Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

November 14, 2009

The Mountain Lion Attack

These pictures are from ages ago. One night in the summer we went up the canyon with Kody, Dan, Nikki, and Kristen and some other people and had a fire. After the bonfire the craziest and scariest thing happened to us. We went up to the top of this mountain and there was a meadow up there and it was so beautiful even in the dark. We laid out a blanket and all six of us laid out on it and we were hanging out for a while discussing what we would do if an animal came up and attacked us. Kody said he would sacrifice himself for us then about 5 seconds later we hear this loud hissing noise. It sounded like a mountain lion to me. I freaked out and Kody being the insane one jumped up and ran out in the grass and was looking for something. Luckily nothing happened and we never saw the animal but we all heard the noise and I still say it was a mountain lion.

July 26, 2009

Bees Game

When I got home from work a few days ago my awesome husband took me on a surprise date. He got us Cafe Rio and we went and ate in the park and then walked over to the Bees game. It was a lot of fun and we had some sweet seats. And maybe ate a bit too much cotton candy.

4th of July

For the 4th I tagged along with Greg while he was working. He work the parade in the morning then we had a family BBQ and then he had to work at Riverton Days that evening. But we still got to watch some fireworks together.

This is the Place

We went to the zoo over the 4th of July weekend. I think we were the only people there without kids. We had a lot of fun but what kind of zoo doesn't have Gorillas. And tomorrow I get to go again with 13 kids for work. YAY...

July 21, 2009

Karaoke in Leadville

We went to out in the middle of nowhere with kody and Naomi to have dinner with some southern lady and her husband. Then karaoked old country songs for a few hours with them. These people were hard core karaokers, they even met while karaoking. We had a real fun time and Greg and Kody rocked it as usual.

Look at Greg's moves he knows how to shake it like no one else.

Kody always trying to steal the spotlight, even from an old lady.

July 20, 2009

Camping up AF

We went up AF canyon with some friends a few weeks back and had a weenie roast and a lil' jam session. And we gotta have our first camp out in the mini camper.

The nastiest slimiest worm thing we found when looking for some wood.

Will, Greg's buddy from AZ

Greg's other buddy from his days in AZ

My hot hub drummin it up