Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Winter Scene - Cross Stitch


For the past month and a half I've been working behind the scenes with a big project (I have been updating on instagram though), a cross stitching project. I really love cross stitching, and I always try to get some time in for it, maybe not everyday but at least a couple of days in the week. I started this project 1st of October, I was hopeing to get it finished before the last of october but it took me about 2 weeks longer. (Which with my track record isn't that much, my father got to wait for his mallard ducks for 5 years!!). The pattern is called Winter Scene and is designed by Sue Cook. I found it in The World of Cross Stitching, Issue 78 from 2003. I have done some changes, the original had some angels holding a banner and a face on the moon, but I just wanted the serene scene.