I was delighted that Angie awarded me this a few days ago. The idea now is that I share seven secrets about myself. So here are seven, possibly not so secret, things about me:
1. I recently joined Twitter and am suprised by how much I'm enjoying it! If you're into that sort of thing you can follow me at: http://twitter.com/craftygreenpoet
2. Actually this one may be a secret - I've been offered an exciting new job. My current job is coming to an end at the end of March but straight after Easter I'll start a new one. I don't want to count my (organic) chickens before they're hatched so I won't say more than that until things have been finalised.
3. I have a poetry chapbook coming out soon! You can find a sneak preview of the front cover here. More details as I get them!
4. I was recently chosen as Blog of Note, which has meant a lot of new followers (hello there!) and a lot of extra spam (I'm hoping this is only temporary, otherwise I'll need to resort to comment moderation).
5. I'm no good at these kinds of lists so will stop here....
Then i need to pass on the award to seven other bloggers. There are a lot of very creative blogs out there and I’m reluctant to choose but I thought I’d highlight:
Two Creative Blogs that I’ve discovered since joining Twitter:
Nat Hall’s Nordic Blackbird – Nat shares words and photos of Shetland and makes me want to visit again that wonderful group of islands to the far north of Scotland.
Claire and her family blog at The Spider Tribe's Bardic blog – the family are dedicated nature lovers, and they share poetry, drawings and photos of their observations
Four Creative Bunny Bloggers
Diana Moll’s Qi Papers – lots of wonderful rabbit stories with lovely photos, oh and paintings too.
Glenna’s Eye of the Needle – bunnies and cross stitch!
Alice's Potentially Nervous – bunnies and lovely photos and a new bunny merchandise website to visit
Annette's Dragon House of Yuen - real live rabbits and wonderful fabric hares.
Three Other Creative Blogs
Jasmine's Natures Whispers - beautiful felt creations
Cathy's One Pink Goose – sharing her own beautiful artwork and that of so many other wonderful artists
Angie herself has a lovely blog of short poetry and photos.
Oh and thanks to Rachel for saying such nice things about this blog in her recent post here!