Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just had to post this picture. I knew it was time to babyproof the house when Grace found the doorstop. Luckily, this novelty hasn't worn off, yet. I can get so much done while she entertains herself with this little toy. Hope it's not hazardous to her health.

Grace, like her sisters at this age, has discovered Good Night, Moon. She'll sit still (which is a rare thing) while I read it over and over. Good thing it's one of my favorites, too.


carlston said...

Annie... that Grace of yours is adorable. Oh my word is she cute. Love your messy house post. I wish I could say that I don't leave my house like this, but I do... often!!!

anderson's said...

Annie, she really is adorable! I can't wait for our little girls to get to know each other!

Anonymous said...

Annie- I am so glad you are not Primary President anymore. You can devote that time to blogging. Your messy house thing is a joke... There is no one that has a cleaner house than you. Knowing you, you took the picture and cleaned up the mess ASAP... I know you to well.

Gracie is so cute. Keep the pictures coming.

Jaeson and Traci Repscher said...

I love Gracie's little smile. It is so big! She is getting so big. Your messy house post made me laugh. I have been trying to leave things a little more often lately and spend more time playing with my children and actually enjoying them. Before we know it they will be gone and leave a hole too big to fill with anything else. If we don't spend the time with them now, we won't even have memories to fill that hole and that makes me so sad. While the mess drives me crazy, it feels good to play with my kids!

Melinda H. said...

What a cutie! I love her chubby cheeks, it makes you want to eat her up. It's funny the things that babies entertain themselves with. My babies still love the doorstop, so far it hasn't been a hazard to their health.

Cannon Fam said...

I need to get me some of those doorstops! Grace is adorable! We should get together sometime (if you want).

Beth said...

"Goodnight nobody"--that's our favorite part. Oh and saying goodnight to the mush. She is sooo cute!