Showing posts with label Japanese Patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese Patterns. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2007

Long time

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Friday, April 20, 2007 0 comments
So im still alive. Its been so busy lately seems like this whole month we have been doing something. I have made a couple things sence the beginng of the month so I minds aswell sharing. HEHE I put my sewwin machine away for my daughters bday and well just finally brought it back out yesterday. Her Birthday was on April 4th she turned the big 1 years old.
So for easter I made 4 duckies for all the lil ones in the family.

They are a larger version of the small Japanese ones I made. I used flannel to make them so they are really soft. I had such a hard time givin them away. You can tell in the photo the difference between the small felt ones - the bigger flannel ones. I want to make some more sence some of my friends want to buy some from me. I was kinda ducked out after all them though. May start making more soon.

I have also made more bags. ( trying to get ready for the Farmers Market lol ) So the first Flower Power. I really like the way this one turned out I have actually had a couple ppl wanting allready but Its still with me lol I wouldnt give it up. ITs for the sale. There is a pocket in the inside for a cell phone or wallet. It turned out great. Then there is bettle bug bag, Its a wide tote and you could fit alot on it. THEre is a large flap you cant really tell in the photo. Then the reversable bag. It goes to ways pockets in or pockets out.
Pockets out

Pockets in

They all turned out great I think, I suck at taking photos of bags so Dont mind my terrible photos.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Three different things

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Sunday, March 25, 2007 3 comments
OOO I'm getting bad I haven't wrote anything in a while lol. Any way I have three new things to show you, and on of them is very exciting well exciting for me I added my first zipper to a pouch.

but i'm going to start by showing you this cute ducky i made today so I will start from the most recent to the last lol

Well I picked up my new Japanese Plush book yesterday in the mail. MY 3rd is on its way lmao Cant wait should be here any day. Well in this on there is this cute duck pattern well i have seen this suck when I was searching for patterns on the net and i loved it and i have looked every where for this book and well it one day showed up out of no where in eBay of course from JAPAN but it only took 1 1/2 weeks to get here, so that ain't that bad. The duck just turned out to cute above is the photo i took with the book. Here is another with the ducky on the coffee table trying to get Sheldon to say its cute lol (I was bother Sheldon every step of the way i would go down and ask him if it looked cute) Right after I took the photos of this cutie My daughter and Son decided they both needed him I just finally got him back and stuck him on top of the TV next to the felt clock i made lol.

Well here's another from the Japanese book and since I don't Read Japanese I'm not to sure what it is I just thought it was really cut and i had to make it. I think its a Donkey, MY son thinks its a Bunny So does Sheldon but he also is thinking Giraffe, My one Friend says Hippo. What do you think this sweaty is? I call her Giselle lmao Since Recently I met this lady on a message board I help run that wasn't real. She pretended to be pregnant and then stole some ones babies pictures and tried to pull them off as her own. YEAH I couldn't believe it so I though Since I and my friends from this message board had no clue who she really was and what she was that her name would surely suit this little creature lol .

So last but not least I will now show off my very first zipper. I have never put a zipper in before. and this was my first try next time I will surely know what to do different though. SO with this the last pic to show off I'm outta here Im ready to go to sleep and it is only 9:00 pm here lol

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A lil' bear

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3 comments

Can't tell you who.. but this is for a lady I meet threw a great Craft board. Who is also a very Talented person.

He or she has no name I'm leaving the naming of this lil guy up to his new owner when she receives him.
Here he is he is made of Fur felt I bought at Fabric Land. The photos are all the same bear but my camera decided to be a pain and the coloring of the fur looks different in them all.
OK here he/she is

The lil guy/gal is a jointed teddy..

and a close up

I got the pattern for this darling from the Japanese book I posted about a while ago.. Also I have one more thing to finish to send and this lil' Teddie will be off to its new owner.

I also Made two more purses Yesterday but only like the one lmao ..

Here is the photo of yet another purse.. I call it the beach purse lol

But any who gotta roll need to clean been to busy making stuff that I haven't cleaned at all lol

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another day... Another Stuffie.

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Wednesday, February 21, 2007 0 comments
Well not much going on here have been really lazy lately.. HA HA when am i actually not lazy.. HAR HAR HAR

Well i made this lil pussy cat from the Japanese book i posted a couple days ago I'm not completely happy with the face but whatever I love the fabric i used.. I even made a matching Cell phone Cozy and Wallet lol..* I'll post photos of them on a later date sense the camera batteries died*

SO here is the kitty I call her Polka dot Polly the pussy cat

I also Finished Kiera's Elephant today made the scarf and finished sewing on the eye's. Again my camera is dead so ya all will have to wait to see the finished product but my profile pic is the elephant just her eyes are pinned on there.. The Elephants name is Lily.. My Daughters Middle name.

So hope fully in the next couple days I can get a pic of the elephant, my wallet I made and Cell phone Cozy.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Got my Japanese Mascot Book

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Sunday, February 18, 2007 1 comments
I'm so excited I got my Japanese mascot book yesterday in the mail.

It from the petit boutique series..ISBN4-8347-6418-4...
I just love it. I all ready had to try to make stuff out of it. I have made two little elephants of course they don't look exactly like the ones in the book but i think there adorable. The pics aren't the greatest they look way better in person.

My sister who is 14yrs old also had to try a little teddy from this book.. * keep in mind she has never made any stuffies* This was her first try.

I think she did really good. She's probley not going to be the happiest that I put it on here though lol

We also went shopping yesterday and I got some neat fabric. Some at Fabric Land and then some from walmart.. I just gotta figure out what to do with it all lmao
I open for some Ideas here is what the fabric I bought looks like.

I also Got some fabric from the very back of my grams closet lol and also open for some stuffie ides for it

But as far as that all goes not much happening. Sheldon's sledding today so Ill probley make some more little felt stuff today. that is Once I can get Kiera down for a NAP

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