Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Whew! That was a lot of blocks! I'm still working on more, but nothing new to post today. I'm purposely posting them one block per entry, because eventually I want to make a Blurb book of all my Dear Jane blocks. I figure if I'm going to put so much time into this quilt, I should document it!

So surfing around my blog feed today, I saw something interesting on Anina's blog (who happens to be the wonderful host of the Dear Baby Jane Quilt Along). Here is my wordle cloud:

Ok, it's smaller than I expected, but I'm too lazy to make it larger. So apparently Wordle takes your most frequently used words and makes a word cloud out of it. I don't think it takes into account the entire blog, maybe the first few posts? In any case, I wasn't too surprised about "block" or "fabric" or even "freezer" and "paper", but I was surprised about "really". Then I realized that I (really really really) like to repeat the word when I'm writing...

In any case, I am late on my Common Threads block, and I found out that it was Melissa's birthday too! I am a bad quilting bee participant! But I will get it to you as soon as I can!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Goodies from Mr. Postman!!

Oh I've been so bad with posting, but I received two super exciting packages! The first is from Sara of Flanthrower. She posted some playlists and offered to make people a copy, and I took her up on her offer. Bet she wasn't expecting that! But she was so nice and sent it along with this beautiful card... Thanks Sara!
July 16, 2007
Today in the mail I received my quilt for Doll Quilt Swap 2! It's from Julie, and I love it. I really really love the pink floral fabric she used. And polka dots!
Front of doll quilt swap received from Julie
Here is the back, also super cute.
July 18, 2007
And she was nice enough to include a keychain! I'll definitely be using this...
Keychain sent with doll quilt 2
My partner also received her quilt, so I guess I'm free to post photos of it... I fell in love with one of the quilts from the current issue of American Patchwork and Quilting, and this is a baby one. I had never done bargello before, so this was an interesting experience.
Finished Doll Quilt for doll quilt swap 2
Close up of doll quilt for doll quilt swap 2
Back of doll quilt for doll quilt swap 2
Label for doll quilt swap 2
And since I'm already posting so many photos, might as well post some more, right? I finished my blocks for the SCVQA Habitat for Humanity Quilt with the Space Blanketeers... hurray!!
Finished Blocks!
I am invoking the 10 foot rule, thank you very much!
I've got to say, this was a lot of work. I need to start posting more often. But I'm leaving for a trip to Japan on Saturday, so I will try to squeeze one last post in before I leave!

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Ok, well so it's been 10 days since I've last posted, and I have no finished things to show. I went to San Diego last weekend with most of my college roommates + a few extras, and it was super super fun. Justin made this fabulous collage of us:
Flanthrower kindly tagged me to list seven random things about myself and then tag seven other people. I LOVE that she tagged me (I love these things!) but I hate tagging people. Except family members. I feel less bad about that. So I'll comply with the first half. Sorry, I'm a big fat dead end!

1. I LOVE eating with spoons. Even more than eating for sporks.

2. I was once asked if I was Indian when I was in band camp in Illinois. Thinking back, I'm not sure if they meant Native American or Asian Indian. I was also asked if I was Mongolian in high school. I'm Chinese.

3. When I was younger, I used to dream of being a grocery store check out person. To the point that I learned how to efficiently use the number pad using Mavis Beacon Typing.

4. I have been craving Spaghetti for the last month. But I am just too lazy to pick up ingredients at the grocery store.

5. I do not like deviating from the rules. I will follow sewing patterns exactly, minus skill level (reading the directions before I start, of course), and same applies to cooking. Unfortunately, experimenting by coloring out of the lines does not come naturally to me.

6. I don't like hats because they make my forehead itch.

7. I think I have 10 pairs of flip flops. I really only use 1 or 2 pairs, but I can't bear to throw the rest away. They've been so good to me!

And Kristine, you're tagged. Haha.

And here is a link to links for skirt and dresses from thimble's site (great site! This is where I first saw the pattern for the blue hat for thing 1/thing 2), some of them look fabulous. I was going to give up on skirt #3, but Dacia Ray's skirt tutorial looks so easy and fun (and perfect for what I was looking for) that I may just sneak it in tonight! We shall see....

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Joel Dewberry

Joel Dewberry
I was looking at buzzville and her travels to the Quilt Market in Salt Lake City when I noticed she posted about Joel Dewberry. I had never heard of him before, but apparently he's a new designer for Westminster Fabrics. I think I have found another line of fabrics that I'm in love with! Image above is from his site. There isn't much there right now, but I'm super excited for his line to be released!

On a side note, I changed my blog template so I can post standard medium size images straight from flickr. HURRAY!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

First post!

Well I've decided that a blog will help me keep track of my UFOs, so here goes. Hello blogging world! Here is a photo of my most recently finished object, a birthday pillow for dernie! Click photo for notes!