My bloggy pals

Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Journal loveliness ;0)

It's September, like we need reminding it's getting chilly here in NW of the UK and the nights are drawing in. One of my son's will be back off to Uni next week and so the crafting and house work will get back to normal again ;0) So are you ready to say good by to your children (no matter the age) it can be really hard but now Our Shawn is in his 2nd year and we know he is happy and settled we (hubby & I) are really looking forward to having the house to our self YES! lol

But My Journal pages this month are all about "FRIENDSHIP" I hope you can all come and play just pop along to Journal Journey's My Challenge blog for all the details. Have a wonderful weekend Love Dawn xx

Sunday, 3 June 2012

June's Journal Journey's challenge

Morning, The weather is wet, but it is a British Bank Holiday weekend what else should we expect? I thought I would add some colour to my blog with all the grey clouds over head.  I am really hoping you will come and join in to. Over on my Art journal blog it's time for the monthly challenge and this month it's all about Torn paper I do hope you will pop along to have a look and maybe even join in, it would be lovely to see you. Love Dawn xx

Friday, 1 July 2011

Journal Journey very first challenge

I had to share on this blog as well as my journal blog how excited I am to be starting my very first challenge! Yes me. I have been on a few Design Teams and so I kinda know what's expected and I have fell in love with journaling. I just wanted to get more involved and hopefully get more people to have a go who are perhaps scared or lack time and get others back into it. 

Here is a sneeky peak of the challenge ;0) I do hope you will pop along to Journal Journey's and join in the fun ;0) Don't forget to grab a button to so you don't forget to play on the 1st of each month. Love Dawn xx.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Zetti My first time

I have never done anything zetti, you will find my blog zettiless ;0) as I don't really warm to it probably because I don't understand what it is all about. I know it's quirky and black and white (sometimes) and mixed animals but I don't know WHY? and I know lots of you out there are zetti mad so can some one tell me what it is? what is it for?  or is it just odd abstract art? Any way I was asked to join in with a swap I advised I didn't really know what it was all about and they said it's a challenge dive in. Me I love a real challenge (I was so out of my comfort zone) I have made one with out knowing a whole lot about it and hope it hits the mark.

So tell me honestly is it a zetti? is it any good? After I made it I thought well I think it fit the criteria and I was kind of pleased with it. Not sure it's one of my fave art forms though lol ;0) Here's hoping I have made you smile this Monday morning, Have a great week. Love Dawn xx

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I love you blog land xxx

Hello blog land ;0) I am showing you a journal page here because this is where all my blogging began. And this is where after two years (yep it was Two yrs in Feb) I wanted to dedicate  this new journal spread to all of you and what you do for me ;0) I know it doesn't even scratch the surface. (sorry I am so frustrated I am sat here freezing hoping that two annoying fly's get the idea to stay away from me and my comp and go out the piggin window or back door PLEEEEESSSSE) Sorry Yes I love you guys and all the support you give.

Here are the photos in CU (you can click and enlarge) Go away fly' hang on I have to get a blanket! K, I'm back. (one down and one to go). Dude is in now and looking at the fly this could get messy ;0) So where was I?  Yes this is for all of you wonderful people, who have given me so much. And thank you for all your well wishes for when I have to go in Hospital next month. I have also decided to give you a little surprise gift to the ones who comment on this post (I know lots of you visit and comment and this is for all you guys who follow my little adventures) nothing major but I have reached over 250 followers now and I am really grateful for all of you. So just leave a comment and then I will announce a winner and get the stuff off to you you have until the end of the day 12am so not long Love Dawn xx

The Dude looking just yummy and I still have one very annoying fly problem aarrgh!

Give away now closed. Lucky 13 was the winner! That's Gez I need your addy hun I will be sending a sweet surprise in the post thank you for being a lovely follower ;0) and thank you all for your wonderful sweet comments Love Dawn xx

Friday, 8 April 2011

Journal pages

Good morning my lovely friends, I am so busy with my front room refurbishment, I may not be around as much as I'd like. However, I am so happy I found the best buys yesterday in a charity shop. It was so nice to go, find what you love and have the money to buy SO COOL! I have taken lots of before photos of my front room and I will take lots of after photos so you can see the transformation. I have done this once before in my bed room Here! I can tell you I was SO pleased with it as it was my first time (2009) and it's given me the confidence to do it again, so keep your eyes peeled over the next few months I may give you some little tasters of what I will be doing. I can assure you there is crafting in all of the things I do lol xx.

Now on to journalling, I am really loving journalling. There is so much to learn, but also nothing to learn. You can do your journal your way. When we see beautiful journal pages it may make us (well me any way) feel we can't do it. But it's the same for scrap booking and card making. You put you in to what you make and then the techniques and ideas will come. I have kept journal/diaries since I was a child. I often used to doodle and draw pretty boarders round the writing or stick photos or theatre tickets in so I was kinda journalling but with out knowing ( wish I still had them *sniff*). There are so many types of journals as well. Artist journal, sketch journals, idea/techniques journals calender journals, then there are visual journals. I am no expert in journalling but my currant journal is all of the above (although I have a separate book for my calender journal) until I decide what I like doing and then I may well go from there . Sometimes I love to write lots and other times a few images will convey what I want to say. I guess I am saying if you have wanted to start (like I did) but have put it off (for months/years) for one reason or another, why not start now?

Get some paper and just throw some paint or inks on there in a colour combo you like to get rid of the white space and then just go from there, some stamps may be (you don't have to draw beautiful faces to journal like some.) You may be reading through some magazines and see some interesting text or photos. Collect them to play with in your journal. I have no idea what I am going to do when I start a page some times (maybe it shows?) lol Some times I just do backgrounds and leave them. All I am saying is have a go. You have all the things you need to journal if you paper crafert already, so just start from there and see where it leads you. I am really happy I finally plucked up the courage to stop thinking how perfect it had to be and just thought," I am gonna have a go at this". I hope your day is bright and warm, (here it's glorious today) if not with the weather with the people around you (my adorable Grandson is staying for the weekend woo hoo). Now if you read all of the above you deserve a GOLD STAR! Sorry for having a mad waffle but sometimes the passion takes over ;0) Love Dawn xx

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Bird journal swap. March

 How happy am I? the lovely Cindy of Whimsical Musings has featured ME? can you believe it, no I couldn't either well I have the e-mail so ner it has to be true. Cindy is a lovely person full of spirit and love for every one so to be pointed out by here I am indeed honoured. So thank you to Cindy do pop round and have a look at this woman in action her art is darling just like her. Now, here we are again with another journal swap from the bird journal, I am really getting into these swaps now and I hope my pages are also lol this months title was 'Home sweet home' I think the bird looks pretty well at home out side doesn't it?

I took Tim holtz die cut and used shrink plastic, before shrinking I used lots of alcohol inks to intensify the colours. There is some paper piecing  in there with the hills and some painting to, so quite a lot of work in this. I am entering this in to a challenge Paint Party Friday the link is in my side bar. I really loved making the back ground though as well. just an enjoyable make altogether. and that's the point of crafting isn't it, to have fun. I thank you so much for your constant support and comments. To all the women out there have a wonderful mothers day, we are all mothers to some one in some way, it's our nature! Love Dawn xx

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Journal calender pages.

These are my journal calender pages so far. I have now almost finished them and I am up to date, I have prepared a few back grounds for up an coming months, as I don't want to get behind with these.

And here is Aprils calender pages. I have titled them April in Paris (I wish I was) but one day I will be. I have used a French map and some scrabble letters some shrink plastic a bit of paint and a few stamps, I really liked the look of this when I had finished it. And it will be easy to write on after March's glitter days ;0) I am entering this into Kathryn Wheel were each month we create a calender journal page, I am enjoying this lots and I had better get cracking with May soon. I do hope you enjoy the pages I have created so far. Love Dawn xx

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Journal double page

Who doesn't? ;0) I love cake in all forms yummy. I had saved some photos from a magazine and decided to go for it yesterday and this is what I came up with. I am really getting into the journaling, although I know I am a long way from being good at it. Saying that I like what I have created and that's what's important isn't it. I really love the colours and I wanted to create a back ground that would be light and co-ordinate with the photos. So I got some distress ink (DI) and added a couple of squirts to a 2fls oz bottle and then topped up with water, then I got some Tattered Angles GM in bubble gum oh I love this colour. and there was the back ground.

A bit of doodling and a wee bit of journaling and that was finished and I really am happy with it. (not happy with the tea pot and cup & saucer but I can't really do anything about that) I'm loving my cake stand ha ha, and cup cakes, we was in Harrogate a couple of weeks ago and we couldn't afford the Tea room at Betty's think hubby draws the line at £45 for high tea for two lol any way I made my own high tea of sorts. I hope you like my journaling efforts I hope you have a lovely day, looks like our Spring is on the turn but I really have enjoyed the last two weeks of warmth and buds on the trees blossoms blooming every where, God really does bless us so very much I really love the reminder of creation when all comes alive again in Spring. Love Dawn xx

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Journal 'what do you believe'

Over at the'Artist nest' we are journalling each month one of the journals is given inspiration by a question each month. This month it's 'What do you believe?' so this is my page. No close up though. I used a glossy magazine then I crunched it up, laid it flat and then used  (watered gesso all over it) when it was dry I put some other paints, by Dyan from AFTH. Love Dawn xx

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Bird journal swap. February

This is a swap I started in January. We started a journal on Birds and each month we swap a page with a different thing in mind. well for Feb. it had to be love, and my bird loves his freedom. We'll have 12 pages at the end of the year if we choose to participate each month. I hope to stick it out for the year. I have had two lovely swaps in return so far. 

The person who this was for has now received it and I can show it to you all. I hope you like it. Love Dawn xx

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

March Journal Calender

Yes FINALLY! it's March. So here come the light nights and warm weather (I hope) I really loved this page when I made it. The trouble is, although I used a very fine glitter paper to create the spaces for the DOTW They are going to be a night mare to draw on. I am totally proud of the whole look though ha ha.

Here's a close up so you can see the glimmer mists and the glitter. When I thought about March I thought about Spring and then I thought about the fairies so I had to include them. Dreading writing on it but hey ho I have learnt a lesson here and I wont make the same mistake again now will I? I am also linking this to The Kathryn Wheel each month we are sharing our pages. and so there is always lots of inspiration from every one who joins in. So if you would like to journal but never had a go, or you want some ideas why not pop along.

I have also started a journal of my very own. This is a sketch book I have covered it already and I intend on putting my own bits of Art in there, It's quite exciting actually ;0). Hope your week is going really well and Thank you for your comments as always, I have found some great blogs through them and I have now updated my blog list acordingly why not try a new blog? But don't forget to always say hi from me too! Love Dawn xx

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Journal 'What do you Love'?

Morning all, Gosh am I tired this morning I have not been feeling well, It's my turn for a horrid virus (cold sore throat runny nose) and I have had it over a week now. (that's what you get when you stop taking your Echinacea)! Any way on to love and it's in the air. Hubby and I went on a date last night. We went to see a film & had Mexican after ward very lovely night out. And he is the top of my Love list along with my children and of course God my lord and saviour. And although I thought about doing a page on all of them my creative mind wouldn't stretch that far with my blasted cold. And so it was my other little loves in the house (oops sorry Lola don't tell her she will be most upset) my lovely Cats.

And here's their close up! they deserve one doncha think? ha ha. I really wanted to get across the characters of them so I had a doodle on their photos. This was so funny made me laugh seeing them there in front of me like this lol I hope you can see the funny side too. Love Dawn xx

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

February Journal Page

Yes at last February. This is my calender Journal page. I hope you like it, I have finished March too but you will have to wait and see lol. I have spotted an error but it's only for my use so I will leave it (FebUary) yes missed the R doh!


Here are the pages side by side (click on to make larger) I have used lots of paint from Claudia I wanted it to have a love theme, hence the red and some Tim Holtz to make the numbers (days of the month).

It was nice to make this little cute couple aah sweet. It's always nice to show you something I have been working on too. I am also going to enter this in Simon Says stamp and show there are lots of stamps behind the days of the month ans I also used a stamp wheel on the top and bottom with some distress powder. Is any one having problems with fire fox and blogger? I have had to use google to post as it's just not letting me comment or post. Be back soon Love Dawn xx

Saturday, 22 January 2011


Hello and how are you my bloggy friends? Thank you for all the encouragement with the journaling you all made me smile. ;0)

Any way My Hubby got me a fabby gift for Christmas. It was a new camera and I love it (I'll love it more when I know how to use all the gadgets properly ha ha) Any way I hope you don't mind I thought I would share some of the photos I have been taking (Bear in mind I am only a beginner lol) and I promise some craft at the end too if you can stick with the long photo heavy post.

 Chorley/Preston Temple
 Some of the grounds at the Temple

Lola now 7 month old and getting in to lots of trouble ;0)

And now for the promised crafting.

Remember in previous posts I was talking about the small journal swap I was doing? well this is the book cover I have made with a cereal box and alot of time playing with stamps, inks and glue lol I feel a blue Peter badge is due *chuckles to self* 

As the theme was birds for the book I thought I would go bird crazy. The images are from the Graphics Fairy and came beautifully off the printer. I added some bits and bobs as you can see.
I have really tried to get the light in here. I used glimmer mists as a back ground with lots of stamps, and I had to high light the bird in places so when you look flat on it has texture and is kinda 3D if you know what I meen. I'll have more crafting to show you on Monday mean while have a great week end. Love Dawn xx

Friday, 21 January 2011

More Journaling

Hi how are you all? I have been popping on bloggs here & there but I have been crafting an awful lot too.  I find if I put the computer out of the way I get much more done. However, the hazard to that is I don't get to your beautiful blogs as much. Saying that I am covered in paint and ink and I love it ha ha.

So over a week since I blogged but I have a lovely page to show you. What colour makes you smile? this is a question I answered with PURPLE. I love it, and it always makes me smile. it's a warm colour with out being boring and I can wear it in the Summer as it's a bright colour too. saying that I don't have much in the crafting draws that are purple, but I do wear it quite a bit.

Here a couple of close ups. I am happy doing some journaling now. (I was afraid of taking the plunge for SO long) This is going to be in a swap and we will have 12 or 24 if we do two for the year. I think I'll stick to one as I have committed to a few swaps so I have to think carefully. I know I have much to learn regard Journaling but I am always a willing pupil ;0) Look forward to popping round and about to see what you have all been up to. Love Dawn xx

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Hello hello. Question, how do you eat an elephant Answer, one bite at a time. I have been blog hoping around for ages looking at Journaling but each time I saw one journal page it just overwhelmed me and confused me more. This is one of the things I have been promising my self to have a go at. And never got round to. Firstly because I was a bit scared of the whole thing and like, where do you start? And secondly, I really didn't know much about crafted journals period. I have long kept journals,  I try to write in them often. So when it comes to a crafting journal what do you do? Any way my problem is solved  I was on my pals Kathryn blog and wow so much stuff on there worth looking at. Any way she is asking people if they fancy having ago at making a calender journal one per month not a bad way to start to learn is it? I thought to my self and I have already started TWO journals, can you believe that.

The first is this calender journal. So I guess I am kind of saying if you ever fancied having a go at making a journal/page then just do it one step at a time, it may seem like a huge elephant but it's the same as every 1000 mile journey begins with one step. You can do this in any aspect in life not just crafting so what you waiting for? Now don't get me wrong this is no out of this world piece. But do you remember your 1st card, scrapbook LO, ATC or any thing you made, you thought yes I can do this. And now when I think or see photos of my 1st cards LOs etc I think oh my, I thought these were good when I started . However, they are a start and we can develop along the way together. This is why I love blog land, it really has positive uses, and I am happy you are all a part of it.

This is another journal I have started. This is for a SWAP I am doing with a very friendly group I have joined. These are the cutest size too. just 3 1/2 x 5 the 1/2 is so you can bind it in and I made such a cool little folder to put all the swaps in that I receive. (although I haven't finished decorating the folder yet) I have done my 1st page the theme will be BIRD  the bird image is from Graphic Fairy (There is also a link in the side bar)  Ther really have great images here do try to pop along. Each month we will get another word maybe egg or nest whatever, for the full 12 months and then when the swap is over you will have a minimum of 12 pages (as you can do more than one a month if you like) to put in the journal. I love things like this not too much pressure. I am so happy about finding this group of lovely talented people in it. Any way I digress sorry for the lengthy post today but I had to share my experience of Craft Journaling. Love Dawn xx


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