! And yes, they all slept so good that night.


this & that

my girls helping me cook
 monday morning we found this scene outside our front door
 once they had it on the ground they let our kids come for a closer look
 we canned peaches ALL day long
 this is what the kids did all day
 and this is what we got from it - 56 jars of peaches
 oscar had his first day of preschool and he got this new shirt because he loves robots

 maggie is so messy
 today we did half of our pears - 28 jars
 maggies is a bsu fan
 and super happy about it
love these guys 


first day of school

we have a tradition of getting the kids a gift on the morning of their first day.

charlie woke up to underwater flying machines
 and ali got a new t-shirt
 my big 2nd grader with mrs. bogdanoff
 4th grade for this stylish queen with mrs. roberts

 the little kids wanted to do numbers too so we decided to have them show us their age instead of grade

 crazy girl
 off to school we go
 ali is in class with her friend sytara this year
 charlie is waiting to go into his class
this morning they all piled into my room the same time my alarm was going off and then all of a sudden we had a room full of dancers so excited to go to school today. it is going to be a great year, i can tell.